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JOHN 5:40
Throughout the Word of God there is a clear-cut message of redemption through the blood of Calvary's Cross. There is absolutely no salvation from sin except through the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Men may state their belief in a supreme being, in a Divinely inspired Bible, and even in an eternal heaven and burning hell, yet perish in their sins without hope and without God. For the Word of God clearly says, "without the shedding of blood, there is no remission" of sins (Hebrews 9:22).
Christ is the "way," men without Him are lost, wandering in the wilderness of sin. Christ is "the light," men without Him are in darkness. Christ is "the truth," men without Him live a lie. Christ is "the vine," men without Him are withered branches to be cast into the fire. Christ is "the rock," men without Him are carried away by the flood of judgment. Christ is "the bread" and "water of life," men without Him will hunger and thirst throughout eternity.
When these truths are so plainly written, and clearly recorded in the Word of God, and when they are faithfully preached day after day from the pulpit, the radio and the printed page, it causes us to ask questions, Why do men not come to Christ? Why do they continue to live in unrest, unhappiness and sin, when to come to Christ means rest, joy and salvation from sin? To find the answer to this question, we must go to the Scriptures.
1. SINNERS SPIRITUALLY BLIND. Men do not come to Christ because they are spiritually blind and the Gospel is hid from them. Paul says, "If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ should shine unto them." (2 Corinthians 4:3,4). A blind man will have no appreciation for the beautiful mountain scenery of the Smokies. A deaf man will have no appreciation for the glorious music of the symphony orchestra; neither will a blinded sinner who has no spiritual eyes receive and rejoice in the spiritual things of God. All mankind are in a lost and perishing condition through sin; though some will be redeemed from every tribe, tongue and nation for God hath chosen them, the Spirit hath called them, and Christ hath redeemed them, yet the rest will be lost forever, never seeing the truth for their eyes are blind, and they are given over to a reprobate mind to continue in those things that are not convenient (Romans 1:28).
The Church must not cease from its labor until it has preached the Gospel to every creature! We must give ourselves to missions, evangelism, and witnessing, thereby fulfilling the great commission of our Saviour. But, all of our tricks, methods, pleadings and begging lost men to make decisions and professions is useless unless the Spirit of God performs a Divine operation on their blinded minds, and opens their eyes to receive God's truth. It is only the Holy Spirit who can "lead men to Christ." Only the Father can "draw men to the Son." Sinners will not and cannot come to Christ of their own accord because they are blinded and "cannot" see their condition and their need of Christ. Natural men do not see that they are wicked and that "God is angry with the wicked every day" (Psalm 7:11). They cannot understand that salvation is in the blood of Christ, but rather the preaching of the cross is foolishness to them. All of these glorious truths can only be revealed by the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the Word. We must preach, yes, but we must wait upon the Spirit to convict and convert. The emphasis today is not upon the faithful preaching of all the Word of God, but it is placed upon "enlisting the unsaved," and pressing men to "accept Christ"; terms that never appear in the Word of God. Nowhere in the Bible do we find God's preachers going around begging the wicked to "decide for Christ," and "accept Jesus," but rather they condemned sin, preached the Word, held the sinners feet to the fire until, smarting under the pricks of the Spirit, they cried: "What must we do to be saved?"
The knowledge of these truths does not lead to fatalism nor to an anti-evangelistic spirit, but will lead us to properly emphasize "all" Bible doctrines and will correct our unscriptural methods so often used to enlist great numbers of unsaved Church members, who have made a decision for Christ but who have never been born of the Spirit. In the mad race for numbers and praise from men one Church in the South gave a gold watch to the person who "won the most souls to Jesus" last year! Another leading Church in another State gives the pastor a ten dollar bill every time a person joins the Church! Recently a leading southern evangelist in a morning service asked for five volunteers to walk down the Church aisle during the invitation that night to get "the ball rolling" and encourage sinners to step out for Jesus. As a result of all this unscriptural vaudeville our churches are filled with sinners who are trying to live the Christian life without Christ; who are trying to refrain from certain worldly amusements without having a hatred of them; and who are "the blind" trying to "lead the blind."
Oh, my preacher brethren, let us be fair to God. It is a sin against God and the sinner to trick and talk men into profession without faith, and decisions without regeneration. Jesus said, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him," and "all that the Father giveth me will come to me" (John 6:44,37).
2. SINNERS SPIRITUALLY DEAD. Men do not come to Christ because they are dead in trespasses and sins and must be quickened by God's Spirit. In the heart of man, there dwelleth no good thing. In the soul of man there is no spiritual life. In the mind of man there is no longing or seeking after God. Men out of Christ are dead men. They are just as dead and helpless spiritually as a corpse is helpless physically. I would as soon expect a dead man to get out of his casket, go into the kitchen and get himself a drink of water as for a sinner to rise out of his sins and go to Christ who is the water of life, without the quickening and regenerating work of the Spirit. If a man is ever saved from sin, he will first be effectually quickened by the Spirit of God. Paul in writing to the Ephesians calls their attention to the fact that they were "quickened" to life (Ephesians 2:1) by the Spirit. God does not perform this effectual work of the Spirit in the hearts of all men, but only in the hearts of whom He has purposed to save. "Salvation is of the LORD" (Jonah 2:9) from the beginning to end. He saves men on purpose, there are no accidents with God. This talk of "God has done His part, now you must do your part" completely destroys salvation by pure grace and allows it to depend on the works of man which is no more of grace, but of deeds and works. Man made his decision in Eden, he chose to disobey God and serve Satan. That decision still controls the hearts of unregenerated men. Now God is calling out His people from every nation under heaven and redeeming them through the blood of His Son. He did not tell us that the destiny of men rested upon our talking them into Church membership, but He did commission us to preach the Gospel to every creature and leave the work of regeneration in the proper hands, that of the Spirit.
Every preacher in the country has a sermon on the words of Pilate, "What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?" (Matthew 27:22). They use it to try and prove to the sinner that the salvation of his soul rests entirely in his deciding for against Jesus. But very few preachers ever are fair enough to preach on the reply Jesus made to these words of Pilate. Jesus said to Pilate, "thou couldst have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above" (John 19:10). There you have it, sinner, you are in the hands of a God who does as He pleases and He is responsible to no man for His actions. He said to Moses, "I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy" (Exodus 33:19). Charles Spurgeon, one of the greatest preachers since Paul, said "The preaching of election, the effectual call and particular redemption will either make a man so angry that he goes home, and cannot sleep for very hatred, or else they bring him down into lowliness of thought, feeling the immensity of the things which he has heard. Either way it excites and stirs him up not temporarily, but in a lasting manner. These doctrines haunt him, he kicks against the pricks, and full often the word forces a way into his soul. I know that more men have gained by being pleased by it. For being angry they have turned the truth over and over and it has burned its way into their hearts."
3. SINNERS OPPOSED TO GOD'S TERMS OF SALVATION. Men do not come to Christ because of His terms of Salvation. God's have been, are, and always will be repentance and faith. Repentance from sin and faith in the shed blood of Christ are necessary and should never be left out of our messages. Unsaved men and women love their sins and hate God's law and His righteousness. The average man would be willing to accept a salvation from the fire if he could have it and keep his sins. It is sin that has separated between you and your God. It is sin that God hates and sin that man loves. Men do not go to hell for rejecting Jesus, they go to hell to pay for their sins. We have the unscriptural statements making the rounds today, tell a sinner that it is "no longer the sin question now but the Son question," and "the only sin that will send a man to hell is rejecting Jesus." Both of these statements have not a word of truth in them. There are multiplied millions of people in hell today and millions of others going there who have never one time heard the name of Jesus Christ, much less the story of His death on the Cross. These people did go to hell for rejecting someone of whom they have never heard they went to hell and are going there by the thousands daily to pay for their sins. God sends men to hell to punish them for sin. It is still the wages of sin that is death. The Word still declares the soul that sinneth shall surely die. If the only sin that will send a man to hell is rejecting Jesus, then the heathen who has never heard is not lost and God is obligated to take him into the heaven. Let's come back to the Bible, preachers, men are not going to receive half-truths, they must have the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
John the Baptist, came crying out against sin. I pray that God will give us some men like John the Baptist, for that is the need of this generation. Men hate God, they hate His holy laws, they hate His commandments, and they love sin. They will not come to Christ because they hate his terms and will not submit to them. They will not lay down their weapons of warfare and their arms of rebellion until the Spirit of God has laid bare their hearts, stripped them of their self-righteous rags, and destroyed all their false foundations. God gives preachers today who will rout the sinners out of their refuge of lies and exalt the God of the Bible.
This is the message from heaven. It was a voice from heaven which COMMANDED JOHN TO WRITE, "Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord".
The world will take you into a lavish country club where wealth, power, and success abound. These people are laughing, singing, drinking, and merry. Nothing on this earth is beyond their reach. The best is none too good. The world will take you to a university where the scholars of the world delve deeper into the wisdom of the world; or to the Olympic games where men and women in excellent health vie for prestigious, precious medals; or to the field of battle where officers win a place in history; or to the halls of legislature; for the doctrine of men is "blessed are the living who are rich, wise, healthy, and powerful."
The voice from heaven takes you into a darkened room. There is complete silence except for the breathing of a weary pilgrim. A loving husband and grateful children stand at the foot of the bed as tears flow silently down their cheeks. In a moment, with a deep sigh, her eyes open and a smile crosses her face as she says, "I am ready to go and be with Christ which is far better; for I KNOW WHOM I have believed and am persuaded He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him FOR THIS VERY DAY." She breathes for the last time and she is gone; and the voice from heaven says, "blessed are the dead who die in the Lord that they may rest from their labors." The world may try, but they cannot write BLESSED where God has Written CURSED; and try as they might, they cannot write CURSED where God has written BLESSED! It is so sad that what the world calls rich, God calls poor; and what the world calls poor, God calls "rich in faith and heirs of His kingdom" (James 2:5).
Be strong inwardly and outwardly in the grace of our Lord. Be rooted and grounded in His gospel, have a full persuasion of the truth of it and your interest in Him! Preach it boldly and defend it bravely. But also be strong in His providence and dealings in grace with you and yours. Don't profess sovereign grace and then complain about sovereign providence. Pity parties make poor platforms for the preaching of sovereign grace. God's servants are here to "comfort," not to be comforted and coddled.
JOB 5:26-27
"Thou shalt come to thy grave IN A FULL AGE, like as a shock of corn COMETH IN IN HIS SEASON. Lo this, we have searched it, so it is; hear it, and know thou it FOR THY GOOD" (Job 5:26-27).
1. The death of the believer is INEVITABLE. "thou SHALT come to thy grave." Because of sin, death has passed upon all. All men must die and be buried, believers and unbelievers.
2. The death of the believer is ACCEPTABLE. "Thou shall COME to thy grave." this reveals a willingness to die. We choose to be absent from this body and present with the Lord. Our Lord said to the unbelievers, "This night thy soul shall be REQUIRED of thee" (demanded of thee). Not so the elect! We are not forced to leave this earth and be with Christ; we willingly come to Him in death as we came to Him in faith.
3. The death of the believer is TIMELY. "Thou shalt come to thy grave IN A FULL AGE;" that is, in the fullness of the Lord's time! Our time on this earth is determined by our Lord. "Our bounds are set, the number of our days are with Thee." No believer dies before or beyond the Lord's appointed age, which is, regardless of the length of it, OUR FULL AGE.
4. The death of the believer is WITH VICTORY AND FULLNESS OF REDEMPTION, "Like a shock of corn cometh in IN HIS SEASON." If corn is harvested before it is ripe, it would not be fit for use; and if it is left in the fields too long, it will come to nothing. Our salvation is complete in Christ. "He hath made us sufficient and ripe for glory." So when the Lord's purpose for us (on this earth and in his church) is served, the believer is ripe and ready to be plucked from this field and taken to His table for the marriage feast.
5. The death of the believer is FOR HIS GOOD. Eliphaz says, "I have searched and studied these things and THEY ARE TRUE; I exhort you to HEAR IT and know it" (take it to heart as belonging to you) and know that all that our Lord brings to pass is for our good, who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
Paul wrote in Philippians 3:10, "That I may know Him, and the power of his resurrection, and THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERINGS..."
[1]. There is a fellowship of believers who are redeemed by the sufferings of our Lord Jesus! When He suffered on the tree, we were in Him, one with Him. His sufferings and death were our sufferings and death. The world is crucified unto me and I unto the world," We are crucified, risen, and seated with Him in glory.
[2]. There is a fellowship of people who now suffer with Him! They, like Moses, esteem the reproach of Christ greater riches that the treasures, honor, and comforts of this world." Being identified with the Lord Jesus and His Gospel, they are despised, harassed, and ridiculed for believing and preaching this Gospel of free grace, which the world hates. But they count it all joy to suffer with Him, for they do and shall reign with Him. "Prisons would palaces prove if Jesus would dwell with me there."
[3]. There is a fellowship of people who suffer here on this earth for His glory and according to His Divine will and purpose in order that they may minister to His sheep in their trials. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1:3, "The God of all comfort comforts us in all our troubles and tribulations, that we may be able to comfort them which are in trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God."
So let us not murmur under the afflicting hand of our Father. His discipline and chastening are not only for our good but enable us to be part of the honored, the privileged, the blessed FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERINGS; for as the sufferings of Christ fall to our lot and are experienced by us, so His comfort also is experienced and shared by others (2 Corinthians 1:5-6). The Lord trusts His sheep to shepherds who have been proved under trial.
"What a fellowship! What a joy divine! Leaning on the everlasting arms!"
JOHN 14:6
This is one of the seven great "I AM's" of John's gospel. "I am the BREAD OF LIFE," "I am the LIGHT OF THE WORLD," "I am the DOOR," I am the GOOD SHEPHERD," "I am the RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE," "I am the TRUE VINE," and "I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE."
He is saying to His disciples that He is THE WAY to God. He does not merely show us the way by example, He is not merely a prophet to teach us the way, nor does He merely guide us in the way by strong assistance. HE IS HIMSELF THE WAY! He is the way from God to men in that all heavenly blessings come through the Son. He is the way from men to God in that He is our righteousness and our sin-offering. He enables God to be both just and the justifier of sinners who believe.
He is THE TRUTH. He is not only the true God and true man, but HE IS TRUTH ITSELF! He is the sum and substance of all the truth of the gospel, of all the promises, of all the types and shadows; and he is the true way in opposition to every false way. Pilate asked, "What is truth?" Our Lord answers that question here in John 14, "I AM THE TRUTH."
He is THE LIFE. Christ speaks of life as opposed to death -- all death and all kinds of death. He has life in Himself. He is the source and giver of life. He is the light of life, the word of life, and He came that we might have life. "He that hath the Son of God hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life" (1 John 5:12).
All religious reformers and messiahs come to live; He came to die.
All others leave monuments, and memorials; no one can find His birthplace, grave, nor one possession.
All others write diaries and memoirs; He wrote on the sand.
All others choose their followers from the rich, powerful, and influential; He chose the poor and needy.
All others praise human righteousness; He condemned it.
All others seek those who can help them; He sought those whom He could help.
All others promise success and happiness to their followers; He promised tribulation and suffering.
All others hold their disciples with fear and force; He invited his to leave Him if they would.
All others have palaces, mansions, and headquarters; He had no place to lay his head.
All others reward the most talented with recognition, titles, and honor; He said, "The LEAST shall be greatest.
All others say, "Follow me; I will show you the way;" He said, "Come to me, I AM THE WAY."
All others claim to be messengers of God; He said, "He that hath seen me hath seen God!"
All others stay dead; He arose and all of His claims, works, and promises are true because God raised Him from the dead.
"But thou, BETHLEHEM Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting" (Micah 5:2).
[1]. In BETHLEHEM Rachel gave birth to Benjamin and died. Before she died, she called the name of her infant son BENONI, "The son of sorrow." But his father, Jacob, called him BENJAMIN, "The son of the right hand." Christ was truly "the man of sorrows" and "the Son of the Father's right hand" (Genesis 35:18).
[2]. In BETHLEHEM Ruth met Boaz, her kinsman-redeemer, who redeemed her from poverty! Our Kinsman-Redeemer came to earth at Bethlehem to redeem us.
[3]. In BETHLEHEM David was born, chosen of God to be king over Israel. Our King of kings and Lord of lords is born in Bethlehem. "Unto you is born this day in the city of David, a saviour, Christ the Lord."
[4]. BETHLEHEM means "House of Bread." What a fitting name for the birthplace of "The Bread of Life." "He that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst" (John 6:35).
[5]. BETHLEHEN is "little among the thousands of Judah," Our Lord always comes to the "little ones," not to Hebron's high hills nor to Jerusalem's royal palaces, but to the little villages to be the Saviour of the poor and needy.
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11
"But I fear, least by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."
This godly jealousy in Paul was a mixture of love and fear. He loved them, deeply desired their eternal good, and feared lest they should be corrupted by these deceivers. Satan used the serpent to seduce Eve from her obedience to God (Genesis 3:1-6). He was crafty, skillful, and deceptive, as are those men who do his bidding under the guise of righteousness (vs. 13-15). Believers are complete in Christ, who, of God is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Satan's one goal is to corrupt the mind and turn the heart away from this singleness or simplicity of Christ. It matters not to him if it be law, morality, tradition, ceremony, or whatever (good or bad), just so there is a rival for Christ's pre-eminence and his sufficiency. Christ plus anything in redemption is not the gospel of God's glory and grace (Colossians 2:9-10) but is another gospel (Galatians 1:6-7). The foundation of the great Reformation was the Scriptures alone, grace alone, and Christ alone. Nothing needs to nor should be added to these (Romans 5:1-21; 2 Corinthians 5:21). In Christ believers are perfectly justified and righteous before the Father.
1 JOHN 4:1-3
"Beloved, believe not every spirit (preacher), but try the spirits (preachers) whether they be of God... every preacher WHO CONFESSES THAT JESUS CHRIST IS COME IN THE FLESH IS OF GOD." -- 1 John 4:1-3
Let all preachers and religious teachers be tried by the Word of God first (Acts 17:11; Isaiah 8:19-20). This will expose most of them, for they do not preach the Word of truth at all. Their messages are full of free will, human righteousness, life by law and works, the advocacy of Mary and saints, God's weakness and inability, sabbath keeping, rituals and holy days, infant salvation, and all manner of tradition and open error. But John lays down a special mark by which we can easily distinguish between true and false prophets. Christ Jesus is the object of true faith and the whole foundation of acceptance with God. Therefore, He is also the stone at which all heretics stumble; and His person and work will be the place where error will be most evident.
1. When the apostle says that Jesus Christ "IS COME," we conclude that He was, before He came, with the Father, co-equal, co-eternal. He is very God of very God (Isaiah 9:6).
2. By saying that He came "IN THE FLESH," he means that Christ, by putting on flesh, became a real man, of the same nature with us, that He might become our BROTHER, except that He was free from every sin and corruption (Hebrews 2:14-18; John 1:14).
3. By saying that He came, the cause of His coming must be declared; for the Father did not send Him here for nothing (Matthew 1:21; Luke 19:10; Isaiah 53:10-12; Romans 3:25-26; Galatians 4:4-5). As some heretics depart from the faith denying the divine nature of Christ, and others depart from the faith denying the human nature of Christ, so others depart from the faith denying the EFFECTUAL, SUFFICIENT, AND SUBSTITUTIONARY WORK OF CHRIST, leaving the final redemption of men's souls up to their own free will, works, or cooperative efforts (Hebrews 10:11-18).
When we truly realize that the Lord of heaven and earth CHOSE US in Christ to salvation, redeemed us by His blood, and called us by His gospel, it will have a seven-fold effect on us.
1. It will cause us to REJOICE! "O blessed is the man whom Thou choosest and causeth to approach unto Thee." Praise Him from whom all blessings flow.
2. It will promote HUMILITY! "Who maketh thee to differ?" grace and pride are incompatible, impossible to exist together. We rejoice in Christ and have no confidence in this flesh.
3. It will COMFORT us in hard trials! "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away." Even these work together for our good and His glory. When we trust Him, we don't have to understand.
4. It will SUPRESS self and sin! "We are not our own;" we are bought with so great a price. Therefore we desire to glorify our Lord in our souls and in our bodies.
5. It gives us ASSURANCE! If God foreknew us, predestinated us to be like Christ, justified us, called us by His Spirit, if Christ redeemed us, intercedes for us and is for us, who can be against us?
6. It makes DYING easier! The eternal covenant of grace in Christ was David's pillow of rest and peace when he lay dying (2 Samuel 23:1-5). He sought no other source of comfort and hope than the sovereign love of God in Christ.
7. It will assure us that our PREACHING IS NEVER IN VAIN! "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11). This cannot be applied to all preaching,
Paul wrote in Philippians 3:10, "That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERINGS..."
1. There is a fellowship of believers WHO ARE REDEEMED BY THE SUFFERINGS OF OUR LORD JESUS! When He suffered on the tree, we were in Him, one with Him. His sufferings and death were our sufferings and death. "The world is crucified unto me and I unto the world." We are crucified, risen, and seated with Him in Glory.
2. There is a fellowship of people WHO NOW SUFFER WITH HIM! They, like Moses, "esteem the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures, honor, and comforts of this world." Being identified with the Lord Jesus and His gospel, they are despised, harassed, and ridiculed for believing and preaching this gospel of free grace, which the world hates. But they count it all joy to suffer with Him, for they do and shall reign with Him. "Prisons would palaces prove if Jesus would dwell with me there."
3. There is a fellowship of people who suffer here on this earth for His glory and according to His Divine will and purpose IN ORDER THAT THEY MAY MINISTER TO HIS SHEEP in their trials. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1:3, "The God of all comfort comforts us in our troubles and tribulations, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God."
So let us not murmur under the afflicting hand of our Father. His discipline and chastening are not only for our good but enable us to be part of the honored, the privileged, the blessed FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERINGS: for as the sufferings of Christ fall to our lot and are experienced by us, so His comfort also is experienced and shared by others (2 Corinthians 1:5-6). The Lord trusts His sheep to shepherds who have been proved under trial.
"What a fellowship! What a joy divine! Leaning on the everlasting arms!"
God hath given us a "good hope through grace."
Being conceived in sin, shapen in iniquity, and brought forth from the womb speaking lies, it is the hope that I shall be born again by the Spirit of God and the Word of God and given the very life of God through faith.
Being a sinner by choice and by practice, having offended God in thought, word, and deed, it is the hope that my sins shall be forgiven by the mercy of God and blotted out by the blood of Christ.
Having no righteousness nor merit of my own (for even my righteousness are as filthy rags in His sight), it is the hope of being clothed in the beauty of holiness and the righteousness of God accomplished by the obedience and merit of Christ.
Being frail flesh and subject to temptations both within and without, from the flesh and the devil, it is the hope that by the grace of God I will continue in the faith of Christ, hold to my profession, and persevere to the end -- being able to declare with Paul, "I have kept the faith."
Being a dying man (for I shall go the way of all who have lived before; and as it is appointed unto men once to die, I shall die), it is the hope that, in Christ, I shall have part in the first resurrection and that this mortal shall put on immortality and this corruptible, incorruption.
Having a desire to be with Christ and to be like Christ, it is the hope that I shall live eternally in His presence and be perfectly conformed to His blessed image!
These eyes shall see Him in that day, The Lord that died for me; And all my rising bones shall say, Lord, Who is like to Thee? There shall I bathe my weary soul In seas of heavenly rest, And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast.
Are you happy? Yes! but I am not without times of sorrow and depression. Like any human, I weep over loved ones, friends, sickness, death, and disappointment. But I sorrow not as those who have no hope. CHRIST IS MY HOPE! He loved me, gave Himself for me, and will make ALL THESE THINGS work together for my eternal good.
Are you at rest in your soul? Yes! but I am not free from concern and conviction over my sins and my infirmities. I love Christ but not as I should or as I desire. I am satisfied with Him, His mercy, His grace, and His love; but I will never be totally satisfied until I wake with His likeness.
Do you have peace? Yes! but that peace with God, peace of conscience, and peace in any situation or condition is not based on my merit, feelings, nor religious duties. CHRIST IS MY PEACE! He said, "In ME ye have peace. In the world ye shall have trouble."
Any man or woman who claims continual, uninterrupted joy, rest, and peace in this world is either not telling the truth or has no connection with reality! True joy, rest, and peace are things we enjoy in Christ IN THE MIDST of troubles, afflictions, and infirmities.
Paul's exhortation was "rejoice in the Lord." When I am conscious of my weakness, failures, and sins, I rejoice in Christ, my righteousness. When I am concerned about food, clothing, and shelter, I rejoice in Christ, my provider. When I am sick, Christ is my healer. When I am grieved, Christ is my comfort. When I am faced with death, Christ is my life! So it is not necessary to put on a false face and deceive others. We are still human; but our peace, rest, and joy is Christ.
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on Thee."
The things that are WRITTEN and that are PREACHED by us concerning salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ are not only written and preached to encourage sinners to believe Him and come to Him that they might be saved, but the gospel is written and preached to you who believe that you may have confidence and assurance of your interest in Christ, and having come to Him, you are still coming. How is faith confirmed? How is faith increased? Even by the preaching of the gospel, by having the person and work, the righteousness and sacrifice of our Lord explained to us again and again. Eternal life is to be found nowhere but in Christ. And in order that those who are already in Christ through faith might have assurance and grow in grace and the knowledge of Him, the preacher is to magnify over and over again THE GOSPEL OF THE GLORY OF OUR BLESSED LORD!
"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy." Psalm 103:8
ISAIAH 45:22
"Look unto me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God"
I suppose when we tell men to "look to Christ" or read, "looking unto Jesus," this puzzles some people. One may say, "If Christ were in Jerusalem, I would sell out and go and look upon and listen to Him." Another may say, If Christ were on earth today, I would look to Him and sit at His feet." My friends, we talk like Nicodemus, "How can I be born again; shall I enter my mother's womb and be born again?" We are so bound to the flesh. Our saving relationship and connection with the Lord Jesus has nothing to do with our natural eyes, ears, and flesh, BUT WITH THE MIND AND HEART. To look to Christ is to hear Him in the MIND, believe and love Him in the HEART, bow and receive Him in the WILL! One does not need a college degree to look. You may not be able to read, but you can look; you may be destitute of virtue, but you can look; you may have no merit, but you can look. Looking to the Redeemer requires my PERSONAL interest and attention. Another can pray for me, but no one can look for me; I must look to Christ myself -- not to His apostles, His church, His law, His ordinances "LOOK UNTO ME," He said, "and be ye saved."
Ever since man became a sinner, he has been self-righteous. When man had a perfect righteousness before God, he did not glory in it nor cherish it; but ever since man has fallen and lost all righteousness, he has PRETENDED TO HAVE ONE! Immediately after his fall, Adam wrapped himself in his apron of leaves and began to defend himself by blaming his troubles on God who gave to him the woman, and the woman for giving him the fruit. As it was with Adam, so it is with all men; we justify ourselves before God and men. Self-righteousness, is born within us; and while we can, to a degree, control lust, lies, and murder, our self-righteousness will not allow us to confess our sins and come to God for mercy as guilty sinners. Millions of sermons have been preached against self-righteousness, but it remains the number one sin which keeps men from coming to Christ.
One well said, "I scarcely ever preach a sermon without condemning self-righteousness, yet I find I cannot preach it down. Men still boast of who they are, what they have done, what they have NOT done, and mistake the road to heaven to be one paved by their own works and merit." God help us!
I can imagine the day of judgment. All are gathered before the throne of God. Those who are robed in the perfect robe of Christ's righteousness are gathered to His right hand. The rest wait to hear His voice of condemnation, "Depart from Me!" Does anyone have anything to say? If there be one who has no sin, let him step forth and say so. Come forth, my friend, and state your case! What about the righteousness and holiness in which you boasted while on earth? Come forward and tell about your works, your gifts, your denomination; you found much comfort in those things once. You who scoffed at substitution, who laughed at free grace, imputed righteousness and covenant mercies -- you are not laughing now! Why is your face so pale? Why do you tremble so? You never trembled before but always had so much confidence in your decision and boasted of being as sure for heaven as if you were already there! Why do you not tell God what you did for Him on earth? It is quite evident that He did nothing for you. But I remember that you said, "God has done all that he could do and salvation is up to you." What a terrible time to discover what you should have known, "SALVATION IS OF THE LORD!" "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us." Why do you not speak? Is it because of the awesome, infinite "HOLINESS OF HIS PRESENCE"? You clutch your righteous garments about you and they are nothing but filthy rags now, and you know it! You think of your prayers, your religious activities, your debates over doctrine; and they are all so much rubbish in the light of His presence. And now you are praying? What is it that you cry? "O rocks and mountains, fall on me, and hide me from the face of Him that sits upon the throne." I wish that you had cried as fervently for Christ to hide you, cleanse you, and cover you -- HE WOULD HAVE!
Thomas Brooks said, "The preaching of this and that opinion may please a man's fancy, but it is only the preaching of Christ that changes a man's heart."
These are the words of the CHURCH, the words of all of the redeemed.
1. He is mine because the Father GAVE HIM TO ME! "Thou gavest them me" (John 17:6), and I am His because the Father gave me to Him (John 6:37).
2. He is mine and I am His BY A DIVINE UNION! As the vine and the branch, the head, and the body, my one husband is Christ (Ephesians 5:28-32).
3. He is mine and I am His BY PURCHASE! He bought me, redeemed me from the law and justice by His precious blood (1 Peter 1:18-19). I own that "I am not my own, I am bought with a price."
4. He is mine and I am His BY A MUTUAL AFFECTION! He loves me; that I CANNOT EXPLAIN except to say that the cause is found in His great heart. I CAN EXPLAIN why I love Him. "He is altogether lovely," and He has shed abroad His great love in my heart, enabling me to love Him and His.
5. He is mine and I am His FOREVER! The union of Christ and His church can no more be dissolved than can the trinity, "I IN THEM AND THOU IN ME" (John 17:21-23).
"Then said I, woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts" (Isaiah 6:5).
What was Isaiah's response to this awesome revelation of God's presence and holiness?
1. HE SAW HIMSELF! A man may look at others and say, "I thank Thee, Lord, I am not like other men." A man may look at the written law and say, "I am blameless." But if a man is exposed to the absolute holiness and righteousness of God, he must cry, "Woe is me! I am cut off."
2. HE SAW THE EVIL OF HIS HEART -- The source of his problems. But he cried, "I am a man of unclean LIPS." That's true, but "out of the heart, the mouth speaketh." Unclean lips are the outlet and result of an unclean heart.
3. HE SAW THE RUIN OF ALL THE SONS OF ADAM -- religious and otherwise! The fall of Adam is universal and complete. There are none good, none righteous, none that understand, and none that see God!
In Isaiah 40 he reveals the three-fold message of the gospel -- (1) "All flesh is grass," (2) "The word of our God shall stand forever," and (3) "Behold your God will come and His record is with Him."
I call your undivided attention to an article written by Rolfe Barnard entitled "The Ascended Lord". Rolfe came to Ashland preaching this message. God used it to change my life, my ministry and to lay the foundation for this assembly -- The Thirteenth Street Baptist Church.
We were in the mainstream of today's religion, walking in the light of fundamentalism, attempting to win converts to our faith and then employing every method of entertainment, enthusiasm, promises of reward and warnings of future losses to keep them interested. It seemed normal to have over twelve hundred church members professing salvation and eternal life while only one hundred showed any evidence of a living union with Christ, love for Him and His people and hunger for the preaching of the Word.
We preached what is today called the gospel. "Man is a sinner, he is incapable of earning or securing his salvation from hell either by works or deeds of the law. God in love gave His Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the world and the only sin now that will send any person to hell is to reject Jesus Christ. If we say that we believe in Jesus Christ we are saved and get eternal life, if we do not make that decision in a public manner we will be judged and sent to hell." This, in brief, is the general line of today's preaching and has much truth but it is not the message of the gospel preached by our Lord and His apostles. Go to the New Testament, and you will find that the gospel of God's glory was not presented in this fashion at all. The emphasis then was on the Lordship of Christ. The fact that He died on the cross was not questioned, they knew that, but Peter declared, "God hath made that same Jesus Whom ye crucified both Lord and Christ." His love was never questioned -- the issue was His sovereignty, His mercy and grace were never questioned, but His right to show mercy to whom He will show mercy and to be gracious to whom He will be gracious was and is the issue. Men are not being confronted these days with the truth about Jesus Christ. Men will quickly accept Jesus as a saviour if we will soft pedal His absolute authority over them. Nearly everybody claims Jesus as their saviour but want nothing to do with Jesus Christ, The Sovereign Lord. This is the day of revivals that do not revive; evangelism that does not evangelize; and a salvation that does not save; and it finds its cause in the message being proclaimed from today's pulpit. It is high time that preachers quit offering men the blessings of salvation divorced from the reception, and that willingly and gladly, of the rule and authority of the Lord Jesus in their lives, homes and churches. "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus to be Lord and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Romans 10:9
One encouraging sign of the times in our day is that some are beginning to examine modern evangelism. Burdened, weary of trying to pastor and motivate unsaved church members, preachers are almost at the place of resorting to the Bible message and method of evangelism and missions. It may be that the time is not far off when many books will be shelved and "The Book of Books" will be preached again; when preachers will quit trying to fill the pews and begin to fill the pulpit; when pastors will cease to be men-pleasers searching for a better place and become prophets of God seeking His face! If this happens, lawless rebels will no longer talk of patronizing the Son of God, debate whether or not they will let Him in their hearts to save them, accept Jesus as their saviour while they bow to the idols of materialism. But we will hear cries from smitten hearts which were heard in days gone by -- "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" "Lord, if You will, You can make me clean," "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner." "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom."
One of the championship football teams of the past had a coach who would come into the locker room at half-time, when the team was down by two touchdowns, and say, (if you will pardon the expression) "Alright, men, its gut-sucking time." Every preacher knows what that means! It's time to quit counting the cost and start paying the price! It's time to quit building the kingdom and start tearing up some false foundations! It's time to quit getting everybody saved and start getting somebody lost!
After he had preached a powerful sermon on the royal claims of King Jesus and called on his congregation to fall in the dust of repentance before the sovereign Lord seeking mercy, Bro. Barnard was approached by a man who said, "Sir, you will catch more flies with honey than vinegar." To which Rolfe replied, "Sir, I'm not catching flies -- I'm killing proud sinners!"
The most humbling and challenging thing we face in this day, the great concern of our hearts, ought to be a recovery of the gospel of God's glory! I am convinced that what men today call the gospel is not the gospel at all but is the preaching of another gospel, another Jesus, and another spirit.
1) Today's gospel emphasizes what men should do for God rather than what God must do for men! My friend, salvation is not something you do for God, or something you do for yourself or something the preacher does for you! "Salvation is of the Lord." The whole of the work whereby a lost sinner is saved from his natural state of sin and ruin, and is translated into the kingdom of God and made an heir of eternal happiness, is of God and of Him only! Psalm 3:8 "Salvation belongeth to the Lord." Psalm 37:39 "The salvation of the righteous is of the Lord."
Men today plead with sinners to accept Jesus; men of old pleaded with God to show mercy. "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner." Men today boast that they have accepted Jesus. Paul said, "I obtained mercy." "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." Men today sing "I Choose Jesus." The Apostle wrote "Whom He foreknew, He predestinated, He called, He justified, He glorified." "I thank God," Paul said, "that from the beginning He chose you to salvation."
2) Today's gospel emphasizes gaining heaven and missing hell, rather than being saved from sin and vitally joined to Christ. The message one hears from most pulpits today is, "Wouldn't you like to go to heaven when you die?" "Of course, I would, who wouldn't?" Religious man's goal is to somehow make it to heaven when he dies. Paul's desire was "to know Christ, to win Christ, and to be found in Him." David's heart panted for the living God. Early believers knew that salvation was to be in Christ and heaven was to be with Christ.
Congregations today are drenched with the terrors of judgment and hellfire. Men are made to fear hell and to devise ways to escape the terrors of the damned. Men of old were concerned about forgiveness of sin and being justified in the sight of God. Job 25:4 "How then can man be justified with God? Or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?" Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
There can be no true repentance before God without a knowledge of my sin and a desire to be done with it and there can be no saving faith in Christ where there is no genuine repentance. We cannot give any man a title deed to heaven to whom the Holy Spirit has not given an interest in Christ. 1 John 5:12 "He that hath the Son hath life; he that hath not the Son hath not life."
3) Today's gospel is a sermon to the head rather than a message of grace to the heart. We know what we believe, and when we believed. Paul said, "I know whom I have believed. We are called Calvinists, Lutherans, or Wesleyans because we agree with these men. The believers of old were called Christians because they knew Christ, loved Christ, and were like Christ. Our heads are full of facts, doctrines, traditions and truth; their hearts were full of love for Christ. While we argue the sovereignty of God; "Noah moved with fear." While we debate the fall of man; Paul cries, "O wretched man that I am." While we write essays on the atonement; Thomas falls, crying, "My Lord and My God." We preach the resurrection; the disciples walked with the risen Lord. We look forward to life after death; Paul longed "to be with Christ."
Preachers today are licensed and ordained by the church; men of old were ordained and sent by God. Preachers today go forth armed with degrees and credentials; men of old went forth anointed by the Holy Spirit. Preachers are questioned by committees and hired to preach what the church believes; men of old came preaching, "Thus saith the Lord." Preachers today give themselves to programs, visitation, church business; men of old "gave themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word." Preachers today preach and men are persuaded to move their membership; men of old preached and "they were pricked in their hearts and cried, 'Men and brethren, what shall we do?" Preachers today pray and the organ plays softly; Elijah prayed and the fire of God fell. Preachers today are afraid that they will offend someone; Paul was afraid that he would not. If there is no offense, the cross has not been preached.
4) Today's gospel calls on men to stand up for God; the gospel commands men to bow the knee and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The two-fold message of evangelism is (1) all flesh is grass, and (2) Behold your God! It is the message which strips man of all glory and gives all the glory to Christ. The results of preaching the gospel of God's glory will be a sense of the awful presence of God, breaking the hearts of sinners and bringing them to the feet of Christ for cleansing. Gone will be the voice of the proud sinner who stands in the church, beset on every side by soul winners, debating whether or not he will recognize the Lord and let God save him. Gone will be the voice of the self-righteous sinner who debates whether or not he will let Jesus come into his heart. Instead we will hear broken hearts and contrite spirits cry:
"Depths of mercy can there be
Mercy still reserved for me?
Can my God His wrath forbear
Me, the Chief of sinners, spare?"
Preachers today have made a beggar of the Lord of Lords! No, my proud religionist -- you are the beggar! God is not obligated to do anything but damn you, to the eternal praise of His justice. If you keep listening to the wrong voices, your lot shall be with those before you, of whom Christ said, "I am come in my Father's name and ye receive me not, let another come in his own name and him ye will receive."
Rolfe Barnard made an interesting observation years ago when he said: "Sixteen hundred years ago the church was adopted by Rome. Millions of pagans flooded its membership, and they brought with them their pagan culture, tradition and faith. It took that "successful church" a thousand years to recover from that brilliant success. Something like that has happened in our day. In this century the church and religion has been adopted by society, politicians, entertainers, and popular persons. All of a sudden "Jesus" and "the gospel" have become quite popular. Millions have joined up to swell the membership to an all-time high. Results: a church that bears no resemblance to the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. "Religion" has become man's chief defense against the true gospel! If there is one place that a man does not dare to preach the gospel of God's sovereign grace, it is in the average church."
Church membership has become the best place to hide from God. Religious beliefs and experiences serve as refuges to shield men from the arrows of conviction and the message of real redemption in Christ. Everybody in this super church is "saved" and are insulted if the question of their interest in Christ is raised or even suggested. There is no possible way to confront these "know-so salvationists" with the gospel of God's glory! The so-called church of today exists as a social power, a political power, and as a powerful body in the community but it has lost its true nature as the body of Christ. They have sold their birthright for respectability, social and intellectual acceptance.
Long ago men accused Jesus Christ of revolution and blasphemy and put Him on a cross. Today's religionists, while claiming to believe His Word, have tucked Him neatly away in their sanctuaries. There amid soft music, or hearty singing, the chant of the liturgy or shouts of amen, He can be talked about in theological terms, preached in disguised words so as not to disturb the status quo, (that's Latin for the mess we are in) and accepted as Saviour while men turn thumbs down on His royal claims to reign over His own. Souls can be won to Jesus without disturbing their other relationships, partnerships or style of life. Those who put Him on the cross, hoping to be done with His demands for submission and surrender to His Lordship, were no more deceived than those who have tried to relegate Him to church buildings or the worship of Him to a sabbath day and a decision for Christ. Today's presumption is that God exists to serve and provide for us, whereas the Scriptures indicate that our chief end is to glorify God!
The character in which men refuse and reject the Lord Jesus today is the same character in which they rejected and ridiculed Him two thousand years ago -- The King. Those who accused Him said, "He maketh himself a king." The soldiers mocked Him by putting a crown of thorns on His head and saying, "Hail, King of the Jews." Pilate presented Him to the people saying, "Behold, your king." The inscription over His cross read, 'Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. " It was as The King that the thief on the cross confessed Him and received mercy, "Lord, you are not going to stay dead, you are the King; remember me when you come into your kingdom."
Men today will bend the knee in solemn humility before the throne of grace on which sits the King of Kings and will confess Him to be Lord or they will feel His wrath. There is no debate in the heart of a regenerated man over the Lord's right to reign or His right to do with His own what He will. There is no debate in the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ over his divine sovereignty and His right to show mercy to whom He will and be gracious to whom He will. There is no debate in the mind of the true minister of the gospel as to whether he will preach the sovereignty of Christ in salvation or compromise that message in order to hold his crowd or his pulpit. "Here I stand, I can do no other." The test of a true soldier of Christ is his willingness to do battle exactly at that place where the character and work of His Redeemer is being questioned -- today it is the Lordship of Christ in creation, providence, and salvation.
Divine truth is like a perfect diamond. It is one -- yet it has many facets, cut and polished by the hand of our God. When the whole message is preached, "all the counsel of God" is declared; the glory of God is seen sparkling and shining in all its beauty and grace. Not to understand this is what makes most preaching dull, lifeless, and uninteresting. Instead of looking at the gem of truth in its entirety men choose to single out and exaggerate one facet, magnifying it until the congregation is looking at one flat surface which only serves to reflect the image of the preacher, the movement or the denomination! What is taught may be true and may have much value when understood in its relationship to other truth, but taken alone, it is powerless to reveal the glory of Christ and really presents a distorted view of His gospel.
1. Divine sovereignty without human responsibility leads men to fatalism and indifference. "Who can resist His will? Then why blame me for sinning?" Romans 9:18-19
2. Human responsibility without divine intervention leads men to despair and helplessness. "How then can man be just with God? How can he be clean that's born of a woman?" Job 25:4
3. Sovereign election without means and the response of repentance and faith leads men to idleness and an unjust view of God. "I knew thee that thou art a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, so I did nothing." Matthew 25:24
4. Human effort and means without divine purpose leads men to pride and self-righteousness. "Being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness" Romans 10:3
5. The kingdom of Christ or the reign of Christ on earth without the reign of Christ in the heart leads me to seek rewards, position; and self-glory "Grant that my sons may sit one on thy right hand and one on they left, in thy kingdom." Matthew 20:21
6. Religious activities and even outstanding gifts and services without love for Christ and others leads men to empty service and worthless sacrifice. "Though I bestow my goods to feed the poor and my body to be burned and have not love, it profiteth me nothing." 1 Corinthians 13:3
7. Spirit without truth is wildfire; truth without spirit is dead orthodoxy. Grace without obedience is disgrace; obedience without grace is hypocrisy.
Christ our Lord receives sinners. He received them as a gift from the Father. He received them as a purchased possession when He redeemed them by His blood. "Ye are not your own, ye are bought with a price." He receives them from the hand of the Holy Spirit when they are regenerated and called to faith. But sinners also receive Christ. Being awakened to the curse of the Law, the sinner cries for mercy. "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner." Being awakened to the guilt of his own sin, the sinner repents in sackcloth and ashes crying, "Wash me and I shall be clean." Being awakened to his own inability and the sufficiency of Christ, the sinner receives Christ as his sole redeemer and mediator. Being awakened to the Lordship of Christ the sinner bows before Him in total submission and surrender, "Lord, what will you have me do?" Being awakened to an understanding of the fullness of God vested in Christ the sinner commits all things, all hope, and all desire unto Him against that day!
My Prophet
Thou art the truth, Thy word alone,
true wisdom can impart;
to Thee I yield a willing mind,
and open all my heart.
My Priest
I all other Priests disclaim,
and laws and offerings, too;
None but the bleeding Lamb
the mighty work can do.
My King
My King supreme, to thee I bow,
A willing subject at thy feet;
All other lords I disavow,
And to thy government submit.
I am not wise enough to know what facet of divine revelation a person has missed; I'm not smart enough to devise plans of study and growth for a particular group! If I take upon myself to organize and direct your worship, faith, and understanding you will (perish the thought) only be like me and not like Christ. How many professors of theology, pastors of assemblies, and teachers of scripture are turning out carbon copies of themselves. The solution is found in Paul's words to the elders in Acts 20: "I have kept back nothing profitable unto you -- I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God -- Brethren, I commend you to God and to the Word of His grace which is able to build you up." Did not the apostle warn us of following men to the point of divisions, envying, and strife? "I am of Paul; I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? Who is Paul and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?" I am a Calvinist, one says, or I am pre-millenial, or I am reformed. If you really mean that in all that it implies, its unfortunate, for the diamond of truth is infinitely greater and more glorious than Calvin, all of the reformers put together, and every religious system that ever existed. It is the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. We preach Christ and ourselves your servants for Christ's sake!
"And behold there came a leper and worshiped Him, saying, Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean." (Matthew 8:2)
I'm not sure that the number of times a truth appears in the Scripture has anything to do with the importance of it, but it is interesting to note that this incident is recorded by Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
I would say that the manner in which this man approached the Master is an example to be followed by all who would seek His grace and mercy. If you are an unsaved person whose sins are very great and very heavy -- this is the way to approach Christ. If you are a believer going through great trial, sick in body, unsettled and unsure of your interest in Christ, or needing wisdom -- this is the way to approach Christ. He is the fountain of life. He is the source of all mercy, grace, and blessings. God, the Father, has given all things into the hands of Christ. He is able to perform all that He promised. He is able to save to the uttermost them that come to God by Him. He is able to keep us from falling. He is able to raise our vile bodies and make us like Himself. If you receive anything from God it will be in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.
But how do I come to Christ? How can one so unworthy, so sinful and so diseased approach the Lord of Glory? You can and should come like this leper came.
(1) He worshiped! Mark said, "he kneeled down," and Luke said, "he fell on his face." Our Lord is to be worshiped! It matters not who you are, your place or problem, your age, condition, or persuasion -- God is to be worshiped! Someone said, "Christians ought to worship God!" No! My friend, every creature ought to worship God: "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord." Here is where we start. Bow down and worship Him: whatever He is pleased to do with us will be right. There are to be no arguments before the throne -- only worship. It is, "Even so Father, for it seemed good in Thy sight."
Justice is ours to demand! We have earned the wages of sin and can expect to be paid in full. But mercy and grace are His to give according to His sovereign will. God must deal with you in righteousness; He may be pleased to show mercy!
(2) He called Jesus Christ "Lord!" He recognized the Lordship of the Son of Man. The Bible knows nothing about a door-mat named 'Jesus." The Bible does not present a person called Jesus who will be your Saviour while you reject His Lordship! What distresses me most about so-called fundamentalism today is the low esteem and pitiful opinion they have of Jesus Christ. He is everyone's buddy and no one's Lord! Don't tell me who your saviour is; tell me, who is your Lord?
"If Thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus to be Lord," said the apostle, "and believe in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." "What think ye of Christ?" Even in His greatest humiliation, marred and spit upon, the thief recognized His glory, greatness, and Lordship!
(3) He acknowledged the sovereign will of Christ! "Lord, if thou wilt," he said. I know that the whole religious world has for centuries argued about free-will, man's will, whosoever will, and God's will. You can go on with your debates, arguments, and essays, but I know whose will shall be done! "He worketh all things after the counsel of His own will" (Ephesians 1:11). In the model prayer our Lord taught us to pray, "Thy will be done." We are born "not of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God!"
The essence of sin is "I will" (Isaiah 14:13-14). The essence of holiness is "Thy will be done" (Luke 11:42). If we approach the Master in order to obtain mercy the prayer of our hearts and lips will be, "Lord, if You will You can save me!"
(4) He recognized the ability of Christ to heal. "Lord, if you will, You can make me clean." This man, like the woman with the issue of blood, recognized his own inability, the inability of all others, and laid himself at the feet of the only One in heaven or earth who could relieve his distress. "Lord, you can and you are the only one who can make me whole!"
He can make us clean, righteous, and acceptable before the Father because of who He is, what He has done in our room and stead, why He did it -- that God might be just and justifier, and because of where He is now -- at the right hand of God. Not only is our Lord willing to save, but, thank God, He is able to save. He has "all authority over all flesh that He should give eternal life to as many as the Father hath given Him."
(5) He asked for the right thing! "Make me clean!" I know that the preachers of the "health and wealth gospel" talk of long life on earth and prosperity, but this is not my need! I don't need to be healthy or wealthy, but I must be clean! "Who shall stand in His presence? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart." I have neither by nature. God cannot receive me without a perfect righteousness and a clean bill before His law and justice. In Christ I have both!
"Make me clean." Purge me and I shall be clean, "wash me and I shall be whiter than the snow." It is the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanseth us from all sin! Come in the right way, to the right one, for the right thing, and you will hear Him say, "I will; be thou clean!"
Several years ago a young communist left an eastern university and traveled to Mexico to labor as a communist. He wrote to his fiancee, breaking off their engagement -- "We communists have a high casualty rate. We are shot and hanged, tarred and feathered, harassed and jailed, slandered and ridiculed, fired from our jobs and in every other way made as uncomfortable as possible. A certain percentage of us expect to be killed. We live in virtual poverty, turning back to the party every penny except what is necessary to keep us alive. We have been described as fanatics. We are fanatics! Our lives are dominated by one great overshadowing factor -- the struggle for world communism. We have a definite purpose in life. We have a cause to promote and for which to contend. We subordinate our petty, personal selves into this great movement and if our egos seem to be hurt or offended through subordination to the party, we are adequately compensated by the thought that each of us in his own small way is contributing to something which is true and better for mankind. There is one thing about which I am in dead earnest -- that is the cause of communism. It is my life, my business, my hobby, my sweetheart, my wife, my bread and my meat. I work at it in the daytime and dream about it at night. It's hold on me grows, not lessens, as time goes by. I cannot carry on a friendship, a love affair or a conversation without relating it to communism, which both drives and guides my life. I evaluate people, books, ideas, and actions according to how they affect the communist cause and by their attitude toward it! I am willing to die for what I believe!"
Here is a young man lost in a cause! It is a poor cause, a worthless cause, and one that shall fail. But if you will read the letter again and insert the name of the Lord Jesus Christ everywhere he mentions communism, I believe you will have expressed loud and clear the life and attitude of a true believer. This is what our Lord is saying in Matthew 16:24-25 "If any man will come after Me, Let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it."
Communism is no more offensive to men of freedom than the gospel of God's grace is to men of flesh. The believer knows that the cross is offensive, that the natural man receiveth not the things of God (they are foolishness to him), and that he will be hated of all men for Christ's sake, but he is willing not only to believe on Christ but to suffer with Him. The believers life is dominated by Christ and His Word! This is the one thing about which he is in dead earnest -- the cause of Christ. It is his life, his business, his hobby, his sweetheart, his bread and meat. He works at it in the daytime and dreams of it at night. Christ's hold on him grows, not lessens, as time goes by. He cannot carry on a friendship, a business, or a conversation without relating it to Christ. He evaluates people, books, ideas, and actions according to how they relate to Christ and by their attitude toward Christ! The believer subordinates himself, his personal ambitions, his feelings, and his desires to the family of God and if he is misunderstood, offended, ignored, or fails, he is adequately compensated by the thought that he, in some way, has contributed to the glory of Jesus Christ.
I am disturbed when I hear preachers talk of accepting Jesus Christ as one's Saviour while ignoring His Lordship. This is certainly not the teaching of Christ. I am troubled when I hear preachers invite young people forward for dedication to "full-time service." Is not every believer a full-time believer, a full-time Christian, in full-time service? Whether I am in the pulpit or the pew, whether I am on a foreign field or employed in a factory or on a farm, whether I am a deacon or dish-washer, if I am a child of the King, a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, I am in Christ full-time, dominated full-time by His grace, His gospel, His Spirit and His love. "Ye are not your own -- ye are bought with a price." As one person said long ago, "Faith is the decision to live my whole life on the assumption that the commands of Jesus Christ are absolutely binding and the promises of Jesus Christ are absolutely true."
Rowland Hill was preaching at a county fair. He noticed the vendors selling their wares and said to his audience, "Our friends bring their fruits and crafts to the fair to sell, and they work hard TO GET UP TO THEIR PRICE. I bring you better things than they; my milk and bread is eternal food, but my difficulty is in getting you DOWN TO MY PRICE! My goods are free! 'Come,' saith the Lord, 'he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eat, yea, come buy wine and milk without money and without price.'"
"My friends," Hill continued, "if I were to offer justification for five dollars, all would leave this place justified; if I were to preach justification for all who would walk a hundred miles, all would become pilgrims tomorrow; if I were to preach justification for all who would be beaten with stripes, all would bare their backs immediately; but when the gift of life -- justification FREELY BY HIS GRACE IN CHRIST JESUS -- is offered freely for the poor and needy, men turn away in unbelief."
The moment a sinner believes And trusts our crucified Lord, Full pardon at once he receives; Salvation is ours through His blood!
Many years ago a young man delivered a sermon in a Welch chapel. After he finished the sermon he remarked to an old gentleman, "What did you think of my sermon? The old man replied, "It was a very poor sermon." "A poor sermon? My friend, it took me a long time to prepare it." "I'm sure that it did," said the old man, "but it was still a poor sermon." "Was my delivery poor, or were my illustrations poorly applied?" "Oh no, said the old man, "your delivery was excellent and your arguments and illustrations were very good." "Then why do you say that I preached a very poor sermon?" The old man paused and slowly said, "THERE WAS NO CHRIST IN YOUR SERMON." The young man replied, "Christ was not the text, we must preach what is in the text." "My young friend, in every text there is a road to Christ. Your business, as a minister of the gospel, is to find that road which leads to Christ and get on it as quickly as you can! For no sermon will do a sinner good if it does not lead him to Christ. The best sermon is that sermon which is fullest of Christ."
I believe that every sermon we preach should contain The Three R's -- Ruin by the fall, Redemption by the blood of Christ and Regeneration by the Holy Spirit. If our hearers learn these in their hearts they will not go far wrong on other matters, but if they have not learned these, it will matter very little what else they learn. They will be like those who are "ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth."
"And while the ages roll, I'll keep on praising Him, And my voice will never tire or grow old; And my song shall ever be, praise the Lamb Who died And I'll sing it while ages shall roll."
After encouraging Timothy to oppose the false teachers and to charge the Ephesians "to teach no other doctrine" than that which was taught by Christ and the Apostles; after defending his own ministry from slander and unjust accusations, declaring that though he was a blasphemer, a persecutor, and injurious, he had "obtained mercy" and was put into the ministry by the Lord Jesus; Paul proceeds to give the sum and substance of his gospel: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (I Timothy 1:15).
"This is a faithful saying:" It is a true saying, not to be doubted, argued or debated, but to be received and believed. A dedicated gospel preacher, while visiting with his liberal preacher-brother, was asked to bring the morning sermon, but the request was carefully worded, do not preach anything controversial! The liberal pastor did not want such doctrines as the deity of Christ, substitution, divine revelation, or the mediatorial work of Christ preached to his people. The faithful servant of the Lord fulfilled his brother's request, not to preach anything controversial, and at the same time glorified his Lord by announcing as his text I Timothy 3:16 "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."
Men are always disputing among themselves about how God saves sinners. Wherefore when questions and doubts arise let us repel them with this certain, sure and faithful truth, "Christ came into the world to save sinners." He alone is the Saviour and He is the only Saviour.
This is a faithful saying for the gospel declared by this saying is faithful to God's law which is honored and magnified by Christ. It is faithful to God's justice which is satisfied by Christ. It is faithful to God's promises which are all fulfilled by Christ. Therefore being the truth of God, faithful to the righteousness and mercy of God, and suitable to the need of the greatest sinner, it is worthy of acceptance by all!
"Christ Jesus came into the world." The second person of the blessed trinity, who was with God, was God, the brightness of His glory, the express image of His person, called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, came into this world clothed in the likeness of sinful flesh, dwelt among us, and was numbered with the transgressors! "God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself."
"To save sinners." The word sinners is emphatic and conclusive! Many who acknowledge that it is the office and work of Christ to save have difficulty admitting that this salvation actually belongs to sinners. We somehow manage to find something in the creature that attracts the mercy of God and merits the grace of Christ. We call them "awakened" sinners, "interested" sinners, "convicted" sinners, or "troubled" sinners. But the message of the Gospel is "Christ came to save sinners" -- "Christ died for the ungodly." There is no guilt so great; no past so evil; no heart so wicked; that Christ cannot save. "Where sin did overflow, grace did much more overflow."
"Of whom I am chief" -- the first, the greatest. Paul does not call himself the greatest sinner out of false modesty or for vain glory, but from a real sense of his sins which to him were exceedingly sinful.
When a man gives evidence of being awakened by the Holy Spirit and brought to inquire of us, "What must I do to be saved?", we have the answer from the inspired words of the Apostle Paul: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." The answer is so old that with many it seems out of date and so simple that with many it seems to be not enough. But it is still and always will be fresh, and new, and the only way to God. No man can devise a better answer for "He that believeth on the Son hath life and he that believeth not on the Son shall not see life."
(1) Who is Jesus of Nazareth? He is the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God, the Saviour of the world. The Scriptures reveal that the Living God is a triune God -- three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God said, "Let us make man." 1 John 5:7 declares, "There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." John 1:1,14 states, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God . . . and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth." God sent His Son into the world made in the likeness of sinful flesh, made of a woman, made under the law. Christ said, "I and my Father are one." Again He said, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." To believe on the Lord Jesus Christ is to believe that He is the Lord Jesus Christ. "If ye believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins." John 8:24. This is the same I AM of Exodus 3:14 where God said to Moses, "I AM that I AM" and of John 8:58 when Christ said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Jesus of Nazareth is not just a messenger of God, a religious reformer, a prophet -- He is Immanuel, "God with us."
(2) What did Jesus of Nazareth do? He did what no man has ever done or ever can do; He pleased the Father! Paul said, "They that are in the flesh cannot please God." Romans 8:8. Jesus of Nazareth was in the flesh and He pleased God for the Father said, "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." He pleased the Father because "though tempted in all points, He was without sin." He knew no sin, neither was guile found in Him. In the flesh He was subject to the ceremonial law, the moral law, the law of the home, the law of the land and the law of love. He was tried by Satan, by man and by God. The verdict: "I find no fault in Him!" Having lived before God a perfect life, being born and lived without sin -- His work was not done! He must die! He must die as all those whom He represents, and with whom He is numbered, deserve to die, and must die -- under the wrath of God! "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up." John 3:14. Everything He did in His life and death was according to the Old Testament Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. He was betrayed, denied, despised and rejected, spat upon, nailed to a cross between two thieves, deserted of the Father, made His soul an offering for sin, buried and rose again! He fulfilled every type, picture and symbol set forth in the law of Moses. To believe on the Lord Jesus Christ is to believe that He is The Christ, the Redeemer, who fulfilled all things written in the law of Moses, in the prophets, and in the Psalms concerning Him.
(3) Why did Jesus of Nazareth do these things? The answer is found in Romans 3:26 -- "to declare God's righteousness, that God might be just and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus." God is love and His love will be expressed and manifested, but not at the expense of His justice God is merciful and delights to show mercy, but not in such a way that His righteousness is compromised. "The Lord is long-suffering and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty." "If mercy is shown to me, it must meet and satisfy truth. If peace is granted to me, it must be in agreement with God's righteousness, holiness and justice." Psalm 85:10. If God accepts a man, that man must have a perfect righteousness before the law. In Christ believers have that perfect righteousness, for in the flesh He pleased God and honored the law for every believer. Romans 5:19. If God receives a man into His fellowship, that man's sin must be punished by death -- "The soul that sinneth must surely die." Christ, our substitute and sin offering, died in our stead satisfying fully all that God's justice required. We are holy and unblameable in His sight, our sins have been paid for, and by His stripes we are healed. God can be just and completely justify all for whom Christ died. The obedience and death of Christ was not a display of love and sacrifice to impress men, but it was "unto the Lord"; it was "before the Lord"; it was "God in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself." We in heart will be reconciled to God when the Holy Spirit regenerates us and sheds abroad the love of and for God in our hearts!
(4) Where is Jesus of Nazareth now? "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sin." Acts 5:30-31. He is seated, having finished the work given Him to do, at the right hand of the Majesty on High. He is our great High Priest who intercedes for us; the one Mediator between God and men. It is this Living Lord who has all authority over all flesh, who gives eternal life to as many as the Father has given Him and this eternal life is to know by experience God through Jesus Christ. When we say "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ," we are confronting men with a living sovereign Lord alive forevermore, reigning at the right hand of the Father, given all authority now and forever, having been exalted and installed there by way of the bloody cross and in virtue thereof! Do you believe?
"What kind of church is this?" During a recent Bible conference this question was asked by a visitor who had dropped in for the service. I had just finished preaching a message on the subject "In Search of Truth" and the visitor turned to one of the members and asked, "What kind of church is this?"
How refreshing! In this day (when practically every form of religion is so pigeon holed and typed that it appeals to some segment of our natural society) to preach the gospel of the mystery of Christ in such Bible terms that a natural man is shut up to divine revelation and is unable to identify us with some particular brand of religion! It was said of Spurgeon that no organization could really brand him and say he belongs to us! The hyper-Calvinists called him an Arminian, the Arminians called him a hyper-Calvinist, the legalists called him an antinomian, and the antinomians called him a legalist. The established churches hated him and the Baptists finally disowned him, but true believers of every persuasion loved him and understood his message.
The natural man understands logical Calvinism. He can easily identify with the cooperative redemption presented in Arminianism. He has no difficulty with modern fundamentalism! But the free gospel of the grace of God through the merits and death of the Lord Jesus Christ must be revealed to the heart by the Spirit of God. Barnard used to say, "Preachers are wrapping salvation up in a neat little package and selling it to unsuspecting men and women. Preachers are trying to present the great mysteries of redemption in language which 'the natural man can understand and approve of, so that he can make his peace with God and go on about his regular routine and fleshly pursuits."
Blessed is the preacher who can shut men up to free and sovereign grace, and yet lovingly, sincerely invite all men to look to Christ and be saved. Blessed is the preacher who knows that "salvation is of the Lord," who has the patience to wait upon the Lord to regenerate, awaken and call his hearers, yet he prays for their deliverance, urges them to close with Christ, and beseeches them to "be reconciled to God." Blessed is the preacher who can preach with equal force and confidence both the preservation and perseverance of believers. He will not "turn away from us and we will not depart from Him." Blessed is the preacher who can rejoice in imputed righteousness, "with His holy garments on, I am as spotless as His dear Son;" and yet along with his congregation hunger and thirst for spiritual growth and personal godliness. Blessed is the preacher who can find and preach both justification and sanctification at Calvary. We do not go to Calvary for justification and then to Sinai for sanctification. We are "complete in Him." Blessed is the preacher who can preach prophetical truth in such a way that his hearers are looking for the returning Christ and not only the return of Christ! Blessed is the preacher who administers believers' baptism, presides at the Lord's table, and oversees the business of the Lord's church, not according to the "way we do it in our circles and according to our custom and tradition," but according to the Word of God! It may be, if preachers and people return to the Scriptures, someone will ask, "What kind of church is this?" And we can answer, "It is the church of the Lord Jesus Christ which He loved and purchased with His own blood and of which He is the sole Head."
Dear Brother:
I appreciate your note received this morning. It was good to hear from you, and I am pleased that the conference was a blessing to you and to your wife. I enjoyed being there very much and enjoyed the messages!
In regard to your question about the ten commandments in reference to the believer, there is one thing of which I am certain -- I do not and cannot speak for anyone else or for the sovereign grace movement as a whole. I do not claim to know the position which all of our brethren take, but I certainly can fill you in on my position in regard to some of these matters. The word law in the Scriptures sometimes refers to all of the Word of God, sometimes to the ten commandments, sometimes to the ceremonial laws given to Moses concerning the holy days, feast days, sacrifices, types, symbols, et cetera, and even to the commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ. For example, fulfilling the law of Christ is fulfilling His law that we love one another. But I think your question has to do with whether or not the ten commandments are a sufficient motivation for producing sanctification and holiness in the life of a believer, and before I comment I would like to say this. The ten commandments are holy, just and true. They have not been repealed, nor does any believer wish to violate them or minimize their greatness and glory. If anyone were to ask me "Are the ten commandments in effect today?", I would reply, "Which of them can you violate and not be held guilty before God?"
There are two principles in the world that are supposed to promote holiness. The one is the principle of law and duty. The other is the principle of grace, love and faith. It is a popular notion with some preachers that you can tell men what they ought to do, prove to them the authority of the Law-giver and show them the penalty for violation and this will enlighten their judgment and give them proper inclination and motivation for holiness. The history of mankind shows that this pretext is without proof. Those who are under the law are always under sin! Such is our nature. The law, instead of promoting holiness, does not promote it; and even the terrible penalties of hell have failed to inspire fear or promote holiness in the lives of men. There is another principle and it is believed by some of us to be fruitful in every good word and work, a main instigator and promoter of righteousness and true holiness. It is the principle of grace on the part of God and operates by faith and love in the hearts of men. Grace does not say to a believer, "You must do this or you will be punished;" But it says, "God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven you all your sins. You are saved; you are a child of God; heaven is yours. Now, for the love you bear to God Who has done this for you, what will you do for Him?" If God so loved us, we ought to love one another. If Christ gave Himself for us, we ought to give ourselves to Him. If God has forgiven us, we ought to forgive one another. Be ye kind, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. This is a constraining power, a motivating power, stronger than death, and has succeeded in consecrating and sanctifying the lives of those who felt it and experienced it! Who would take better care of a sick child, a nurse who is paid for her services and required to fulfill certain obligations, or a mother who loves that child more than she loves her own life?
Christ used the spiritual requirements of the law to expose the sin of the Pharisees who boasted that they kept the law. Paul was made to realize his lust by revelation of the law "Thou shall not covet." And we are ministers not only of the gospel but of the law as well, but we do not go to Calvary for justification and to Sinai for sanctification! Christ is our redemption and our sanctification. I like the verse of the hymn that goes like this,
"Now for the love I bear His name,
What was my gain I count my loss.
My former pride I call my shame,
And nail my glory to His cross."
Love makes a man do for you what mere duty never could. The law can never make as good a servant as grace and love. The motive of true love is always the strongest. What Paul is saying in Romans 6:14 is this: Christ fulfilled the law for you. It has been kept. You owe it no obedience as a matter of mere justice. You have been delivered from that; and, being now under the law of love and not under the law of force and duty, sin never shall have dominion over you.
I hope that these few words have been of some help in this matter. I appreciate your taking the time to write to me.
Most sincerely yours, Henry Mahan
When skeptics and agnostics have said all that they can say -- there are three broad facts which they have not dealt with honestly nor been able to explain away -- simple facts, plain facts, but impossible to ignore.
1. Jesus Christ Himself:
If Christianity is the mere invention of men, an opium of the people, or a foolish desire for a happy hunting ground; how do you explain Jesus Christ?
(a) His existence in history men cannot deny. He lived in this world. He was born in Bethlehem, walked this earth, died on a Roman cross and witnesses claim that He arose from the grave.
(b) Without force or bribery, without arms or money, without an earthly kingdom or great possessions, He left a mark on this world as no other person in all of history! He never wrote a book, yet no library is sufficient to hold the books written about Him. He never wrote a song, yet He has been the theme of more songs than all others combined.
(c) All other religious leaders came to live; He came to die! All other messiahs chose as their followers the rich, powerful, and influential -- He chose the poor, despised, and the rejected. All other messiahs say, "Follow me, I'll show you the way." He said, "Follow Me, I am the way." All others claim to be messengers of God. He said, "I and the Father are One." All others stay dead; He arose and all of His claims, promises, and work depend on His resurrection. How do you explain Jesus Christ?
2. The Bible itself:
If Christianity is the mere invention of men and has no Divine authority or foundation, how do you explain the Bible?
(a) Dating back three thousand-five hundred years; written by forty men over a period of fifteen hundred years; most of its writers never knew one another. They certainly never consulted one another or collaborated together, yet when the sixty-six books were brought together, they declared one message of redemption; the revelation of one person, Jesus Christ, in type, promise, picture, and person.
(b) Written by men who were not scholars, authors, or recognized as literary giants; written in a language now all but dead; hated by many; mocked, ridiculed, and the butt of jokes! Powerful men have tried to destroy it, explain it away, and change its message, yet it continues to be printed in over one thousand languages and read by more people than all other books combined. The Bible has endured the test of time. Where are the books of men printed even five hundred years ago? The last entry in the Bible occurred two thousand years ago. It has overcome the barrier of custom and nationality. It is read by Americans. Chinese, French, and Africans; read by old and young, read by lawyers and laborers -- it meets the need of all.
(c) The Bible tells the truth about man in plain terms. It does not dignify, justify, or gloss over his sins, imperfections, and inabilities. It shuts him up to the mercy of God and leaves his deliverance in the hands of a sovereign, yet gracious God. The Bible tells the truth about God, claiming, as no other book dares, to be the very Word of God. It is profound, yet simple; mysterious yet plain. It has been misused, abused, misquoted, and used as a platform by self-seeking, evil men; yet it stands unchanged, powerful, and still the world's best seller.
3. The Results of true Christianity:
If Christianity is but the invention of men and has no power beyond the resolve and determination of natural flesh, how do you explain the difference in the conditions, spirit, and behavior of men where the Bible is preached, revered, and loved; where Christ is believed, worshiped, and honored and where the Bible and Christ are rejected?
(a) I defy you to look at a map of the world and compare the countries where men are Christians and where men are infidels. In Christian countries and communities individual freedom is recognized, human life is highly regarded, human rights are recognized, laws of morality are enforced and governments are subject to the people.
(b) I challenge you to compare homes where parents are true Christians and homes where they are not. I challenge you to compare the honesty, integrity, and concern of individuals who are true believers with those who make no profession of faith in Christ. How do you account for the vast difference -- the definite change in a home or a person where Christ reigns? Then compare the death of those who die in hope and those who die with no hope.
The Lord finds men in ignorance and gives them knowledge. The Lord finds men in darkness and gives them light. The Lord finds men in superstition and gives them truth. The Lord finds men in despair and gives them hope. The Lord finds men slaves to sin and sets them free.
It is time men quit hiding behind the hypocrite, spending their time criticizing the false preachers and phony religious movements (like the poor, you have them with you always) and deal honestly with these three facts. Who is Jesus Christ? What does the Bible say? How can we account for the miraculous change Christ makes in a home, community and an individual?
While I was in Ireland in 1972, I preached in a Baptist Church in Limerick. The pastor, Brother Allen, told me that the church building, and six other buildings like it, were sponsored and largely paid for by Spurgeon's congregation in London. The cost of the seven buildings was twenty-one thousand pounds in 1890. Most people are aware of Spurgeon's power in the pulpit but not many are aware of his generous missionary spirit, his deep concern for young struggling preachers, and his willingness to help other churches. He once said to a young preacher, "you go down to so-and-so, and never show yourself again until you have established a chapel. Hang on by your hands, and then by your teeth, and then by your eye-brows. I will find money to keep you in bread and cheese! You have to establish a self-supporting cause and do not come back till you have done it.
"If you will go, preach Christ and establish a chapel, I will find money to keep you in bread and cheese." I have a burning desire to say this to the young preachers and faithful missionaries I know. We have been able to help some, but not as much as I would like nor as many as I would like. Let our church be a clearing-house, not a counting-house! No church of the Lord Jesus Christ should have a savings account. We need no more than enough to pay our present obligations! "Give us this day our daily bread." Manna was only gathered for that day. Find a missionary to support; help a young preacher and his family; help a young congregation build a place to worship and preach the gospel -- or send your gifts to me: I know several places where it is needed by those who are preaching the gospel of His grace!
Those who know this church know that the money given each year could build a most impressive temple of worship, employ specialists in music, religious education, and youth work, and sustain a large bank account -- this would be to deny the very gospel we preach and the commission of our Lord. We prefer to use, wisely and generously, every dollar to preach the gospel of Christ through television, tapes, missionaries, and other churches. I believe God, (not as much as I could, should, or would) and I know that if I ask, I will receive, especially if I ask on behalf of my brethren who preach the Word. "Lord, I'm asking for the power and the will to be a second cause -- to be a Samaritan on the road -- to be a Joseph opening the storehouse to all who need!" I hear the church people sing, "My Father is rich in houses and lands, He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands." Then I hear them in their business meetings arguing and debating over a few measly pennies -- either their Father is not as rich as they say or they don't believe it!
"He that soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly; and he that soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work." (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)
Our Lord said in Matthew 9:29, "According to your faith be it unto you." Churches! empty your treasury, clear the desk; give, and it shall be given you; but it is foolish to think that the Lord of Glory is going to add to your molding bread and your rusting gold. When the widow told the prophet of God that she had only enough meal and oil for one cake for her and her son, he replied, "Make me a cake first!" If we can find a church with enough faith to do this -- their barrel shall never be empty! My opinion is that this spirit and attitude must begin in the pulpit. Churches usually reflect the attitude of their pastors! When our Lord was questioned about His doctrine, He replied, "Ask them that heard me, they know what I preach."
When we preach God's sovereign election of His sheep in Christ, occasionally we hear someone ask, "But what about all the others who are not chosen?" Mr. Spurgeon answered that question in this way:
"Is there any here today who wishes to be holy, who wishes to be regenerated, sanctified, who wishes to leave off sin and walk in holiness and godliness, who wishes to love Christ Jesus and his people, who wishes to be made like Christ? Someone says, 'I do!' Then, my friend, you are elected. But someone else here does not want to be like Christ, does not want to give up the world, does not believe the gospel, does not want to worship God, and does not enjoy the company of godly people. Such a person should not complain if God does not elect him to a life that he despises. The most ridiculous thing I have ever heard is for a man to complain if God does not elect him to a life that he despises. The most ridiculous thing I have ever heard is for a man to complain that he has not been ELECTED TO SOMETHING HE DOES NOT WANT. Think about how foolish this is: the church is full, not one seat is left. A man stands outside and says, 'It is not fair that I do not have a seat in the church. I don't like the preacher, I don't like the gospel, I don't love the others who are there, I would be miserable if I were in there with them, but it is not fair for them to have a seat and for me not to have one!' This is ridiculous!"
The birthright which Esau treated with contempt and sold for a morsel of meat was more than material wealth. That birthright was A SPIRITUAL TRUST -- God's leader in the family. It carried with it divine favor, spiritual blessings, and responsibility. Esau's desires were sensual and fleshly, so he threw aside the favor of God to satisfy his present appetite. Shall we be so foolish as even to consider that anything the world has to offer is worth departing from the fellowship of the Lord and His people? Men and women who allow things in this world to cause them to abandon their faith and duty as God's children will, like Esau, weep with bitter tears when it is beyond their power to recover what is lost.
Life on this earth is filled with trials, disappointments, and difficult times. Along the way there will be steep mountains and dark valleys, as well as tempting pastures of pleasure which appeal to the flesh. We must continue in the way of Christ -- faithful to the gospel of grace, faithful to Him who loved us and gave Himself to redeem us, faithful to our children, our church family, and all who look to us for guidance.
We are seeing far too many of our friends making unwise decisions which may satisfy the flesh and allow them to have their way. But, oh, the price paid by their families, friends, children, church, and ultimately BY THEMSELVES will result in a repetition of Esau's experience. "For you know that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected; for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears" (Hebrews 12:17).
John Gill was pastor of New Park Street Baptist Church for 51 years. However, great men are not always wise and because of his stern repudiation of any division of his authority, and his refusal to bring in a younger minister to assist him, the young people quit attending and the church which numbered over a thousand in attendance barely numbered one hundred fifty members. The mighty commentator having been followed to his grave by his grieving people and a great company of ministers, his church began to look for a successor, There was trouble in store, for there was division of opinion. Some, no doubt, as true Gillites, looked for an older preacher, sound in doctrine, who would supply the older members with spiritual food, while another party had an eye to the growth of the church and the younger members of their families. John Rippon was recommended to them. He was only twenty years old but they agreed to hear him on probation. The older members judged him to be too young, and too flighty; they even accused him of having gone up the pulpit stairs two steps at a time on some occasion when he was in a hurry -- a grave offense for which the condemnation could hardly be too severe. He was only a young man and came from an academy, and this alone was enough to make the sounder and older members afraid of him. He preached for some months on probation, and finally forty members left the church because they could not agree to call John Rippon to be their pastor.
Rippon modestly expressed his amazement and wonder that even more people had not been dissatisfied. He said his great surprise was that so large a number had agreed to call him to the pastorate. In the spirit of love and forbearance John Rippon proposed to the church that, as these friends had left the church for conscience sake, and intended to form themselves into another church, they should be lovingly dismissed with prayer and godspeed, and that, as a token of brotherly love, the church should assist them in building a meeting-house of their own. A vote was taken and the sum of three-hundred pounds was given to the departing members who rejected Mr. Rippon's ministry and left the church. The new group set-out to find a pastor and finally called Mr. William Burton, who was nineteen years of age -- two years younger than John Rippon. Who do you suppose took part in the ordination and installation service for the very young pastor and his new congregation -- John Rippon!
John Rippon remained as pastor of New Park Street for sixty-three years and Mr. Burton labored among the new church for over forty years. The two churches fellow-shipped, labored together in love for the glory of Christ, and supported both pastors in the common bond of grace. Why should this not be our practice today? I do not find this spirit very often and neither do you. If a church divides over some matter of opinion, conscience, or practice, the division usually remains deep; brothers and sisters do not speak, no longer pray for one another, cannot worship together, accusations and charges are hurled -- even questioning one another's salvation!
Paul wrote in Philippians 1:15, "Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: what then? Notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretense, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice." We need to be concerned when the one strong evidence of discipleship given by our Lord is the area where we are the weakest. "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
I was greatly impressed, while reading Mr. Spurgeon this week, by a statement he made regarding those who spend most of their time trying to resolve the deep and mysterious theological questions. He said, "There is the puzzling problem concerning the origin of evil. I am not so much concerned about how evil came into the world as about helping to get it out! Common sense seems to say, if there is a thief in the house, let us catch him, deal with him and get him out. After that we will try to find out how he got in! Our Lord did not come into the world to tell us where sin came from but by the sacrifice of Himself to put it away."
It has for centuries been a great temptation to many talented men to spend their time studying, arguing and quarreling over sovereignty and responsibility, sabbath days and church government, prophetical speculation and future events, when they would have been better employed and more greatly used of God in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. It certainly does not harm us to sharpen our minds, to look into the mysteries of God, to inquire into that which is written, revealed and unrevealed; but our powers are limited, our gifts are limited and our time is limited. Let us sound a clear, positive note concerning that which God has made known without doubt, "He that hath the Son hath life, he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." A man can be saved and not know whether he is pre, post or a-mil but a man cannot be saved who does not know Christ. A man can be saved without a love for T.U.L.I.P., but he cannot be saved without a love for Christ. A man can be saved who refuses the lordship of elders but a man cannot be saved who refuses the Lordship of Christ. A man can be saved who does not enter the rest of your sabbath but a man cannot be saved who has not ceased from his labors and entered the rest of Christ.
This is a day of "hero worship" and conformity to life-styles set by "stars" and famous people. The Lord warns us in Psalm 146:3, "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the sons of men, in whom there is no help." Put not your confidence and trust in any man, no matter how high in politics, education, society, or religion. There is no eternal nor spiritual good in the flesh, and it has been proved under every circumstance. For us to put our confidence in another man and make him our example and leader is like a beggar looking to another beggar for food, or a blind man reaching for the hand of another blind man to guide him. The Lord Jesus is our God, our Shepherd, and our Guide. "Jesus, my shepherd, brother, friend, my prophet, priest, and king, my Lord, my life, my way, my end; accept the praise I bring." (John Newton)
Why not put trust and confidence in men? In this same Psalm David gives several reasons.
(1) "HIS BREATH GOETH FORTH" and he dies. Man is such a frail and impotent creature that for want of a little air, he dies! Should you trust such WEAKNESS?
(2) "HE RETURNS TO HIS EARTH;" the dust only is his; it is his dirt. He was made from it and he will return to it. Should you trust such POVERTY?
(3) "IN THAT VERY DAY HIS THOUGHTS PERISH." When a man dies, all of his thoughts, plans, programs, and ideas perish with him. He withers like the grass, his glory wilts like the flower, and nothing of him remains; for only the Word of God abides forever!
There are three main graces --
(l) FAITH, by which we look to Christ, receive Christ, and live upon Him;
(2) HOPE, by which we wait for the fulfillment of every promise in Christ; and
(3) LOVE to God and men.
Yet LOVE exceeds the others as to its duration and use. FAITH will give way to sight one day, and HOPE will become reality; but LOVE SHALL ONLY EXPAND!
"And above all things, put on love, which binds everything together in ideal harmony." Colossians 3:14
The relationship which exists between true believers in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ and between Pastor and people in the family of God is one that cannot be understood by the natural man or by the unsaved religionist. The carnal church must have strings attached to the pastor to regulate his coming and going. He is assigned a vacation time, so many outside meetings, pulpit and visitation duties. There are set times for business meetings, certain quorums which must be present, all things must be voted on, (having been announced certain days in advance), members are not allowed the freedom to designate gifts! By-laws, constitutions and rules of order are printed and distributed so that the pastor dare not act without the approval of the deacons, the deacons dare not act without the approval of the congregation, and the congregation dare not act without the due process and vote of the monthly business meeting. All of this has come about because these people do not love and trust one another! The pastor who loves Christ, the church and lost souls, will not need rules and regulations of men to motivate him or keep him in line. Deacons who love Christ and one another do not need to be assigned duties, serve limited terms, and be consulted on every matter. Church members who love Christ and one another and trust their God-given leaders, do not require a written report of every move made, every cent spent, and every work undertaken. Their relationship is one of fervent love and complete trust. Each member is allowed to exercise his own gift, act as a free steward of his own grace, and engage in the ministry God has given him without interference and forced control by others. All together fulfill the will of God and none are complete without the others. Regenerated men understand this and you waste your time trying to explain it to the rest.
Here is an interesting question asked by a friend during my meeting in Lake City, Florida. "Why is it that when people discuss Bible doctrine or spiritual matters they have a tendency to grow angry when others do not agree with them on every point?" We can discuss, agree, disagree, and even debate almost any subject and still keep our composure; but, when our religious beliefs and doctrinal points are questioned, we get red in the face, raise our voices, and condemn our adversary to the pits of ignorance and condemnation. This is surprising since every believer should be the first to admit that we all see through a glass dimly, only know in part and preach and teach in part. We really know nothing as we ought to know and are not sufficient to think anything for ourselves! Also, we are taught of our Lord to endeavor to keep a unity of spirit in the brotherhood and to look not on our own things but the things of others. Besides being exhorted to love one another as Christ loved us and to be tender-hearted forgiving one another as God, for Christ sake, forgave us. This spirit of anger and division over minor differences can only be traced to two things and these are the greatest evils that can be charged to a believer -- pride and self-righteousness! My pride tells me that I am right and others are wrong. My self-righteousness tells me that I have a right to be offended when someone takes issue with such a wise, dedicated, orthodox defender of the faith as I am. If Peter can be so wrong about the Gentiles; if Paul can be so wrong about John Mark; if David can make so many wrong moves; I suppose it is highly possible that I could be mistaken on some issues. Let us be established on the Rock, Christ Jesus and endeavor together to grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ Jesus.
It is not difficult to understand why natural men and women come to dislike one another, why their so-called love turns to hate, and why couples divorce one another and subject their children to so much turmoil and trial. These people do not know God and do not have the love of God for others in their hearts.
This, however, is not the way of Christ. It is a denial of the gospel and a contradiction of the teaching of Scripture. When a married couple who profess to be true believers cannot live together in love and peace, cannot fulfill the vows they made to one another before God, cannot sacrifice pride and self for the good of their children and the testimony of the gospel, they are telling the world that God's grace is not sufficient, that the blood of Christ cannot overcome the world and the flesh, that he that is in us is not greater than he who is in the world and that the claim of Scripture to make us 'new creatures' in Christ is not true (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Husbands, remember the scriptural injunction to 'love your wives' and your children (Ephesians 5:25). Do not provoke them or treat them selfishly. Give yourselves and your family in the love of God, no matter how difficult the way may become. What is required of husbands (and what truly believing husbands will want to do) is to love their wives 'even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it' (Ephesians 5:25). This is going a long way, right to the end, and with no giving up!
Wives, love, respect and obey your husbands. This is the clear teaching of Scripture (Ephesians 5:22). Make a clean, pleasant home for him, your children and your guests. Be a homemaker, a companion and a helpmate. Paul said, 'Teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed' (Titus 2:4-5).
The marriage road may not always be smooth. The images conjured up in the youthful mind of marriage 'bliss for ever and ever' may soon fade. Those who have been on the road for a long time know that marriage has to be continually worked on, but the truly believing couple will always remember that their marriage is a reflection (however faint) of the relationship between Christ and his church. He gave his life for her. They will work on it and seek to glorify God in their relationship.
The old reformers took as their essentials, "The Scriptures alone, grace alone, and CHRIST ALONE." What did they mean, "CHRIST ALONE"? I believe it was Isaac Watts who wrote:
"Christ as our Mediator stands
Between our souls and God;
Upon both parties lays His hands,
Presenting His precious blood.
Christ is my rock; on Him I build
My life, my hope, my all;
His promise shall be fulfilled;
He will not let me fall."
All spiritual blessings that the sovereign, gracious God has for sinners are IN our Lord Jesus Christ, BY the merits and blood of our Lord, and FOR the glory of our Redeemer. Simply put, CHRIST IS SALVATION!
It is Christ, not the cross, who saves.
It is Christ, not the church, who justifies.
It is Christ, not my faith, nor my confession, nor my profession, who unites me to God.
It is the Master, not the mother, who is our Mediator.
It is His blood that cleanses, His obedience that sanctifies, His love that will not let me go, His faithfulness (not mine) constant and steadfast, and His promise, spoken to Peter but true of every believer,
"For who hath despised the day of small things?" Zechariah 4:10
Sometimes while looking for great things to do, great crowds to impress, and great trials to endure for God's glory, we overlook the sling and stones God uses; we send the Davids out to tend sheep; we dismiss the loaves and fishes as too little to be useful and unworthy of our notice. When will we learn that is the foolish things that God uses to confound the wise? It is the base things, the things which are despised, yea, and the things which are not, to bring to nought things that are; that no flesh should glory in His presence. Have we been taken in by the world's philosophy of numbers, riches, greatness, talent, popularity, and wisdom? Have we discarded the very instruments, vessels and weapons God uses to accomplish His glory? I hear preachers talking about going to a certain seminary or school to secure their doctorates. I ask, "Do they teach the Word of God? Are the professors true to Christ and the Scriptures?" "No, but I need the credentials to open doors for me to preach!" All the credentials one needs is a Divine call to the ministry; and it is not your honorary titles, but the Holy Trinity who opens effectual doors for the gospel! The disciples "went forth and preached." It is not said that they went forth and argued, or that they went forth and wrote apologies for the Christian faith, or that they went forth and structured, organized and rehearsed doctrine before groups of dead theologians. No.1 They went forth and preached Christ crucified in the language of the people demanding that men believe on, and receive, Jesus Christ as Lord and left them, if they would not believe, with the distinct understanding that they would perish in their unbelief! Most of the intellectual Calvinism preached today is understood by few, experienced by still fewer, and enjoyed by none! The hearers know what they believe but very little of whom they believe. We've straightened out their heads and neglected their hearts. They are as straight as a gun barrel morally, and just as empty!
Dismiss this word as just so much rhetoric if you will; but before you do, take a good look at your ministry, your message, your worship services, and your gospel. Record the whole service, sit out in a pew some night and listen to it. Imagine that you are a total stranger who has dropped in, hungry to know God -- what is there for you? Imagine that you are a heart patient who will die tomorrow and face God in judgment -- what is there for you? Imagine that you are a wayward boy or girl who is all mixed up in your thinking, your morals, and your home life -- what is there for you? Imagine that you are a lonely widow or an old couple forgotten by children and family -- what is there for you? Imagine that you are a believer plagued by doubts of your interest in Christ, fears of death, and great temptation to sin -- what is there for you? Imagine that you are going through an emotional crisis, a broken home, sorrow over the death of a friend or loved one -- what is there for you? These are the people to whom we preach; these are the sheep we are commanded to feed; these are the people we are told to comfort! The people starve and perish, the lost go away doomed and the pharisees wallow deeper in their refuges of lies while we make sure that the church is properly organized and structured; while we fight liberalism and fundamentalism; while we destroy Christmas, Easter and pagan holidays; while we straighten out our fellow preachers on the millennium; while we are busy ourselves in the old puritans and try to sound smarter than we are; while we sound the praises of capitalism and fight the evils of communism; while we make war on the public school system and use our time and resources to educate children in godliness -- ignoring the only source of life -- the preaching of Christ!
Satan has beguiled us as he did our mother Eve. Through his subtlety he has corrupted our minds from the simplicity of Christ! Where can I go this Lord's day and hear the mercy of God, not the mechanics of grace? Where can I go and hear the love of Christ and not the law of God for saints? Where can I go and hear of the righteousness of God fulfilled by Christ and not the righteousness of the creature to be rewarded by God? Let us say, by God's grace, this will be the place and I will be the preacher. The message will not be flowery but full of grace; it will not be with enticing words of man's wisdom but the sovereign mercy of God to helpless sinners in a language all men understand. Let the scholars, theologians and authors go elsewhere to have their intellects "challenged." Lord make me Thy voice to the people!
Come ye sinners poor and needy,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore;
Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love and power.
Now ye needy, come and welcome,
God's free bounty glorify;
True belief and true repentance,
Every grace that brings you nigh.
Let not conscience make you linger,
Nor of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness He requireth,
Is to feel your need of Him!
[1] To be justified is to HAVE PEACE WITH GOD! (Romans 5:1). "Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God."
[2] To be justified is to be FREE FROM ALL CHARGES! (Romans 8:33). "Who can lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God who justifieth."
[3] To be justified is to HAVE ETERNAL LIFE AND GLORY! (Romans 8:30). "And whom He justified, them He also glorified."
[4] To be justified is to BE AN HEIR OF GOD! (Titus 3:7). "Being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life."
These riches of His grace make all the more important the question raised in Job 25:4, "How then can man be justified with God?" Find the answer and one will find all that He needs in this life and in the life to come.
The account in Romans of how Abraham was justified and received righteousness by faith was not recorded for his sake alone nor applicable only to him, but it is by faith that every believer is justified and sanctified. Righteousness shall be imputed to us, as well as to Abraham, IF WE BELIEVE GOD, Who is identified in Romans 4:23-25 by the fact that He raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. To believe for salvation is not to believe only in the existence of God, but to believe on Him in regard to His gospel! Saving faith involves the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who was promised of God, sent by God, bruised by God, raised by God, and seated victoriously on the Father's right hand.
LUKE 2:10-14
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." (Luke 2:10-14)
This is the season of the year when, whether we wish it or not, we are compelled to think of the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is celebrated all over this nation by believers, unbelievers, skeptics, agnostics and even infidels. I hold it to be one of the greatest absurdities under heaven to think that there is any religion in keeping Christmas or any other holiday. It is even doubtful that the Lord Jesus was born on Christmas day. A relationship with God is not based on keeping days, observing rituals, or continuing ceremonies. A relationship with God is based upon heart faith, loving obedience and personal knowledge of God.
However, I am thankful for the Christmas season for several reasons.
(1) There is enough work in this world and a few days of rest and relaxation is wonderful for working people.
(2) I enjoy the generous spirit of Christmas. I wish it could last all year. People laugh a lot during Christmas. We seem to be more aware of each other during this season.
(3) Christmas enables families to get together around the fireplace and to meet old friends again. Children come home and visit their parents.
(4) Christmas is good for the nation's economy. Let's face it, people spend money during the Christmas season and this enables the small businessman to make ends meet and the large businesses to employ more people. The way our economy operates, the quickest way to recession and unemployment is for us to quit buying.
(5) But the chief reason why I am thankful for the Christmas season is that, even with all of the undesirable qualities, at least once a year men and women are brought face to face with the fact that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD DID COME INTO THIS WORLD. Now, it is our business to find out who He was, why He came into the world, and what He did while He was here; and I might add, where He is now.
This first Christmas carol sung by the angels of God was brief, but it was fitting that they should sing it for it was written by Jehovah-God and was a message from the Lord Himself to His people.
The angels sang something which men can understand -- something which will change men's lives if they do understand it. The angels were singing about Jesus Christ who was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem's manger and the salvation which He came into this world to work out. And what they said was this:
This message of redemption is "unto you", to all men, rich and poor. Our God will redeem a people. He says, out of every kindred, nation, tongue and people on the earth. He is not the Saviour of the Jews, nor the Gentiles, nor the Catholics, nor the Protestants, but of all who will believe. This is part of the "good news" (the gospel) that whosoever will may take this water of life." The only thing that keeps any person from coming to Christ is that person's unwillingness to come!
"Let not conscience make you linger,
Nor of fitness fondly dream,
All the fitness He requireth,
Is to feel your need of Him."
The Lord Jesus Christ was born to Jewish parents. Both his mother and His foster father were descendants of David. The Messiah must come through David to fulfill all of the types, prophecies and promises made by God to the chosen people in the Old Testament.
Jesus Christ is "that prophet" of whom Moses wrote. He is the "the passover" which Israel celebrated. He is "the sin-offering" to which every Jewish sacrifice pointed.
When the angel came to Joseph to tell him that the woman to whom he was engaged was with child he said, "This Holy Thing is the Son of God and thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins."
If words mean anything, the purpose for Christ coming to this world in the likeness of sinful flesh was not to preach, to heal, to set an example only, but to save us from our sins. He is the Saviour! He is Christ THE LORD.
Jesus Christ is no ordinary man. He is God incarnate. "God was in Christ." He said, "I and the Father are one. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."
God cannot suffer. God cannot die. God cannot bear sin. Man cannot satisfy. Man cannot give life. Man cannot keep the law. But Jesus Christ as the GOD-MAN (God in human flesh) can both suffer and satisfy. He can keep the law and bear our sin and come forth to give life to those for whom He died. Unto you is born of woman, under the law, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. God is reconciled. The law is honored and God's justice is satisfied.
That's glad tidings of great joy.
"Hark the herald angles sing,
Glory to the new-born King;
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!
Veiled in flesh the God-head see,
Hail the incarnate deity!
Second Adam from above,
Reinstate us in Thy love."
The first lesson to learn from the angels' carol is that salvation is God's highest glory. God is glorified in every drop of dew that sparkles in the morning sun. He is glorified in every bird that sings. He is glorified in all that He has made. But God's greatest glory is in showing mercy and grace to sinners in Christ. The death of Christ glorifies His love, His grace, His wisdom and His mercy. Moses cried, "Lord, show me your glory." God replied, "I will make My goodness to pass before you. I will be merciful." His goodness is His glory.
There was no peace in the garden where Adam fell. Since our father fell there has been no peace within us or without us. "Your sins have separated you and your God." Our war with heaven is because of our sins. The natural mind is enmity toward God.
The Prince of Peace has come. The treaty is signed at Bethlehem. Christ Jesus, our representative, fulfilled every requirement at Calvary. Every jot and tittle of God's law is fulfilled by Christ, the man, and on the cross of Calvary He paid the ransom price with His own blood. The war is over. Welcome home, weary pilgrim! Welcome to the Father, rebellious son! Welcome to the throne, sinful traitor!
When we learn this carol we can sing with the angels of glory "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
"Glory to God in the highest" is an old, old song; the angels had sung that from before the foundations of the world. But, now, they sang a new song before the throne of God: for they added this stanza -- "On earth, peace." Christ is our peace. He is the holy peace between the pardoned sinner and God the pardoner. THIS IS THE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE!
Your ELECTION is known by your CALLING! "You hath He quickened who were dead..." Have you been quickened, made alive to the things of God in Christ? Do you have an interest in the gospel of God's grace and mercy to sinners? "The Holy Spirit will convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment." Have you been convinced of your sin of unbelief? Have you been convinced that you have no righteousness and need Christ's righteousness? Have you been convinced that there is no judgment only to those in Christ? If God has been pleased to do these things FOR you and IN you, then you are elected! "Our gospel came to you not in word only but in power." Is the gospel of Jesus Christ only facts and history to you, or has that gospel entered your heart and brought you to SEEK a saving interest in Christ? "It is given unto you not only to believe on Him but to suffer for His sake." Do you believe on Him? Do you really believe that Jesus Christ is your wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption and that He, of God, is made unto you all you need? "We love Him because He first loved us." Do you love Christ the Lord? "No man can call Jesus Lord but by the Holy Spirit." Is Christ your Lord? Have you truly bowed to Him in your heart of hearts? "By this shall all men know that you are my disciple, if you love one another." Do you really love the brethren? There is no problem here. If we are God's elect, there are evidences enough; so "give diligence to make your CALLING sure!"
"He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself." Hebrews 9:26
When the Spirit of God is pleased to enlighten our understanding our self-righteousness melts away like the morning frost before the burning rays of the sun. We become painfully aware of our sins: "O the exceeding sinfulness of sin." "my sins are ever before me," we cry with the fathers. What is to be done about my sins? It is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. It is evident that no man is justified by the law. The tears of Esau would not restore his birthright. The waters of baptism left Simon Magus in the gall of bitterness. Judas' confession that he had betrayed innocent blood only led him to suicide. The wonderful works professed in Matthew 7 were called "works of iniquity" by Christ. "How can he be clean that is born of a woman?" Here is the answer: "He (the Lord of Glory) appeared (came to earth in flesh) to put away sin (all sin -- past, present, and future) by the sacrifice of Himself." "For Christ also hath suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit." (1 Peter 3:18)
"I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and He heard me out of His holy hill" (Psalm 3:4)
The Lord heard me when I cried for mercy in Christ. He abundantly pardoned my sins and gave me a good hope through grace. He has heard my voice in prayer everyday and so graciously blessed and supplied every need. If He is not pleased to grant another earthly blessing, I can say that I have been the object of special love and favor. This being the case, I want to learn THREE LESSONS.
1. He shall hear my voice IN PRAISE! If He has heard me pray, then He shall hear me give thanks. If He has heard me when tears were in my eyes, then He shall hear my voice of thanksgiving when my eyes laugh and rejoice. My communion with God shall not be confined to the sickbed and the dungeons of despair.
2. He has heard my voice; then I SHALL HEAR HIS VOICE! What did the prophet say? "Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth." How foolish is the man who would talk to God in prayer but seldom takes down the blessed Word of God that he may hear God speak to him. May, God ever deliver us from pride of grace, for all that we are or have is His gift and work. But I believe His infallible, inspired Word means more to me than ever before. I find all that I need in this Divine book. Feeding upon it gives me hope, strength, and grace; neglecting it leaves me empty and depressed.
3. I have talked to God about my friends, and He heard me; then I shall TALK TO MY FRIENDS ABOUT GOD: perhaps they will hear.
"I will tell to sinners round,
What a dear Saviour I have found."
Is it possible that we cannot name one person whom we have brought to hear the gospel or been the instrument used by the Spirit of God to give them the good news of Christ?
"Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an Apostle, separated unto the gospel of God." Romans 1:1
I suppose the only preacher who ever really deserved a title refused to take one. He shunned the praise of men and fleshly recognition. It was not Rev. Paul, or Dr. Paul, or Bishop Paul, or even the Apostle Paul -- just Paul! The greatest man born of woman identified himself as only a voice in the wilderness. The angel of Patmos rebuked John for paying undue homage to him, saying, "Worship God!"
Paul considered himself only a bond-servant of Jesus Christ and felt that to be recognition enough and fit credentials to entitle him to be heard, but he added, "I am called to be an apostle." I did not take this responsibility upon myself -- God put me in the ministry and I am separated unto the gospel. I will leave others to set in order the many ills of this world, to organize governments and correct the life-style of unbelievers my message is "Christ and Him crucified." it is true that the preacher of the gospel must eat and drink, his family must be supported, and he has expenses just as other men; but the man who is separated unto the gospel will live by that gospel.
When any opportunity, investment, or carnal duty creeps in and takes his precious time from the study and preaching of the gospel -- it must go! When any association, relationship or social contact tries to build a fellowship on any other foundation than Christ -- it must go! When he is tempted to demonstrate his knowledge of history, psychology, prophecy, personal counseling and politics, he must be wise enough to say, "Get thee behind me, Satan, for I am separated unto the gospel. I know how you hate the gospel of redeeming grace. I know how you will corrupt even the preacher's mind from the simplicity of Christ. I will not be deceived by your praise or by your offers of recognition or your offers of great power, or your offers of security in old age or your warnings of failure, persecution and loneliness. Which of the prophets have not religious men persecuted? I will be true to the gospel of substitution for I am separated unto the gospel.
2 TIMOTHY 3:1-2
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves" (2 Timothy 3:1-2)
When Paul speaks of "the last days," he means the days following the incarnation of our Lord Jesus. We have the days from Adam to Moses, the days from Moses to Christ's death on the cross, and THE LAST DAYS from Calvary to the end of this world. Some people believed that these last days would be a time of peace, holiness, and obedience to God and His word, especially in the churches and among professing Christians. But Paul warns Timothy and all true believers to expect perilous times, hard and difficult times, during these last days; not because of outward calamities, scarcity of food, and dangers from the sword, but by reason of the wickedness of men and women who profess religion and yet serve themselves. He gives a description of these formal professors and false preachers -- "THEY SHALL BE LOVERS OF THEIR OWN SELVES -- COVETOUS PEOPLE." This is put first because error and hypocrisy and covetousness flows from SELF-LOVE! He who loves himself does not love Christ, does not love nor care for the sheep, and has no real concern for the glory of God. Self-love promotes applause, love for money, recognition for service, and using the ministry for personal gain and comforts. These men always promote themselves and their ministry and lean heavily on the arm of the flesh, not knowing what it is to WAIT ON THE LORD AND TO TRUST HIS DIVINE PROVIDENCE for their bread and direction. May the Lord give all of us discerning hearts and deliverance from "lovers of their own selves."
"Send us men, O King in Zion,
Made according to Thine heart,
Meek as lambs, and bold as lions,
And wise to act the shepherd's part;
Clothe their words with power Divine,
And let their words be ONLY THINE."
Men do not come to Christ because they are dead in trespasses and sins and must be quickened by God's Spirit. In the heart of man, there dwelleth no good thing. In the soul of man there is no spiritual life. In the mind of man there is no longing or seeking after God. Men out of Christ are dead men. They are just as dead and helpless spiritually as a corpse is helpless physically. I would as soon expect a dead man to get out of his casket, go into the kitchen and get himself a drink of water as for a sinner to rise out of his sins and go to Christ who is the water of life, without the quickening and regenerating work of the Spirit. If a man is ever saved from sin, he will first be effectually quickened by the Spirit of God. Paul in writing to the Ephesians calls their attention to the fact that they were "quickened" to life (Ephesians 2:1) by the Spirit. God does not perform this effectual work of the Spirit in the hearts of all men, but only in the hearts of those whom he has purposed to save.
"Salvation is of the Lord" (Jonah 2:9) from the beginning to end. He saves men on purpose, there are no accidents with God. This talk of "God has done His part, now you must do your part" completely destroys salvation by pure grace and allows it to depend on the works of man which is no more of grace, but of deeds and works. Man made his decision in Eden -- he chose to disobey God and serve Satan. That decision still controls the hearts of unregenerated men. Now God is calling out His people from every nation under heaven and redeeming them through the blood of His Son. He did not tell us that the destiny of men rested upon our talking them into Church membership, but He did commission us to preach the Gospel to every creature and leave the work of regeneration in the proper hands, that of the Spirit.
Quite often, after a sermon is over, people are heard to say, "Preacher, you sure stepped on my toes today," or "My, my, the preacher sure skinned us today." Somehow, I feel that this type of response to the preaching of God's Word indicates that there is something wrong with either the preaching or the hearing. When one can lightly pass off the profound mysteries of the gospel of God's mercy with such meaningless comments, either he has not heard the glorious good news, or it has not been properly presented.
When the Master preached to His disciples, they said, "Did not our hearts burn within us while he opened to us the Scriptures?" When Peter preached at Pentecost, it is said, "They were pricked in their hearts and cried, 'men and brethren, what shall we do?"' When Paul turned to the Gentiles with the gospel, the Scripture says, "They were glad and GLORIFIED THE WORD OF THE LORD." This is so different from departing from the assembly with the flippant remark, "Well, he sure stepped on my toes."
There is a duty to be performed BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER THE SERMON. My responsibility is to get a message from the Lord, bathe it in prayer and preparation, and seek the fullness of God's Spirit. Your responsibility BEFORE the sermon is to pray for me and prepare your heart to hear the Word. Coming into God's presence is no light matter; it is a most serious business. DURING the sermon, let everyone hear with attention, interest, and an open heart. AFTER the sermon, let every individual seek to apply the Word to both heart and life by retaining the preached Word in thought and conversation.
The Bereans heard the apostles then "SEARCHED THE WORD to see if these things be so!" Our Lord condemned the Pharisees, saying, "My Word hath no place in you" (John 8:37). Let's give His Word the place it merits -- FIRST PLACE! He has graciously promised to bless that Word to His glory and to our eternal good!
PSALM 119:71
"It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy ways" (Psalm 119:71).
GOD'S WAYS AND GOD'S WORD are best learned by experience and in time of trouble. When our Lord is pleased to lay His hand heavily upon us, we do not soon forget the lessons learned. When the Lord singles out a believer or a church for special affliction and adversity, it is not for punishment nor lack of love for them; it is for eternal blessings and because He does love them. "Whom the Lord loveth" He chastens, corrects, and teaches! When Job sat before his friends, who was afflicted? THE ONE GOD LOVED! When Paul stood before King Agrippa, who wore the chains? THE ONE GOD LOVED! Humanly speaking, which path of life would you prefer to live on earth, that of Esau or Jacob? Esau had the life of prosperity and ease; Jacob was full of trouble and conflict -- BUT GOD LOVED JACOB! Thank God He has not left us alone! Thank God He has loved us in Christ and is pleased to teach us His ways by dealing with us in such a way that we are weaned from the world and find our life, comfort, and hope only in Him. A person who measures his blessings and relationship with God by His prosperity, health, happiness, and worldly comforts makes a fatal mistake. "If ye be without chastisement, whereof all believers are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons" (Hebrews 12:8). Paul said, "Most gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me" (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). He who sends the trial for His glory and my good WILL SUPPLY THE GRACE SUFFICIENT. Those who know the Redeemer also know that when we are weak, we are strong; when we are poor, we are rich; when we are empty, we are full; and when we die, we live!
"Christ is not valued nor His grace appreciated until men have a genuine knowledge of their misery, helplessness, and lost condition because of sin. When sin is sin indeed, then grace is grace indeed, and Christ is Christ indeed. If men have a superficial sense of sin, they have a superficial faith in Christ." (Thomas Manton)
2 SAMUEL 24:24
"Neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing." 2 Samuel 24:24
God was displeased with David because he had numbered the people of Israel and He gave David a choice of seven years of famine, three months in the hands of his enemies, or three days of pestilence in the land. David chose to fall into the hands of the Lord, saying, "Let us fall now into the hands of the Lord for His mercies are great and let me not fall into the hand of man." The hand of God was stayed after seventy thousand men had fallen. David was commanded to rear an altar to the Lord in the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite. When Araunah heard the will of the Lord he wanted to give David the threshing-floor for an altar, the oxen for the sacrifice, and the wood for the fire. But David said, "I will not offer thank offerings unto the Lord of that which doth cost me nothing."
A thankful heart will not serve God with that which cost him nothing. If it means nothing to you, it will mean even less to God. Any offering or gift to the Lord God which does not involve sacrifice or self-denial is of no spiritual value to the offerer. We read in the Scripture of the first-fruits, the choice lamb, of Abraham's only son, of the widow's gift of all she had. The wealthy gave out of their abundance but she gave of her living. I fear that most of our gifts are out of the surplus and involve no sacrifice at all.
In Malachi 1:6-8 the people brought to the Lord their stale bread and sick sheep. He said, "Take these gifts to your governor and see if he will receive and be happy with them." Used clothing, furniture and articles we don't need may be useful to others but they are of no value as a spiritual gift for the glory of God. Bake sales, rummage sales, and car washes may fill our treasuries; worthless hillside land may provide the church with a place to build; bonds sold at high interest may erect a place to preach; but God is not pleased with these gifts which cost us nothing!
Our Heavenly Father gave His only begotten Son. The Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself to redeem us. "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich." (2 Corinthians 8:9). Shall I insult such love and grace with my spare time, my indifferent effort and my surplus goods? God forbid! True love considers no labor, cost, or difficulty too great. Gifts and offerings which cost me nothing reveal four things:
(1) They reveal a lack of faith. Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac because he believed that God was able to raise him from the dead. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you." My God shall supply all my needs.
(2) They reveal lack of love. "Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had for her." Genesis 29:20. If a wife or child has a serious illness, do we find the cheapest medical care? No! Love does not count the cost, but is willing to give all.
(3) They reveal a lack of regard for the majesty of God. Do I dare bring to the Lord God less than the best I have? An unprepared sermon? An insincere prayer? A worthless gift? A hurried moment of devotion? Try it on your governor.
(4) They reveal our low estimation of His mercy. "To whom much is forgiven, he will love much -- to whom little is forgiven, he will love little."
Upon reading the sermon on the mount a man was heard to exclaim, "Either this is not true or there are few true Christians today."
2 TIMOTHY 1:12
Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 1:12, "For the which cause I suffer these things," or, "This is WHY I am suffering as I do."
Why was Paul in prison? Why did all of the prophets, apostles, and reformers suffer death. Why were Bunyan, Spurgeon, and other great ministers despised? The answer is two-fold!
If a man believes and preaches the gospel of God's true grace in Christ, he will suffer persecution because the religious world despises sovereign mercy. But if a man believes and preaches the gospel of God's glory and grace, the Lord will use even this wrath of men, persecution, and suffering to bring his elect to faith in Christ. You who compromise the truth of grace for the smiles of men, do not be deceived. These smiles are but the laughter of the demons behind these faces. And you faithful servants who incur the anger and frowns of this religious society, rejoice; for as Cowper wrote, "Behind a frowning providence, HE HIDES A SMILING FACE." He causes us to triumph in Christ even when we think that we have failed. "We endure all things for the sake of God's elect that they may ALSO obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal joy" (2 Timothy 2:10). Let us be kind and considerate, but NEVER FOR ANY REASON COMPROMISE THE GOSPEL, what ever the consequences; for even the consequences are ordered by our Lord for His glory! So whether Ananias [???] slaps you on the mouth or Lydia invites you to dinner, do not be affected overmuch; it is HIS DOINGS FOR HIS GLORY!
The "invitation" or "altar call" at the end of a service has become such and accepted tradition in today's religion that those who do not sing an "invitation hymn" and invite people to the front of the church to "get saved" are branded with all sorts of names and charges. It never seems to trouble religious people that this "altar call" is nowhere to be found in God's word; that the great majority of those who "come forward" usually "go back" into indifference and worldliness; that coming to Christ is not a physical move at all but a heart commitment to the Redeemer; that the Scriptures present BAPTISM as our public confession of Christ, no "shaking the preacher's hand;" that the gospel is a COMMAND to repent, believe, and follow the Lord in baptism, not a mere invitation. The King of kings does not invite His subjects to obey and believe Him -- He commands them!
I preach to you the Word of the living God! In the preaching of His Word the holiness, justice, and righteousness of God are declared. The truth of our fall, sinfulness, and inability is clearly set forth, as is the grace and mercy of God in the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you a sinner? Confess that fact before God, not before me! Do you need mercy? Tell God you need mercy, not me! Do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the only Redeemer and righteousness and sin-offering for one such as you? Then settle that issue before the throne of grace, not at the front of the church! Has God spoken peace to your heart in Christ? Do you now rest in Him alone as your Lord and Saviour, your High Priest, and Mediator? Is the old man crucified with Christ, buried, and you are risen in Him a new creature? Then ask the pastor to assist you in believer's baptism that you may declare publicly what God has done for you personally!
Looking at the entire passage, it appears here in Hebrews 6:1-6 that the apostle Paul wishes to push believers on to growth and maturity. There is a tendency in the flesh to stand and rest and to say, "I am saved; I have passed from death to life. Jesus Christ is my refuge; here I may find contentment and rest." But Paul urges us to progress in the truth of God -- to grow to maturity, to grow up from a state of childhood to the fullness of maturity in Christ.
In Verses 3-6 Paul says that in order to grow, the believer must leave the elementary teachings and doctrines of Christ We must not lose them; we must not deny them nor forget them, but lay them in our hearts as the foundation of all that we profess and expect. We don't want to rest here, however; for there must be a building erected on this foundation. The apostle then mentions six foundation principles which must be well laid at first and then built upon.
1. REPENTANCE FROM DEAD WORKS. We are convinced of sin, of sins, and even of the evil of our religious and moral works. "Not by works of righteousness which we have done" (Titus 3:5).
2. FAITH TOWARD GOD. We have a firm belief in the nature, existence, and attributes of God, in the mind and purpose of God revealed in His Word, and especially in the record which He has given concerning redemption in Christ. Repentance toward God and faith in Christ are inseparable.
3. THE DOCTRINE OF BAPTISM. We are baptized into Christ by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13; Galatians 3:27). We are baptized in water as identification with Christ in His death and as a confession of our faith. Then there is the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5).
4. LAYING ON OF HANDS. This was a special power conferred on apostles to give the Holy Spirit and gifts (Acts 8:17; 1 Timothy 4:14). It was practiced by the church to ordain deacons and missionaries (Acts 6:6; Acts 13:3). We are warned to exercise care in this regard (I Timothy 5:22).
5. THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD. This is the reunion of the soul and body that shall come to pass when Christ comes (I Thessalonians 4:13).
6. ETERNAL JUDGMENT. God shall judge all men in that day -- the wicked by their works (which shall be found wanting) and the believer in the Person and work of Christ (which shall result in eternal life).
In reading Verses 4-6, two questions come to mind. First, WHO ARE THE PEOPLE SPOKEN OF? If you read John Gill, John Owen, and most Calvinistic writers, they all say that these people are professors of Christianity but not true believers. Spurgeon said their interpretation of this passage is influenced by the doctrine they are seeking to prove, not by what it actually says; for even a child reading these verses WOULD DECLARE THESE PEOPLE SAVED.
1. WHO WERE ONCE ENLIGHTENED. The first work of the Holy Spirit is to enlighten the soul. We were in darkness, but the Holy Spirit has given us the light of revelation. We know who we are, WHO CHRIST IS, and why He came. I do not consider any man enlightened who is not saved.
2. WHO HAVE TASTED THE HEAVENLY GIFT. What is the heavenly gift? It is Christ (Who is the unspeakable gift) or eternal life (which is the gift of God). If I have tasted of the heavenly gift, then it is mine. This is the same word used in 1 Peter 2:3 and means to experience or to eat.
3. MADE PARTAKERS OF THE HOLY GHOST. Only a believer is a partaker of the Holy Ghost. He either dwells in a man or He doesn't. Where the Holy Ghost dwells, there is life. "If any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His." But if a man is a partaker of the Holy Ghost, he is an object of grace.
4. HAVE TASTED THE GOOD WORD OF GOD. These people have experienced the quickening power of the Word and the sanctifying influence of the Word. They have eaten the Word and found it to be good! Is the good Word of God Christ or the written Word or both? How can they be separated?
5. HAVE TASTED THE POWERS OF THE WORLD TO COME. They have experienced and received the power of faith, the power of hope, and the power of love -- for "now abideth THESE THREE." These are the powers of the world to come. So I say, whatever the meaning of this text, if these people are not children of God, who is?
The second question to be considered is: WHAT IS MEANT BY FALLING AWAY? To fall into sin is not to fall away (Proverbs 24:16). We have countless examples of this in David, Abraham, Lot, etc. Also, to deny Christ is not to fall away. Peter denied Him but came back.
Then what is falling away to the place of impossible recovery? Well, there never has been a case of it yet, so I can't describe it to you; but I will tell you what I suppose it is. It would be for the Holy Spirit to depart from a believer; for the work of God's grace to cease; for the blood of Christ to lose its efficacy; for God, Who has begun a work, to leave off finishing it and to say, "Sinner, I half-saved you, now I damn you." This is what falling away is. A man cannot fall away from a position he has never occupied.
What the Scripture here is saying is the IF HE COULD FALL AWAY, it would be impossible to ever renew him. How else can they be saved? Is there a healing stream better than the foundation of blood? Is there a better righteousness than Christ's? NO! If they could fall away AS SOME TEACH, it would require a second incarnation, a second Calvary, a second putting Him to shame, a second regeneration! He died for those who crucified Him once. Shall I crucify Him again? (John 10:27-29)
I can appreciate the ability of the learned botanist to give me the scientific names of the rose, the origin of it, the various types of roses, how and where they grow, and the number of petals, thorns, and leaves to expect on a genuine rose; but too often those who become overly entangled in these things somehow lose the most important things -- the beauty and fragrance of the rose!
I hope in our preaching, teaching and witnessing concerning the gospel of our dear Saviour we do not become more concerned with the system than the sweetness, with the mechanics rather than the mercy, with the right terminology rather than the right spirit and attitude.
You will soon weary my head if you don't warm my heart; and while I am eager to learn more of how, why, and when I got to Christ, I would like to rejoice and enjoy my relationship with Christ! He is my rose of Sharon which brightens my life and sends His sweet fragrance through my soul. One can preach about Christ and not preach Christ, just as one can know how God saves sinners and not be a saved sinner. O the wonder of it all, just to think that CHRIST LOVES ME!
If a minister compromises the message of grace and the gospel of our Lord Jesus, we begin to search for reasons. If a prominent church member becomes entangled in the world, business, or any number of interests which take him away from the fellowship or causes him to neglect things spiritual, we begin to search for reasons. One might produce a variety of reasons for this departure from Christ and strong attraction to the flesh, but there is ONE CHIEF REASON -- THIS PERSON HAS NEVER SEEN CHRIST JESUS, OUR LORD! He has never beheld, in his heart, the great glory, beauty, and sufficiency of Christ. The Lord Jesus has never become to him, "My beloved!" As Solomon said, "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" (Song of Solomon 6:3). John said, "He that SEETH THE SON and believeth on Him hath eternal life " (John 6:40). To see Christ as He is, is to lose interest in all others! To see Christ as the ultimate joy, peace, rest, and glory is to cease from all other works and pursuits and enter His rest. To see Christ as God's only anointed Redeemer, complete Saviour, and effectual atonement is to trust Him and Him alone to save and keep us. To see even the REPROACH of Christ to be greater riches than all the treasures of this world is to walk away from them with no regrets and never look back! To even look back is to perish with Lot's wife. But he that seeth the Son knows that nothing back there is worth comparing to Him!
God delivered a nation from 400 years of bondage with a shepherd's staff. He slew a giant and saved that nation with a sling and stone. He turned the world upside down with eleven simple, plain men -- and the illustrations that "Little is great when God is in it" are numberless, but we must not just apply this truth to the instrument God uses but should apply it also to the task. It is true that God uses humble men to perform great works for His glory -- but God also uses His servants to teach the little children, to pastor the small assembly, to witness to one Ethiopian, to offer a prayer, to provide an unrecognized and often an unknown service! Most of us are willing to be "humble men" doing great works but how many of us "great men" are willing to do humble work. It is most doubtful that our Lord will trust us with any great responsibility until it has been proven that we are faithful in few things! It has been my understanding from the Scriptures that those whom God entrusted with great responsibility were content with where they were and with what they were doing -- examples: Moses, David, Joseph. It would be, refreshing, instead of hearing what one used to do or what one plans to do and be, to see one dedicated to being what he is and doing with joy and zeal what is at hand! Christ may come today and I could die today, but I'm sure that He would accept my explanation that I was preparing myself for great things and would have been a teacher if there had been an opening, or a pastor if there had been a church available, or a martyr if men had still been dying, or a deacon, an elder, a church leader after I had aged a bit. Would He? or would He ask, "What servant choses his own task? His own place of labor? His own time of service? Does not the faithful servant ask, 'Lord, what would you have me to do?' Everybody wants to take the floor, few care to sweep it. The returning prodigal did not labor as a hired servant but he was willing!
The advocates of free-will and Arminianism seek to arouse man's activity; preachers of God's grace in Christ seek to kill man's works once for all, to show men that they are lost and ruined in Adam, that their works and religious activities (apart from Christ) only ADD TO THEIR CONDEMNATION. They cry for men to stand up for Jesus; we seek to bring men down and make them feel that they are "a wretch undone without His sovereign grace." They feel that a man is saved when he says, "I can believe, I can pray, I can accept Jesus, I can do this and that." We hold that a man is never so near to the grace of God and salvation as when he feels that HE CAN DO NOTHING AT ALL WHICH IS ACCEPTABLE OR PLEASING TO GOD! When a man is brought to the dust of helplessness, guilt, and lostness, and cries, "Lord, be merciful to me, the sinner," then we think that God may be calling him and may have begun a work of grace in his soul. If there is one work, deed, or thing for men to do in order to be saved, then ALL THINGS are not of God, and we are all lost men. Thank God, "ALL THINGS ARE OF GOD WHO HATH RECONCILED US TO HIMSELF BY JESUS CHRIST" (2 Corinthians 5:18).
JOHN 8:36
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8:36
Someone said, "We are most free when we are most His, and we never stand so straight as when we bow to Him." The greatest freedom any person can enjoy is to be THE LORD'S SERVANT. To know and to submit to HIS SOVEREIGNTY, to love and to receive HIS COVENANT MERCIES, to believe and to rest in HIS BLOOD AND RIGHTEOUSNESS, to have and to walk in HIS PRECIOUS PROMISES, to trust and to accept HIS DIVINE PROVIDENCE AND HIS WILL FOR ME, to lay hold of and to rejoice in HIS GOOD HOPE THROUGH GRACE is to be FREE INDEED! God is true! All things are of Him, through Him, in Him, and for His glory. All things are given to the Son of God, and all things are revealed to us by Him. Christ is the truth! To know Him is to know the truth, to be in Him is to be in the truth, to have Him is to have the truth, to walk in Him is to walk in the truth and to be SET FREE -- free from the errors and fables of men, free from rituals and superstitions, free from the curse of the law, free to come boldly to the throne of grace in Christ and find mercy and grace!
I believe that all who come to our Redeemer in saving faith do so PERSONALLY. I wish that I could believe God for my family; but unless a man in his own heart believes on Christ, he will perish. Those who come to Christ will come SINCERELY. A man is not only persuaded that Christ is the way, but in his heart he lovingly and sincerely agrees with God's terms of salvation. "My son, give me thine heart" (Proverbs 23:26). It is the heart or nothing in this heavenly marriage. Also those who come to Christ do so RATIONALLY, in knowledge and understanding. They know WHAT He saved them from -- sin's curse and condemnation. They know WHO saved them -- our Lord Jesus Christ, the God-man. They know HOW He saved them -- by His perfect obedience and precious blood. They know WHY He saved them -- "according to the good pleasure of His own will" (grace, grace, and more grace). And those who come to Christ come PERMANENTLY, with no intention of ever leaving Him; and, by His grace, with no possibility of ever being forsaken by Him.
There is not one heart alive that does not need to be prepared to worship, to enter into the presence of God, and to hear the Word of God for this hour. We would do well to rise a little earlier, to read the Scriptures, and to arrive at the house of God in time to get our greetings over with and prepare to worship the King in an attentive and prayerful fashion.
During the sermon, with the open Bible before us, we should give the most sincere attention to the minister. Let our eyes, ears, and thoughts be directed to the message not to those about us. The birds of night use every subtle means to rob us of the life-giving seed. A crying infant, a late comer, a sleeping companion, a slip of the tongue by one who speaks -- any and all things are used to make one turn attention from the Word.
And I am certain that many serious impressions have been lost through the idle chit-chat and foolish talk after the sermon. We feel that we must talk, and I suppose that we must, for we can not stand around and stare at one another. Love and fellowship must be expressed. But wouldn't it be more profitable for us to direct our conversation toward the message, the Scriptures, the mercies and blessings of God in Christ? That our hearts not wander from spiritual impressions made by the Word!
1 JOHN 4:19-20
"We love Him, because He first loved us. If a man says, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar." (1 John 4:19-20)
Lest love to God and love to one another should be thought to be a product of our own nature, John reminds us that God's love for us preceded our love for Him. If we love God sincerely it is because He loved us and if we love others it is because of His grace and the love of God which He shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. We have what we have, do what we do, and are what we are by the grace of God. Boasting is excluded; spiritual pride has no place in the believer. This is the reason why a man cannot love God and hate his brother, for the same grace that produces love for God begets love for these in whom Christ dwells.
Nothing can be more contradictory -- not black and white or hot and cold -- than for a man to say, "I love God and hate my brother." This is a thing impossible. A man cannot love God and hate the image and work of God before his eyes. A genuine love for God will result in a love for all that God is, does, and reveals of Himself. We love His Son, His Word, His law, His church, His providence, and His people. This love is not a tolerance of such, nor a reluctant duty, but a genuine, spontaneous inward feeling of affection, produced by the indwelling Holy Spirit, which grows daily, overcomes selfish feelings and makes allowances for every infirmity and human failure. It is a principle of the heart that desires to bestow the very best upon the object of affection. If Christ can love me as I am, how can I fail to love you as you are?
Is there no spark of gratitude
In this cold heart of mine,
No evidence of redeeming grace
No fruit of Love Divine?
How blessed it would be for us, and for all who cross our paths, if we could put our theology into deeds and not mere words. We profess to believe in God's immutable sovereignty and then constantly mourn over our lot in life. We claim to believe in God's purpose and providence, but fill every ear that will listen with our discontent and our sad state of affairs. Usually those who do the most complaining have, in reality, the least to complain about; while those who have serious handicaps, heavy burdens, and deep sorrows find a reason to praise the Lord and rejoice in His blessings. I need not remind you of God's anger with Israel because of their murmuring, nor to remind you of the words of our Lord, "Take no anxious thought for what ye shall eat, drink, or wear," nor to remind you of the words of Paul, "Let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with such things as ye have." No! I need not remind you of these words; for you have read them, taught them, and perhaps preached them. Then, our problem is not ignorance of the Word and will of God (perhaps it would be better if this were our problem); our problem is identified in Hebrews 4:2, "The word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it." It is a heart problem, for out of the heart the mouth speaks. And truthfully, our complaints are not with men, who are but second causes, but with God WHOM WE SAY is the First Cause and Lord of our lives. I can understand the free-willer (whose god is but a puppet of man's permission) complaining, murmuring, and finding fault with all about him. But the most inconsistent person living is the professed Christian who says he believes, "The Most High rules in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever He will," or, "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you;" and then he fills the air about with a constant stream of complaints and reasons why he should be somewhere else, or doing something else, or blessed in a more abundant measure. A certain cure for anxious care is trust. "Though he slay me, yet will I trust Him."
ROMANS 11:5-6
No two things in the world are any different than law and grace. They are as opposite as light and darkness. They can no more agree than fire and water (Romans 11:5-6). What is so amazing is that, while law and grace are so diametrically opposed, the human mind is so void of spiritual understanding and turned away from God that the most difficult thing for a human to do is to discriminate between the two. Men insist on mixing what God has positively put asunder.
The man who knows the place of the law and the glory of God's free grace, who can rest in Christ alone for all that the law requires and justice demands, knows the gospel.
The first real difficulty in conversion is to get a man LOST -- truly lost! A lost sinner is hard to find. There are plenty of weak people, even sinful people; but only the Holy Spirit can produce a LOST sinner. No law, system of works, nor moral code can do him any good.
The second difficulty in conversion is to teach a man THE GOSPEL. Few there be that really find it. This gospel of God's FREE GRACE IN CHRIST comes to the lost sinner without any return on his part. It is the gift of God from beginning to end. Even repentance, faith, and good works are His fruit.
The third difficulty in conversion is to bring a believing sinner to REST all of his days in the same grace and love that took him in. We are chosen, called, and kept by His free grace.
"Here I raise mine Ebenezer:
Hither by Thy help I'm come;
And I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home."
1 JOHN 2:1
"We have an advocate" 1 John 2:1
John says, "I write unto you that you sin not" He does not hold out the possibility that any of us can be totally free from sin. This would be contrary to his own words in 1 John 1:8-10. But he is saying, "I write this epistle to you that you might not indulge the flesh, walk in disobedience, and behave like unregenerate men." The will of God is our sanctification and holiness in spirit, word, and deed. The true grace of God in a man's heart does not condone nor excuse sin, but condemns it and gives him a continuous desire to be like Christ and glorify His Lord. "And if any man sin...," as every man does, even those who believe and love Christ will. As much as a believer hates sin and seeks to avoid it, he is still in the flesh and in the world. When a believer sins, he has an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, Who makes intercession for him. HE is the mercy-seat, the substitute, the sin-offering, and the mediator for all His people. Because of Him, the Father forgives all our sins past, present, and future. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus."
1 JOHN 2:1
This scripture encourages the believer to trust and hope in the mercy of God AT ALL TIMES! It does not say, "If any man is holy, prayerful, and always faithful, he has an advocate;" but it says, "If any man SIN, he has an advocate with the Father." It does not say, "If any man sins, he forfeits his right to Christ's advocacy." Grace that can be forfeited because of human failure is not grace at all. Mercy that is conditioned upon the merit of the creature is not mercy at all. If my title to glory rests upon my works, either BEFORE OR AFTER conversion, it is a total failure. This scripture declares that at all times, under all circumstances, Jesus Christ is our righteousness, our sanctification, our advocate, and our redemption. So when I sin, when I consider my past or present and come creeping to my closet with a guilty conscience and an aching heart, I can rejoice in the mercy of my Father; for I have an advocate -- JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS!
JAMES 4:15
"If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this or that" (James 4:15). The Apostle does not condemn the buying and selling of merchandise nor the lawful practice of going about one's business. He is rebuking those who plan and promote those things without consulting the will of God or considering the uncertainty of human life. We must not say that we are going here or there, that we are going to do this or that as if these things are in our power and that we have no dependence on the providence and will of God.
You and I know nothing of tomorrow, nor even if we shall live until then. Therefore, it is foolish and even haughty to determine what we shall do and where we shall go without considering the will of God, in whom we live and move and have our being. "WHAT IS YOUR LIFE?" or, what is the NATURE of your life? We are but a wisp of vapor, a puff of smoke, a mist that is visible for a short time and then disappears. Instead of saying we will go to such-and-such a place, or we will do this or that, it should be said, "IF THE LORD IS WILLING, WE SHALL LIVE AND WE SHALL DO THIS OR THAT."
We must be careful not to boast presumptuously of tomorrow, nor of the continuance of life, nor of going to certain places and doing certain things. All such boasting and planning, without regard to the will and providence of our Lord, is evil.
Here is an interesting question asked by a friend during my meeting in Lake City, Florida. "Why is it that when people discuss Bible doctrine or spiritual matters they have a tendency to grow angry when others do not agree with them on every point?" We can discuss, agree, disagree, and even debate almost any subject and still keep our composure; but, when our religious beliefs and doctrinal points are questioned, we get red in the face, raise our voices, and condemn our adversary to the pits of ignorance and condemnation. This is surprising since every believer should be the first to admit that we all see through a glass dimly, only know in part and preach and teach in part. We really know nothing as we ought to know and are not sufficient to think anything for ourselves! Also, we are taught of our Lord to endeavor to keep a unity of spirit in the brotherhood and to look not on our own things but the things of others. Besides being exhorted to love one another as Christ loved us and to be tender-hearted forgiving one another as God, for Christ sake, forgave us. This spirit of anger and division over minor differences can only be traced to two things and these are the greatest evils that can be charged to a believer -- pride and self-righteousness! My pride tells me that I am right and others are wrong. My self-righteousness tells me that I have a right to be offended when someone takes issue with such a wise, dedicated, orthodox defender of the faith as I am. If Peter can be so wrong about the Gentiles; if Paul can be so wrong about John Mark; if David can make so many wrong moves; I suppose it is highly possible that I could be mistaken on some issues. Let us be established on the Rock, Christ Jesus and endeavor together to grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ Jesus.
If a professing believer has a wayward son or daughter, an indifferent parent or mate, you seldom find that believer discussing publicly the faults, sins and weak points of that person. No matter how careless their conduct, how sinful their attitudes, or how evil their behavior, we have a way of hiding these things, making allowances for them, and putting up with it while we go on loving them. But, unfortunately, in the church, or the family of God, if a brother or sister has a weakness, or is overtaken in a fault, folks just can't wait to discuss it with everyone. Rather than covering the fault, praying for their recovery, or privately rebuking the offender, men delight in spreading all of the unpleasant details. Is this the love of Christ which we profess? I'm quite certain that it is not, but I suppose I must refer to these gossipers as Christians (for that is the distinction which they claim) until the day of the Lord reveals otherwise! But I do wish that folks who are so expert at keeping the bones in their private and family closets so well hidden (though the rattling of the same is faintly observed) would try for the sake of unity, the reputation of the gospel, and the good of unbelievers to cover the infirmities of other Christians.
We may encourage one another and renew our determination to preach the gospel of God's sovereign grace by remembering that the power of God always accompanies the preaching of THE GOSPEL OF HIS GLORY when done in the spirit of Christ! All true revivals and seasons of blessings have followed upon the preaching of the doctrines of grace, sovereignty, election, the effectual atonement of our Lord, and "that whole mountain range of truth upon which Jehovah sits enthroned." GOD HONORS THE PREACHING THAT HONORS HIM! Bro. Gambrill once said, "There is too much milk-sop preaching these days, trying to coax sinners to enter a truce with God, quit sinning, and join the church. The situation DOES NOT CALL FOR A TRUCE, BUT FOR A SURRENDER!" Let every preacher and pastor and elder bring out the heavy artillery and confront this proud generation of religionists with Isaiah's three-fold message of evangelism:
(1) All flesh is grass,
(2) The word of our God shall stand forever, and
(3) Behold your God! (Isaiah 40:6-9). It may be that our sovereign God will be pleased to "revive His work during our years."
The great and important question for you and me always has been and is now. "How can man be just with God?" I do not deny an interest in the mysteries of providence and the matters of prophecy, but the most important matter to me at all times -- and it increases as I grow older and approach the day of judgment -- is, "How can I stand before God justified and accepted?" Woe to the man who shall be weighed and found wanting!
"If I justify myself," job declared, "my own mouth would condemn me." If I say that I am without sin and holy enough for God's fellowship, I would be a liar and make God a liar!
But Paul declares "It is God that justifieth." He can, by the substitution and satisfaction of His Son, make the unjust just, and the unclean clean! He can cover us with a perfect robe of righteousness, so that we are as holy and pure as the Redeemer Himself. And the important thing is that God can justify us in a way that is consistent with His holiness, glorifying to His mercy, honoring to His law and which completely satisfies His justice.
As the first Adam stood before God as the representative and federal head of the whole human race and as it was by his sin that guilt and sin were both imputed and imparted to us, so God in grace sent Christ the second Adam, the Lord Jesus, to stand in our stead that we might in, and through, and by Him, have imputed and imparted to us a perfect righteousness. "By the disobedience of one the many became sinners, so by the obedience of One shall the many be made righteous."
This is the good news to the guilty and good tidings of great joy to the helpless. The great writer and preacher Isaac Watts declared on his death bed, "I bless God that His promises are so plain and simple that I do not need great wisdom to grasp them -- my hope is simply in the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ, my Lord!"
HEBREWS 4:14-16
"Seeing that we have A GREAT HIGH PRIEST, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, LET US THEREFORE COME BOLDLY UNTO THE THRONE OF GRACE" (Hebrews 4:14-16).
Our Lord is called the GREAT High Priest because of the DEITY OF HIS PERSON -- He is the Son of God! He is the GREAT High Priest because of the PLACE IN WHICH HE OFFICIATES -- HEAVEN! He is the GREAT High Priest because of the EFFICACY OF HIS SACRIFICE -- "By one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified." He is the GREAT High Priest because of the CONTINUATION OF HIS PRIESTHOOD -- "He is a Priest FOREVER after the order of Melchisedec."
Seeing then that He is WHO He is and WHERE He is, and He is OUR GREAT HIGH PRIEST interceding for every believer, let us hold fast our trust, hope, and confidence in Him and come boldly (without fear of being turned away) unto God's throne of grace, where we shall obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away" (John 16:7a). Our Lord told His disciples of His death, of His return to the Father, and of the persecution they would certainly endure for His sake. Their hearts were heavy and filled with sorrow. He said, "I go my way and none of you asketh me whither goest thou; nevertheless, though you ask me no questions, I tell you that it is absolutely necessary for you that I die on the cross, rise again, and go to the Father." His death atoned for our sins, removed the curse of the law, enabled God to be just and justify us, secured peace with God, and gave us a perfect holiness. By His sacrifice, we have a great High Priest, advocate, intercessor with the Father. As our forerunner, He has entered within the veil into the very presence of the Father and taken us with Him.
"For if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart I will send Him unto you" (John 16:7b). The Holy Spirit was certainly here before; for He preached through Noah, revealed the word to the prophets, and "the Spirit of Christ was in them" (1 Peter 1:11), Peter said. But He had not come in so special and peculiar a manner as He would come to believers AFTER CHRIST WAS GLORIFIED! He dwells in every believer as our comforter, teacher, guide, and the glorifier of Christ Jesus. Had not our Lord died, risen, and ascended to the Father, there would have been nothing for the Holy Spirit to do -- no blood to sprinkle, no salvation to apply, no righteousness to reveal, and no comfort to give! Christ said, "He shall glorify me; for He shall receive of mine,and shall show it unto you (John 16:14).
The greatest encouragement to a sinner comes, from the good news that "salvation is of the Lord." Sinner, look to Christ, rest in Christ, rejoice in Christ; for salvation is of the Lord! "But I am NAKED;" the robe of righteousness is of the Lord! "I am FILTHY;" the washing is in the blood of the Lord! "I am GUILTY;" the pardon is of God! "I am HARD-HEARTED;" He will give you a new heart! "I don't know if I can believe as I should;" faith is the gift of God! "I may not be able to keep the way;" we are kept by the power of the Lord, through faith! "I can't PRAY;" He maketh intercession for us!
"WHAT IF I SIN?" You will; and we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He is the propitiation for our sins -- past, present, and future! "I have nothing to bring to God;" you are not called to give, but to receive! You are called to BRING nothing, to BE nothing, and to DO nothing. You are called to Christ! HE IS ALL AND IN ALL! Cease from self, sinner, and look to Christ. "Salvation is of the Lord."
"Alright, preacher, I am willing to bow and to receive Christ only as my God and Saviour." I reply, "Are you willing? Well, never forget that even your willingness to receive Christ is God's gift!" "Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power" (Psalm 110:3). SALVATION IS OF THE LORD.
The apostles and the early believers were despised by the religious Jews because of the gospel which they preached. It was not because they lived immoral lives, failed to do good works, nor because they were covetous or proud men. They were persecuted because the gospel of God's grace, which they preached, was offensive to human pride. They preached that salvation, even for the most moral person on earth, is only possible because of the grace and mercy of God, given to us in Christ Jesus. These believers knew nothing of free-will, decisionism, and giving God a chance. They knew only one way of salvation, that of God's being gracious and showing sovereign mercy to sinners in Christ. The gospel of grace and glory does not appear OCCASIONALLY in their preaching and writings, nor was it a deeper truth or doctrine which they discussed PRIVATELY; it reigns, shines, and dominates all that they said, wrote, and did. It is the ONLY THING that they preached! To them, any word of human worthiness, works, or rights was totally wrong and counted for nothing in the matter of acceptance before God. They addressed all men (even themselves) as guilty, condemned, and perishing justly unless God is pleased to come in mercy and lift the beggar from his dunghill dwelling, sanctify and justify him through Christ Jesus, and accept him in the Beloved.
"God be merciful to us, and bless us; and cause Thy face to shine upon us" (Psalm 67:1).
Nearly every church bulletin advertises a morning worship service. How long has it been since you have actually taken part in a worship service? The average Sunday church service begins with people running to and fro trying to find a seat, many are late and many even come in after the service begins. Everyone is engaged in small talk and idle words. The auditorium buzzes with talk, laughter and a general commotion. There is a hymn announced, usually after a few empty words of greeting and praise for the good turnout. After the hymn whatever attitude of worship has been created through the hymn is interrupted by the Sunday School report or a list of announcements which are already printed in the bulletin and really concern few people. Another hymn is sung, and a brother is called upon to lead the congregation in prayer. If there have been thoughts of worship and spiritual concern generated, they are again side-tracked as the minister recognizes the visitors and prominent persons who have honored the Lord with their presence. Cards are passed out, signed and dropped in the plate. Once again, the congregation is called upon to recapture a spirit of worship as they are favored with a special number by a talented singer who is rarely there except when he performs. Then the message -- but not just a word from God -- even the message must be flavored and preceded by a humorous story or a personal experience involving the preacher's personal life. Satan has a thousand subtle ways of keeping men from worshiping God. He usually employs dozens of them in the morning worship service.
I don't have all the answers but I do have some suggestions. "God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints and to be had in reverence by all them that are about Him." Psalm 89:7
1. Arrive for the service a little early, spend the pre-service minutes in prayer, meditation and reading the Scriptures.
2. Join heartily in the song service, praising God with your lips and from your heart. A portion of God's Word should be read by the minister in every service.
3. Let the announcements, recognition of visitors, and reports be written in the bulletin or made after the services are concluded. We are there to praise God, to seek His face and to hear from Him -- our worship services are not social gatherings.
4. Let our conversations after the service be with regard to the message or spiritual matters. It's a shame that so soon after the seed is sown that the birds of worldly interests are allowed to take it away.
5. Perhaps those who take part in the services, such as leading in prayer, reading scripture, or singing specials should be notified in advance that their hearts as well as their heads may be prepared.
6. We have found it beneficial and a blessing here for some of the men of the church to meet with the pastor twenty to thirty minutes before every service for Scripture reading and prayer. This prepares us to enter the presence of the Lord.
Again, I repeat, I do not have the answers nor do I claim that our worship services are all that I would like them to be, but I'm frightened and disturbed, lest we continue down the present road of entertaining sinners, praising the flesh, promoting our organizations, socializing in the house of God and thus fail our generation! We pastors, elders and deacons have a solemn responsibility to lead our congregations in the worship of the Lord! If you can't worship God where you are, find a place where you can worship Him and hear His Word preached, even if it involves moving your family. I had rather my family do without some of the comforts of this world than to miss the comforts of eternal life.
Should the mid-week service, usually held on Wednesday night, be a prayer meeting or a preaching service? Why not both? I feel that as much preparation and concern should be devoted to the mid-week service as we give to Sunday morning or Sunday evening. There are six long days between Sundays, during which believers are tried, tested and vexed with the burdens and cares of an unfriendly world. They need a refreshing oasis in the middle of that long journey to be encouraged, comforted and reminded of the blessings and benefits we have in Christ Jesus. Sinners need to hear the gospel as much on Wednesday as they do on Sunday and believers need to be exhorted and edified as much when they come together on Wednesday as on Sunday! Many pastors complain about poor attendance on Wednesday night. Perhaps it's because people are not interested in business meetings, hastily prepared devotions and sermonettes, or brief, ill-prepared services which are not worth the effort to attend. When a table is set and thoroughly furnished with the food of the Word, hungry people will come to eat. I challenge churches to have a mid-week service as interesting and inviting as Sunday morning with much praise, prayer, worship, fellowship, and good preaching. Some of our members have said they they took forward to and enjoy the Wednesday night service more than any other service.
I have had many people say to me, "Pastor, I just do not understand why my friends and loved ones do not have an interest in the Gospel of Christ. It is so clear from the Scriptures that He is the ONLY Saviour and the ONLY way to God and to life eternal!" Beloved, I wish that all whom we know would embrace the gospel of God's grace and cast themselves upon our Lord's plenteous mercy, but I understand WHY THEY DO NOT. The problem is not with HIM (most, like Nicodemus, admire Him). The problem is with THEM!
1. They do not know the CHARACTER OF GOD! They have no understanding of His holiness, His truth, His justice; there is no fear of God.
2. They do not really SEE THEMSELVES AS SINNERS! Oh, they will not claim to be good; but they aren't really bad. They cannot imagine that there is nothing about them that is not offensive to a holy God. They love themselves as they are, so why can't God accept them as they are?
3. They do not FEEL THE NEED FOR A MEDIATOR! They can accept Christ as a good man, as an example, and even as a helper; but the need for Christ as our only hope, our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, this they do not see. God must open every heart as He did Lydia's and reveal Himself, our sin, and HIS ONLY REMEDY.
We preach election because there is not a single blessing that comes to us from the hand of our Redeemer that is not stamped with the hand of God's electing love. The Scriptures say, God hath blessed us according as He hath chosen us. Again, He hath chosen us that we should be holy. Again, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee that thou shouldst know His will. It is not in ourselves that these blessings are contained. We have them because of OUR UNION WITH CHRIST, and we are united with Christ because of the Father's divine and sovereign choice. Let us never imagine that the atoning sacrifice of Christ was intended to make an angry God willing to be merciful. That is not the truth. Jesus Christ died, not to create mercy and love in the heart of God, but to open a just and righteous way for that mercy and love which is there from all eternity. God's mercy and love went forth to us before the Saviour came. THAT'S WHY HE CAME! Spiritual blessings are heavenly blessings. They come from heaven and are of a heavenly nature. We enjoy these in Christ because He has purchased them for us and has gone there to possess them for us in His own name. All things are yours and you are Christ's, and Christ is God's. It all starts with God's sovereign choice.
"For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore YE SONS of JACOB are not consumed." (Malachi 3:6)
Believers are often called "sons of Jacob." I believe I can give several reasons why they are called the sons of Jacob.
1. THE LORD LOVED JACOB. "Jacob have I loved." The reason was not found in Jacob but in the Lord. "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that loved us and gave His son to be our substitute."
2. THE LORD CHOSE JACOB. "For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto Himself" (Psalm 135:4). Has He not also chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world?
3. THE LORD REVEALED HIMSELF TO JACOB AT BETHEL. Jacob was running away, but God met him at Bethel (the house of God) and revealed to him His grace and mercy in Christ. Thank God, He crossed our paths and revealed His gospel to us.
4. THE LORD GAVE JACOB A NEW NAME. "Thy name shall be no more Jacob (cheat) but Israel (a prince or son of God)." Beloved now, by His grace, we are sons of God! We have a new name and a new family.
5. THE LORD LED JACOB ALL THE DAYS OF HIS LIFE. "I am with thee and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, for I will not leave thee until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of." Do we not have the same promise? He that has begun in you a good work will finish it in the day of Christ (Philippians 1:6).
We won't make much headway in finding a solution if we do not understand the problem. A cure is not likely to be found if we have no knowledge of the disease. In the matter of salvation the problem is man's sin; the solution is God's grace. The disease is moral depravity and spiritual inability; the remedy is God's mercy in Christ.
If a man is near-sighted, he only needs corrective glasses but if he is blind, he needs the miracle of sight! If a man is sick, he only needs medicinal aid, but if he is dead, he needs the miracle of life! If man has only strayed from the way, he needs directions, but if he is completely lost, he needs to be found!
Here is the question to be settled by preachers and people "What happened in the garden?" When one feels obliged to come to some conclusions on the subjects of election, irresistible grace and particular redemption, it would be wise for him to first determine the condition of the sinner who is to be saved. If man was only wounded by the fall he needs assistance; if he is dead in sins, he needs to be resurrected; and that by the purpose and power of the God of life. If fallen man still has his moral ability and power of choice, then let us wait for him to choose and seek God, but if he loves darkness and will not come to Christ then Christ must love and come to him.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man" (Colossians 4:6). When Paul wrote those words, he was not just urging us to talk ABOUT the grace of God (this we will do), he is telling us that our speech and general conversation should reveal the grace of God in us and be "good to the ear and a blessing to the heart." Hard words reveal a hard heart; unkind, cutting remarks reveal a bitter spirit; cursing reveals an unregenerate soul. Grace is to the speech what salt is to meat -- it makes it acceptable, profitable, and useful! Grace in the heart will not only determine WHAT WE SAY, but also HOW WE SAY IT. There are plenty of folks who have made a study of the doctrines of grace whom we avoid because they usually manage somehow to offend, hurt, and uselessly wound even the Lord's people. God forbid that we should add to the burdens and sorrows of God's children by our sharp tongues!
Isaiah wrote, "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near." Bartimaeus did, the women with the issue of blood did, the thief did. What is it to seek the Lord?
(1). It is to discover that by nature I do not have Him, His blessing, nor his presence. I am "without God in this world."
(2). It is to desire his mercy, grace, and acceptance with Him more than anything in this world (Philippians 3:10).
(3). It is to be made willing to be saved in Christ, by Christ on His terms, that he might be just and justifier (Romans 3.26).
(4). It is to be willing to part with all that is contrary to Christ and with all who oppose my fellowship with Him.
(5). It is to seek HIM, not His! Let us seek the Lord and "hope in the Lord", for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption (Psalm 130:7).
Death to the believer is not a penalty, it is privilege; it is not destruction, it is graduation from ruin, it is not even loss, it is gain. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints" (Psalm 116:15).
Religion can motivate people to do many things. It can cause them to speak well of Jesus Christ, as Nicodemus; to reform the outward man, as the Pharisees; to hold high office in the church, as Judas; to get excited over an earthly kingdom, as those in Matthew 21:9; to be baptized, as Simon Magus; to give large gifts to the church, as Ananias and Sapphira; and to boast of great works, as those at the judgment in Matthew 7. But there are the essential works of grace in the heart of a sinner which only the Holy Spirit can effectually accomplish.
1. Only the Spirit of God can convince men of sin and give them broken hearts over THEIR SIN, sins, and even their righteousness.
2. Only the Spirit of God can cause sinners to justify God in their condemnation. Eternal condemnation would be our just reward.
3. Only the Spirit of God can lead men to look to the will of the sovereign Lord, and not to their own wills, for salvation. "Salvation is of the Lord."
4. Only the Spirit of God can wean sinners from all works, deeds, and merit and shut them up to CHRIST ALONE!
5. Only the Spirit of God can bring about peace with God and the peace of God which passes understanding, found in the hearts of His people!
"Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure; for if ye do these things, ye shall never fail" 2 Peter 1:10.
Concerning the character of God, what gross mistakes men make! I believe it is a mistake about God Himself which has been the root and foundations of all the mistakes in theology. My conviction is that the freewill theology of today makes God to be less than He is. The professors of that system have come to receive its doctrines because they have not a clear understanding either of the omnipotence, the immutability, or the sovereignty of God. God has an absolute right to do what He will, with whom He will, when He will. He has the power also to accomplish that will and the ransom which enables Him to be true to His character in carrying out that will. When Almighty God comes to the soul of a man in grace, none can stay His hand. The beauty is that the enemy's power is broken and the sinner is made willing. Satan cannot stay the conquering hand of Jehovah, and the sinner wants to be conquered. To see the holiness and mercy, the righteousness and grace, the justice and love of God in Christ, rising like a mighty sun, will put and end to the darkness and confusion of will-worship and modern fundamentalism. What will your God do? How will your God do what he does? Tell me who He is! If He is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient and dwells in the heavens, He will do what He pleases. If He is less than this, He must wait to see what you will do. But, the subdued king in Daniel 4:35 declared, "He doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay His hand or say unto Him, what doest thou?"
So you are in trouble? In trouble with the law, with society, with your family, neighbors, and friends. Into drugs, alcohol, or gambling. Troubled in conscience, heart, and mind. Trouble is common to the flesh. "Man that is born of woman is of few days, and full of trouble" Job 14:1).
It may be that you are so concerned about your present trouble and problems that you are not aware of the real source of all trouble! All of our sorrow, trouble, and difficulties come from one problem -- we are in trouble with God. "Your sin has separated you from your God." "God is angry with the wicked every day" (Psalm 7:11). "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Our relationship with others, with society, and with ourselves is messed up because our relationship with God is messed up! There is no way for one to be at peace with himself or others if he is not at peace with God! God is truth, God is life, God is light, God is love, and God is our hope and peace. If we have not God we have none of these things. Because of our sins we are without God, without help, and therefore without hope in this world.
Man hasn't always been in this condition. God created Adam holy and upright. In God's own image created He him, male and female. What happened? Our father Adam rebelled against God, refused God's reign and rule, believed Satan's lies, and brought ruin upon all of his children. The Scriptures tell us that because of Adam's sin, death, condemnation, and judgment came upon all (Romans 5:12-19). We are born in sin; we come forth from the womb speaking lies. We are born with an evil nature that is not subject to God or His law. This evil nature causes us to love darkness and hate light, to think evil thoughts, to do evil deeds, and to speak evil words! We steal because we are thieves in heart. We curse because we have profane hearts. We hurt others because our hearts are filled with hate! Christ said, "You will not come to Me." "There is none that seeks God, no, not one!"
This fearful and desperate condition of the human heart led Job to cry, "How can man be just with God? How can he be clean that is born of a woman? How can God be just and justify the ungodly?" This sinful state led the disciples to ask the Lord, "Who then can be saved?" Christ replied, "With men it is impossible!"
Is there a way out of the mess we are in? Can sin be pardoned? Can man be just with God? Can a lost sinner hope to have fellowship with God restored and therefore a right spirit toward others?
If there is a way out of the mess we are in it will have to be of the Lord, for "With God all things are possible." Our sins are against God; therefore, pardon and mercy will have to come from God on His terms and according to His conditions. If there is a way out, it will have to be honoring to His law; for that holy law has not been repealed. If there is a way out, it will have to satisfy His justice. We want no pardon that dishonors our Holy God! If there is a way out, it will have to be free; for we have nothing to pay. If there is a way out, it must reconcile, forgive, and pardon all sin (past, present, and future) and be able to overcome every enemy (even death and the grave)!
Thank God -- there is good news! It is called the gospel of Christ our Lord! "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16). "The blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanseth us from all sin" (1 John 1:7). "Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures" (1 Corinthians 15:13). Christ Jesus, God's own Son, came into the world in human flesh. He was made under God's law and as a representative man obeyed that law in every jot and tittle. Those who believe on Him have a perfect holiness and righteousness before that law and before God. Christ went to the cross bearing our sins. He was wounded, bruised, and died under the wrath of God for our sins. Justice is satisfied, the debt is paid, and God is reconciled because the transgressor has met every demand of justice. This mercy and grace is free to all who believe on Christ. Come to Christ as you are. Look to Christ out of your misery. Receive Him as your Lord and Saviour. In receiving Him, you receive all of the blessings, benefits and mercies of salvation!
Look not to yourselves. Look not to your works. Look not to your religious leaders and organizations. Look to Christ, for He is God and there is none else. He can save and no other. "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid -- Christ the Lord!"
But do you wish to be saved? Do you really want to be delivered from the dominion of sin and evil? Do you truly want to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? This is a question which only you can answer and a question which must be answered. The Bible knows nothing of a fire-escape from Hell named Jesus, or a door-mat named Jesus to be ignored and walked upon. Jesus Christ is our Prophet, to reveal God in His mercy and grace. He is our Priest, to offer an effectual atonement for our sins. He is our Lord and King, Who reigns and rules where He lives. You cannot receive "half a Christ"! To believe on Christ is to bow to Christ. To enter into His forgiveness and mercy is to enter into His body and His kingdom of bond-slaves.
1 PETER 4:7
The end of my life is near; I am sure of that; but also the end of this world is near. Our Lord will return, and most men who have some discernment of Divine truth believe that THE DAY OF THE LORD IS AT THE DOOR! Therefore, Peter exhorts us to be serious, be watchful, and call upon God in prayer for His mercy in Christ for ourselves, for our children, and for our kinsmen according to the flesh.
Above all things, have a genuine and unfailing love for one another; for the love of Christ in us will overlook, disregard,and forgive the infirmities and failures of others. If we remember what we were and (except for God's grace) what we would be, and if we really care for the glory of our gospel and the welfare of others, we will forgive and overlook their infirmities.
Love, generosity, and hospitality are the marks of grace and extend, not only to our families, but to our friends and fellow believers whom God brings our way. We rejoice to show mercy, for we have received mercy; and we rejoice to share with others what God has given us.
There is nothing which we have in nature or grace that is not THE GIFT OF GOD! Therefore, whoever preaches or teaches, let him declare the word according to the Scriptures; whoever renders service, let him do it according to the ability and strength God has given him; whoever prays, sings, gives, witnesses, waits on tables, relieves the poor, visits and nurses the sick, or in any way contributes to the kingdom of God, let him do it with strength of purpose, out of love and gratitude to our Lord, and for His glory and the good of His church! "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:20).
Two simple, one-syllable words; what power, joy, comfort, and assurance they convey and what pride, ingratitude, and selfishness their absence reveals.
Our "thank you" primarily is to the Lord for all things! Paul uses some form of the word thirty-seven times in his epistles. Our Lord is the first cause of every blessing -- He is the source of all grace and mercy. "In everything we give thanks."
However, I am troubled that the words are so seldom used among men in the home, in the church, on the street, through the mail, over the phone and to one another in general. Not that any believer's labor of love or work of faith is done for either praise or reward, but what a disappointment to give, serve, and labor for the comfort and well-being of others only to have that effort ignored or unappreciated to the extent that it is never mentioned. And what a loss of confidence and admiration to be ignored and taken for granted by those whom we have held in such high esteem that we have shared our homes, our possessions, our food and our time with them.
"Thank you" may be a simple phrase, time-worn, and common; but when it is not present, it reveals a weakness of character, pride of heart, and an absence of the grace of God in the heart.
Thank you for thinking of me, praying for me, and letting me be your friend -- I need friends! Thank you for your care, your consideration, and your kind words -- I need encouragement. Thank you for your smile, your warm greeting and your welcome ear -- I need someone to talk to! I just want you to know that you are appreciated and I thank you!
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want --
1. For REST -- "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures."
2. For PEACE -- "He leadeth me beside still waters."
3. For FORGIVENESS -- "He restoreth my soul."
4. For HOLINESS --"He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."
5. For FELLOWSHIP -- "For Thou art with me."
6. For COMFORT -- "Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me."
7. For PROVISIONS -- "Thou preparest a table before me."
8. For ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD --"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life."
9. For IN THE WORLD TO COME -- "And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
The power of God that quickened us and made us to live spiritually is, in the Scriptures, compared with the power which raised Christ from the dead (Ephesians 1:19-20). Christ died for our sins and was raised for our justification. We live because He lives; and we are free from sin because our Surety, Who bore our sin, is now free from them. But there is a likeness between His resurrection and our regeneration and quickening.
1. His resurrection is called a begetting. He is the first-begotten from the dead. Our regeneration is called a begetting (1 Peter 1:3).
2. His human body was lifeless in the grave, as natural men are dead in sin and without spiritual life (Romans 5:12).
3. His human body could not raise itself, as we cannot give ourselves life (John 6:63).
4. His resurrection was the pure, unaided work of God, as is our regeneration (Ephesians 2:1).
5. His resurrection led to His exaltation at the right hand of God and is where, in our representative, Jesus Christ, we are already seated (Ephesians 2:6).
It is said of Esau that he "found no way to change his mind, though he sought it carefully with tears"
The birthright which Esau treated with contempt and sold for a mere morsel of meat was more than the greater part of his father's estate. The birthright was a SPIRITUAL POSITION -- God's man in the family. It carried with it spiritual blessings and Divine favor Esau's desires were sensual and fleshly; so he threw aside the favor of God to satisfy his current desires, designs, and appetite. When it came time for him to inherit the blessing, he was rejected and began to weep over his folly -- too late. Shall we be so foolish as to consider that anything the world has to offer is worth departing from the fellowship of the Lord and the gospel of His free grace? Those who are so foolish as to allow anything in this life to cause them to renounce their faith in Christ and leave the fellowship of Christ will, like Esau, someday weep bitter tears when it is impossible to recover that which is gone forever!
Several years ago I applied for a home improvement loan at a local bank. I did not deal with the President of the bank nor an officer of the bank but with one of the employees. This man was quite rude and unkind to me, causing me to cancel my account at that bank and move to another. The only contact I had with the bank was with this very poor representative, but it was enough to discourage me from going there again.
You and I represent our Lord, the gospel of the Lord Jesus, and the church of the first-born. The only contact some people have with the church and the kingdom of God is through us. What kind of impression, what idea of Christianity do we convey to them? I wonder if they do not sometimes walk away offended, disappointed, and resolved not to inquire further into our faith or listen to our message. I realize that we are frail creatures, subject to all of the limitations of the flesh; but we need to set a watch on our lips, control over our tempers, and put forth a special effort to adorn the gospel of His grace. If we endure persecution for the gospel's sake, well and good, but NOT FOR OUR OWN FAULTS!
I am encouraged by the number of young ministers who are taking up the banner of Christ Jesus and daring to declare the whole counsel of God. These young men, whom God has raised up, should be heard. They are God's instruments to destroy the old foundations of flesh, promotion, and program, and to lay a new foundation of Grace. Look in the Bible and at history and you will see how God has used the young as well as the old. There is no such thing as an old preacher or a young preacher if the preacher is declaring the word of the Lord! Truth is measured by revelation not by education. Experience cannot make a thing true, and intellect cannot make a thing to be a lie which is true. Over the head of all storms, turmoils, and changes which my poor, weak, silly nature passes through, there is a rock which cannot be moved -- "LET GOD BE TRUE AND EVERY MAN A LIAR".
The world may despise your youth but the things which are base, despised, and nothing to the world, God uses to promote his glory. The world makes much of age, experience, and education -- God may use them or not use them according to His blessed will.
Paul said to Timothy, "Let no man despise thy youth." Spurgeon began his mighty work at the tender age of nineteen. Calvin finished his famous Institutes, which have been read world wide, at the age of twenty six. David Brainerd traveled thousands of miles on horseback, wrote his famous diary, was God's instrument to bring revival to the Indians, and died before he celebrated his thirtieth birthday. Robert McCheyne was mightily used of God and died at twenty nine. John the Baptist finished his ministry at thirty two.
Let us encourage one another. Let us be attentive of God's preacher wherever we find him -- young or old. Our Lord is Sovereign in his selection of his servants and only uses them when, where, and while He is glorified.
Our years of experience, knowledge, and skill benefit us nothing if they serve only to lead us away from that child-like faith in the word and power of God. If a man is known as a young fool now for the Truth's sake, I pray that in fifty years he will be known as an old fool for the sake of Christ and Truth.
I believe that all who come to our Redeemer in saving faith do so PERSONALLY. I wish that I could believe God for my family; but unless a man in his own heart believes on Christ, he will perish. Those who come to Christ will come SINCERELY. A man is not only persuaded that Christ is the way, but in his heart he lovingly and sincerely agrees with God's terms of salvation. "My son, give me thine heart" (Proverbs 23:26). It is the heart or nothing in this heavenly marriage. Also those who come to Christ do so RATIONALLY, in knowledge and understanding. They know WHAT He saved them from -- sin's curse and condemnation. They know WHO saved them -- our Lord Jesus Christ, the God-man. They know HOW He saved them -- by His perfect obedience and precious blood. They know WHY He saved them -- "according to the good pleasure of His own will" (grace, grace, and more grace). And those who come to Christ come PERMANENTLY, with no intention of ever leaving Him; and, by His grace, with no possibility of ever being forsaken by Him.
JOHN 19:17
"And He bearing His cross went forth into a place called Golgotha" (John 19:17).
These people made Him carry His cross. He carried it as long as He was physically able, then a man called Simon of Cyrene was ordered to take over the difficult task. Compelling Him to carry His own cross added to the shame. Much speculation and tradition surround the place where He was crucified, but there are no facts to support much of it. We know that He was crucified OUTSIDE the city, a place of execution and evidently on a hill. But the important thing is not WHERE the crucifixion took place, BUT WHO WAS CRUCIFIED? Christ, the God-man died! WHY WAS HE CRUCIFIED? For the sins of His people! WHAT DID HE ACCOMPLISH? "By Himself purged our sins" and enabled a holy God to be just and justify those who believe. One might find the actual spot where Christ died and the actual cross on which He hung and be no better off for it! Forgiveness of sin and redemption are in Christ through faith in Him, not by contact with so-called holy places, relics, and tradition.
Some of you have found that your family, friends, and fellow workers are not happy over your conversion to Christ -- in fact, they are quite hostile. "I liked you better when you were not a Christian!" said one man to a new believer. Be encouraged, my friends; it is not you that they dislike, it is your Master. It is not you that they are against, it is the gospel you believe.
The gospel of God's free grace is hated and despised by natural men. The gospel of God's glory (salvation that gives God all the glory, that begins and ends with Him, that looks to Him as the fountain, the source, the giver, and the gift) is contrary to the flesh. They will not tolerate this message of sovereign mercy nor will they welcome those who believe and preach it. Two errors can walk together in harmony, or at least in peace, but error will never accept truth and will never allow it any room. It must be suppressed and denied. If you dare to declare your belief in the sovereign, electing, infinite, and everlasting love of Christ, prepare for trouble. If you have the courage to preach God's covenant mercies, Christ's sufficient obedience and sacrifice, and the Holy Spirit's effectual call, be assured that you will suffer the same trials as those who have walked this road before.
One of the great old sovereign grace preachers of the past gave four reasons for natural men's attitude toward the free grace of God.
(1) Addressing all men as sinners offends man's dignity. He resents being called a sinner. He does not mind admitting that he is not perfect, but to infer that he is born in sin, without God, without strength, without hope, having no righteousness, and a child of wrath will never do.
(2) The gospel of revelation offends man's wisdom! Do you mean that apart from the Holy Spirit's quickening work, apart from divine revelation, a man with reasonable intelligence and a fair education cannot understand the gospel you preach? Exactly! A man can understand free-willism and he can with natural logic and wisdom understand fatalism, but the mysteries of grace must be revealed. How God can be just and Justifier is a mystery no man understands.
(3) Salvation as a free gift offends man's pride. "I will go home and pray." I hope you do, but prayer does not save -- Christ saves! "I will give my money and serve the Lord." I hope you do, but works do not save -- Christ saves! Salvation is the gift of God, as is repentance, faith, and all grace. This free gift is despised by all who go about to establish their own righteousness. Men, by nature, just must share the glory if only in a small way. Their pride will not let them beg for mercy and fall at His feet, making their headquarters in the dust.
(4) The demands of Christ's Lordship offend man's love of self. Christ is welcome as his saviour from sin, judgment, and hell, but Christ as Lord and supreme dictator of his heart, hand, health, home, and inheritance is not in his plans. Barnard used to say, "I know who you say your Saviour is, but who is your Lord? His servants you are, and His will you will do, and His company you will have forever." "I will" is still the essence of sin, and "Thy will" is the sum and substance of holiness. No man can serve two Masters. Christ will be Lord of all, or He will not be Lord at all!
The average person who gives money, gifts or charity to others may think that this gift or whatever he gives should be regarded as LOSS, certainly not called ASSETS nor INVESTMENT nor GAIN. This is NOT SO! Gifts, money and alms given to others is no more loss than the SEED planted by a farmer is loss. Anything given to others in the name of Christ, for the glory of our Lord, is not loss, but gain in every way. Our Lord said in Luke 6:38, "Give and it shall be given unto you... for with the same measure that you give withal it shall be given to you." This is saying that God uses the same container or measure for His gifts to us as we use to give to others. The more generous the farmer is with the seed, the greater the harvest; and the more generous and loving and giving we are enabled to be, the greater the blessing. NO! Giving is not loss but great gain. A person may say, "I can't afford to give." If we have an understanding of the grace of God, we can't afford NOT to give.
Have you heard the story of the Irishman who was converted to Christ and whose priest told him that he had better not read the Bible because he was unlearned. The priest said, "I will get the milk of the Word and bring it to you." To which the Irishman replied, "I will be much obliged to you, sir, if you will bring me the milk of the Word; but I intend to keep a cow myself. That way I will be sure to get the milk PURE."
That is what I want you to do -- keep a cow yourself -- carry a Bible with you and see whether the milk you are receiving from the pulpit is PURE. You can trust your body to physicians and your finances to brokers and not suffer too great a loss if they are wrong; but to trust your eternal soul to a preacher and find out in the end that his was ANOTHER GOSPEL is to lose eternally. "Search the Scriptures daily, whether these things are so" (Acts 17:11).
1 KINGS 10:4-5
"When the Queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, and the temple that he had built, there was no more spirit in her" (1 Kings 10:4,5).
SHE HEARD in her own country about the glory of Solomon's kingdom, so SHE CAME to see and to PROVE HIM with questions. He told her all her questions; and when SHE SAW his wisdom, glory, and his ascent to the temple of the Lord, she was so overwhelmed and awed that SHE COULD NOT SPEAK!
This is a picture of the seeking sinner who hears of Christ, comes to Him, and has revealed to him the wisdom, glory and exaltation of the Lord Jesus at God's right hand. He, like Mary, sits at His feet unable to find words to say. Be concerned about the WORDY new converts, not the one who cannot find words to express his joy and vision of Christ, the Redeemer.
Recently, as we gathered to observe the Lord's Table, I tried to again show how the bread and wine set forth the sacrifice of our Lord for us. "This is my body broken for you... This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you" (Luke 22:19-20). It occurred to me that we come to Christ Himself and receive Christ much as we come to this table.
1. WE BRING NOTHING to the table! We leave our homes and come to the table of bread and wine, having absolutely nothing of our own to contribute.
2. THE LORD IS THE SERVER; it is His table! No man is elevated above another to officiate or serve. All partake alike of His body and His blood.
3. WE RECEIVE THE BREAD AND WINE INWARDLY! It is not something sprinkled upon us, conferred upon us, worn by us, nor professed by us. It is the Lord's life received WITHIN US -- Christ Himself in you, the hope of glory.
4. WE RECEIVE THE BREAD AND WINE PERSONALLY! In the matter of salvation, it is "HE that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood." Absolutely no one is involved in what I eat and drink spiritually but me and Him who is my bread. Only what I eat can give me life. "Let a man examine HIMSELF AND SO LET HIM eat."
The sons of God see the grace of God running through the whole of our history from eternity past to eternity future. From our election in ages past to the revelation of God's sons in glory, IT IS ALL OF GRACE! At no point can you direct your finger and say, "I earned this, I merited this, or I deserved this."
"Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved,
By grace my Substitute appeared,
By grace my heart believed."
1. IT WAS COVENANT GRACE THAT CHOSE US. Read 2 Timothy 1:9. What is there about elective grace that makes men so angry? Why do they despise it so? It is the Word of God. It is the sinner's friend. If He had not chosen us, we would never have come to Him.
2. IT WAS INVINCIBLE GRACE THAT PURSUED US Read Galatians l:15. I don't know who you are or where you are; but if you are one of His own, He will have you willingly and lovingly.
3. IT WAS REDEEMING GRACE THAT SAVED US. Read Ephesians 2:8. All that the law required, all that holiness demanded, and all that justice expected was supplied in and by Christ. "The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin."
4. IT IS PRESERVING GRACE THAT KEEPS US. Read Philippians 1:6. The Word of God teaches two things with regard to the security of the saved. In Jeremiah 32:40 we find that God will not forsake them and that they will not depart from Him. "The Lord will give grace and glory" (Psalm 84:11). Glory is nothing more than grace fully developed!
Henry Mahan
As Peter, the apostle, closed His great sermon on the day of Pentecost, he cried, "Save (deliver) yourselves from this untoward (crooked, perverse) generation." He was saying, "Come out from, separate yourselves from a perverted and wicked people. Do not adopt their ways, their philosophies, nor their ideas and perish with them. Turn to the way of our Lord."
I take up his cry today and exhort all of you young people to deliver yourselves from your generation which is crooked and perverted, especially in the matters of family, marriage, and sex. Their thoughts toward these and their acceptance of homosexuality is shameful and wicked and will bring God's wrath on this nation, as it brought His wrath on Sodom. "Marriage is honorable in all, and the marriage bed is undefiled and holy before God. But whore-mongers, adulterers, homosexuals, fornicators, idolaters, effeminate, and abusers of themselves with mankind shall not inherit the kingdom of God" (Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 6:9).
T.T. Martin (pastor, missionary, and writer of the last century) once said, "There aren't many great sermons preached today. Preachers are bound by too many other things to be great preachers. They give more advice than a lawyer, visit more sick than a doctor, attend more meetings than a club-woman, shake more hands than a politician, teach more people than a professor, and use the other part of their time as errand boys. They are organizers, promoters, executives, and toast-masters -- anything but prophets speaking for God to eternity-bound sinners."
Preachers today are like the little boy, loaded down with books, who was asked, "Son, where are you going? ... I'm going to school." "What are you learning? ... NOTHING, I'm too busy going to school,"
I wonder if we are too busy going to church, attending meetings, and promoting religion to sit at the feet of our Lord and learn of Him. I wonder if we do not often meet together in the name of Christ and forget the guest of honor. Are we indoctrinating men or introducing them to Christ? The preacher spent all of his time talking about the well and no one got to drink of the water of life. It is possible to preach ABOUT the gospel and never really PREACH THE GOSPEL.
"I took a plunge in the crimson flood
That washes white as snow;
I took a drink at the fountain-head
And it satisfies I know,
I took a look at the cross of Christ
And my burdens rolled away;
And I'm laughing, singing praise the Lord!
For that happy, happy day!
JAMES 3:9-18
The human tongue is the instrument that is used in praising God for all of His mercies in Christ, both in prayer and singing hymns. The tongue is used to thank God before meals, to speak of His glorious attributes, and to join with other believers in worship of the Lord.
The human tongue is also the instrument that is used to curse, criticize, slander, and speak harshly and hurtfully to men and women who were made by God in His own image.
Some, by the grace of God, use their tongues to bless God. Some, whose tongues are untamed by grace, use their tongues to curse others and to speak unkindly. But, unfortunately, there are those who TRY TO DO BOTH! With the same tongue they bless God, talk religion, and profess holiness; then they curse, criticize, and speak evil of one another. This, my brethen, is a contradiction, not only wicked and sinful, but unnatural, unbecoming, and unworthy of the Christian name.
How ridiculous and absurd it is to think that a man may TRULY PRAISE GOD and with the same tongue lie, curse, and blaspheme. It cannot be done any more than a fountain can yield both fresh and bitter water or a fig tree can bear olives.
"Who among you is a wise and intelligent person?" All of us like to think that we are wise and knowledgeable. Not one of us would consider himself a fool! If you would PROVE that you are spiritually wise and intelligent, let it be known by your CONDUCT and CONVERSATION. This is not a single act or two, but a course of living which is in keeping with the Word of God and the spirit of humility, peace, and love. Daily godliness, words seasoned with grace, an attitude of humility and love is evidence of spiritual wisdom.
But if you have bitter envy, jealousy, strife, and contention in your hearts and from your mouths, do not glory in your so-called knowledge and wisdom, for this is a lie and contrary to the truth (1 Corinthians 3:1-3; 1 John 2:9; 1 John 4:20).
Superficial wisdom is not from God, but is of the earth -- unspiritual and even devilish. You can be sure that when our attitude and words create strife, confusion, and division among the brethren, when we speak from envy, bitterness, and selfishness, it is NOT THE WISDOM OF GOD. Where wise men worship there is love, mercy, and peace; but where there is envy and strife, there will be confusion and evil work (Gal, 5:13-16). "Wisdom is justified and vindicated by her children and their deeds" (Matthew 11:19).
"But the wisdom which is from God is:" (1) "Pure." Out of the heart the mouth speaks; so when the heart entertains pure and good thoughts, the mouth speaks accordingly (Matthew 5:8). (2) "Peaceable." This is the opposite of strife (Proverbs 15:1-2; Matthew 5:9). Men who desire peace speak peacefully. (3) "Gentle." Mild, courteous, kind, and patient. To contend for truth is not to be harsh, cruel, and unbending (as some suppose). Gentleness is the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), an attribute of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:1), and is an attribute of His servants (2 Timothy 2:24). (4) "Easy to be entreated." Or, "willing to listen" to any word of reason, explanation, or exhortation. Quick to forgive and waiting to be gracious. This is not a sign of weakness, but of wisdom. (5) "Full of mercy and good fruits." Wisdom knows Who maketh men to differ, knows Who maketh rich and poor, knows whence cometh our help; having freely received it FREELY GIVES (Matthew 10:8; Ecclesiastes 11:1). (6) "Without partiality." Wisdom does not judge by outward appearance, skin color, or power to reimburse. It is no respecter of men's persons, but loves and reaches out to all. (7) "Without hypocrisy." True spiritual wisdom in Christ is straight-forward, free from doubts, fears, and insincerity.
Where heavenly wisdom and love live and operate, the fruit of such righteousness is enjoyed. Those who sow in peace usually reap a peaceful harvest. Love begets love. "He who would have friends must show himself friendly" (Proverbs 18:24).
The moment I try to imitate or copy the life of another human, I lose that which is an honor to me and glory to God -- my individuality! I become a copy, and a copy is always inferior. The moment I try to mold my life after another person, I lose that which is a power to me, and that is my personality. God made me as I am to serve in His body, to accomplish His purpose, and to glorify His name. There is not in all the history of our race a single person whom I would bid you to mold your life in his image. There is not a single biography I would have you read and say, "I will relive this man's life." To imitate other men is weakness and will forfeit God's purpose for you. There is but one model. There is but one Whom you can imitate, copy, and strive to be like in every jot and tittle -- that is our LORD JESUS CHRIST!
1. THIS IS GOD'S PURPOSE FOR YOU. "Whom He did foreknow, He did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son" (Romans 8:29).
2. THIS IS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN YOU. "We are changed into the same image from glory to glory even by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
3. THIS IS THE DESIRE OF EVERY BELIEVER. "I shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness" (Psalm 17:15).
4. THIS IS AN INWARD WORK. "Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:5). Changing my mode of dress, my speech to say "thee" and "thou," my living quarters, or my place of worship will not make me like Christ. I must be given a new heart and mind by God's Spirit.
Let us get our texts, our messages, our words from God. It is not great talent, great oratory, or great programs that God blesses -- BUT HIS WORD. A word spoken by you in the power of the Lord -- a word from His Word -- is worth ten thousand words spoken in the energy of our flesh and the wisdom of the flesh. Oh, for a message from God in these days.
The young men whom God has raised up in this day should be heard. They are God's instruments to destroy the old foundation of flesh and build a new foundation of grace. Look in the Bible and in history and see how God has used youth, which is so hated by the world. The things which the world counts but dung, God uses to accomplish His purpose and glory. The world puts much stock in experience, age, and ability. Good depends on none of these things. The Lord said to Jeremiah, "Say not that you are a child, go and tell them what I shall say unto thee." Paul said to Timothy, "Let no man despise thy youth." Spurgeon began his mighty work at the tender age of 19. The entire city of London laughed at the Park Street Church when it called the nineteen-year-old Spurgeon as its pastor. In ten years he was preaching to over 5,000 people every Lord's day. Calvin finished his famous Institutes, which are read today by scholars in every nation, at twenty-six years of age. David Brainerd traveled thousands of miles on horseback, wrote his famous diary, was God's instrument to bring revival to the Indians, and died before he celebrated his thirtieth birthday. Robert M. McCheyne was mightily used of God and died at twenty-nine. John the Baptist came on the scene and finished his work at thirty-two. The Lord Jesus fulfilled His earthly ministry in three-and-one-half years and died for His people at thirty-three.
There is no such thing as a young preacher or an old preacher when it comes to preaching the Word of God, for truth comes not by education but Divine revelation. Young and old are liable to error, especially if they are depending on the flesh for message or method. May our years benefit us nothing if they serve only to lead us away from that child-like faith in the power of God. If a man is known as a young fool for the truth's sake now, I pray that in fifty years he will be known as an "old fool" for Christ's sake. Our Lord is sovereign in the selection of His servants, and uses them so as to receive all the glory Himself.
It was the grace of God which taught Saul of Tarsus how to say "brother." If the Lord had not brought this proud Pharisee down, his Jewish pride would never have condescended to call a Roman "brother." But by the grace of God, there is in the heart of this "Hebrew of Hebrews" such love for all believers of every race and nation that he calls them all "my brethren." Someone said, "Grace joins believers in a common brotherhood and makes the prominent man embrace the poor and confess his love for them; grace weaves the threads of separate individualities and personalities into one undivided family!" Let the gospel be learned in the heart and it will mark the end of selfishness, it will bring down the proud from their elevated positions, and it will lift the young, the weak, and the old to their common rights and position as sons of God also. "Liberty, equality, and fraternity" may be heralded in the Bill of Rights; but only the gospel can make us TRULY FREE, make us all EQUAL in the person of our Lord Jesus, and give us the FRATERNITY OF BRETHREN in God's family.
MATTHEW 5:14-16
"Ye are the light of the world... Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 5:14-16). Our Lord tells us that we are lights which He uses for His glory in this world. What purpose does a light serve?
1. A LIGHT ENABLES PEOPLE TO SEE things as they really are. Phillip asked the Eunuch, "Do you understand what you read?" He replied, "How can I except some man should guide me." God enables us to preach, teach, and witness to others that they may "see Christ and believe on Him."
2. A LIGHT CAN COMFORT. On a dark and stormy night, have you ever said to your little one, "I will leave the hall light on so that you won't be afraid"? A little encouragement and the presence of another believer can help us through a stormy trial.
3. A LIGHT SOMETIMES IS USED TO WARN! Just as a lighthouse warns the ships in the channel of the dangerous places, so a word spoken in due season may keep a brother or sister from serious trouble or an unwise decision.
4. A LIGHT DISCOURAGES CRIME. Law officers encourage people to have their houses and yards well lighted, especially in certain neighborhoods, because light discourages evil deeds. When you and I are in the company of worldly people and family and friends who are not believers, by our faith and godly principles, we may be able to keep the conduct and conversation of the gathering as it should be.
1. They are "almost home."
2. They not only have God's promises, but have experienced the fulfilling of them many times.
3. They do not entertain any doubts about the gospel of God's sovereign grace and Christ's effectual atonement. They know that salvation is and has to be of the Lord.
4. They are not alarmed nor swayed by new voices and persuasive preachers. They have seen too many of them fall away to ever allow them to follow a man.
5. Their failures have left them humbled, emptied of any confidence in this flesh and totally dependent on His mercy and grace in Christ Jesus.
1. I plead my need! as the Canaanite, Bartimaeus, the thief, and all who came to Him then.
2. I plead His loving-kindness and tender mercies! He delights to show mercy and is plenteous in mercy.
3. I plead His right to show mercy to whom He will! The leper cried, "Lord, if you will, you can make me whole."
4. I plead His power over all my enemies! He has all authority in heaven and earth.
5. I plead His efficacious blood! The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin.
6. I plead His command to repent and believe! He does not merely invite sinners to repent and believe the gospel, He commands us to come.
7. I plead compliance to His command! "Lord, I do believe, help thou mine unbelief." "He that believeth on the Son, hath life." I believe; therefore, I have life.
8. I plead rest only in His person and work! "Lord, we believe and are sure that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Firm as the lasting hills,
His covenant shall endure,
Whose potent shalls and wills
Make every blessing SURE!
Paul wrote in Hebrews 10:25, "Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together." It is the duty of all believers to meet together for worship, praise, study, and fellowship.
(1) BECAUSE OF GOD. Who has appointed worship, Who approves of it, Who is glorified in it, and Who should be worshiped.
(2) BECAUSE OF OURSELVES. We need to "draw nigh to God," to "seek His face," to praise, pray, and be refreshed and comforted -- with other believers.
(3) BECAUSE OF OTHERS. Our families, friends, and neighbors who may, by our example and encouragement, be brought to seek the Lord.
But worship is not only a duty and commandment, worship is a BLESSED PRIVILEGE. David wrote, "Blessed is the man whom Thou choosest and causest to approach unto Thee, that he may dwell in Thy courts." We are blessed to have the DESIRE to worship God and hear His Word. We are blessed to have the FREEDOM to go to the place of worship. We are blessed to have a FAMILY OF BELIEVERS with whom to meet and worship. We are blessed to have ELDERS AND PREACHERS called of God to preach to us and teach us the Word. We are blessed to have the PHYSICAL STRENGTH to go to the house of the Lord and worship. "Blessed INDEED is the man whom Thou choosest and causest to approach unto Thee."
Nothing more clearly reveals to us that salvation, sanctification, and redemption is the work of our God than to observe the efforts and failure of those who TRY TO ACCOMPLISH THIS WORK FOR THEMSELVES! The disciples asked, "Lord, who then can be saved?" He said unto them, "WITH MEN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, but with God all things are possible." It is impossible in the flesh for a man to please God. Yet millions, ignorant of the righteousness of Christ, still go about to establish their own righteousness and WILL NOT SUBMIT to the righteousness of God, which is Christ Jesus, our Lord. Many keep up this masquerade to the judgment and then plead their works (Matthew 7:21-23) before God; but most finally lose interest, keep their names on church rolls, and play church on special days. When they die, their preachers try to find some cause on which to give their families hope; but that, too, is impossible; for IF CHRIST IS NOT IN YOU, there is no hope of glory. "But HE HATH BEGOTTEN US again unto a living hope" (1 Peter 1:3).
The Scriptures overwhelm us with this word. "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if you love one another." "He that loveth not knoweth not God." "The greatest of these is love." If I have not love, I am nothing." "This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you."
If this miracle of grace -- this fruit of the Spirit -- this nature of regeneration is a reality to me, an experience of my heart, Christ becomes my beloved Lord, duties become pleasures, ordinances become desires, enemies become friends, and suppression of self for the good of all and the glory of God becomes a joy! If the love of God is shed abroad in my heart by His Holy Spirit, I am able to accept trials and afflictions from the hand of my heavenly Father with grace and submission, I am able to live in peace with all men, I am able to forgive misunderstandings, overlook the infirmities of others, and build a happy relationship with the family of God. Love begets trust, confidence, and hope. Where love is absent Satan is able to get the advantage. He is able to sow his seed of division, doubt, fear, jealousy, envy, and strife. Nothing renders a man more unlike Christ and more like Satan than to despise love and show a spirit of wrath and hatred.
"Love is the sweetest bud that blows,
It's beauty never dies;
On earth among the saints it grows,
And rises in the skies.
Of all the joys we mortals know
The love of Christ exceeds the rest;
Love -- the best blessing here below,
The nearest image of the Blest." [???]
When the Apostles declares that he will only glory in the THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, he does not refer to the actual cross of wood on which our Lord died nor to crosses which adorn church property and hang from ears and necks. He refers to all that our Lord (in His person and work) IS, DID, and DOES to redeem His elect. THE CROSS IS A WORD WHICH STANDS FOR MANY WORDS! It is the atonement, the honoring of the law, the satisfying of justice, the righteousness of God, the propitiation, substitution, satisfaction, salvation, eternal life, and the sure mercies of David.
The cross is DEATH, yet in it is life.
The cross is SHAME, yet God's greatest glory.
The cross is LOSS, yet infinite gain.
The cross is FOOLISHNESS, yet the wisdom of God.
The cross CONDEMNS, yet pardons in full.
The cross is JUSTICE, yet in it are mercy and love.
The cross is HUMILATION, yet by it He is exalted.
The cross is HELL, yet the open door to heaven.
The cross is in the PAST, yet determines our great future.
"When from the dust of death I rise,
To take my dwelling in the skies,
Even then shall this be all my plea,
"Go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee" (Mark 5:19).
The Lord had shown great mercy to this poor sinner, setting him free from demons and from sin. Now He tells him to go home to his family and friends and be the Lord’s witness.
Do not go home and begin to preach. Do not go home and take up the great doctrines of grace and expound them. Do not go home and strive to bring everyone to your views and beliefs. Do not go home and condemn all who do not see what you see. Go home and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you! Not what great things you have read or heard, but what great things you have experienced! This is the way to begin our witnessing.
There never is a more interesting story than the story a person has experienced, lived, and felt. If you would really interest others and get their attention, tell them what great things the Lord has done in you and for you!
Notice, the Lord said, "Tell them what great things the Lord hath done." It is a story of free grace. Not what we did, willed, or gave, but what He did for us by his own free, sovereign, and undeserved love. We will not convince them nor change them, any more than another man could convert us. But the Lord, who did great things for us, can do great things for them if He is so pleased. And He is pleased to use the faithful witness of those who go and tell "how great things the Lord hath done for thee."
"They are called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that HE MIGHT BE GLORIFIED"
1. TREES ARE PLANTED BY SOMEONE. These trees of righteousness are "the planting of the Lord." Christ said, "Every plant which my Father hath not planted shall be rooted up" (Matthew 15:13).
2. TREES WHICH LIVE HAVE THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. These trees of righteousness have their roots in Christ, "the living water." "I will give you living water," our Lord said (John 4:10).
3. TREES WHICH GOD PLANTS BEAR FRUIT. "He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit" (John 15:5). That fruit is the fruit of the Spirit -- love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, humility, and temperance.
4. TREES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS NEVER WITHER AND DIE. How could He be glorified if His vineyard died or brought forth no fruit? No! "He bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" (Psalm 1:3).
As God's people grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ, our prayers change! There is more praise and less petition; more gratitude and less "give me;" more thanksgiving and fewer request. I believe this is a sign of spiritual maturity. Psalm 103 is an example of this. Most agree that David wrote the psalm in his latter years; for there is a clear sense of the FRAILTY OF THIS LIFE, there is a KEENER AWARENESS OF SIN, and there is a HIGH PRIORITY PLACED ON MERCY AND FORGIVENESS! As far as I can tell, NOT ONE PETITION NOR REQUEST occurs throughout the entire psalm. The psalmist, David, kneels in adoration and praises the Lord Himself. Let us learn from this. It is possible to be taken up with blessings, gifts, and benefits and fail to praise, thank, and rejoice in THE LORD HIMSELF!
Rolfe Barnard was often heard to say, "One of these days, I'm going to enter the ministry." That is a strange statement for a man to make who spent nearly every waking hour traveling, studying, and preaching. But there are multitudes of pastors, evangelists, and missionaries who have never really entered the ministry. I'm not talking about professional preachers, or those who serve for gain, or the glory-seekers. We know that they are not ministers of Christ and never will be. My concern is for us who know Christ, who know and preach the gospel of His glory, who have, to some degree, left home and friends, borne some persecution and trial, contended for the free grace of God, and organized gospel assemblies here and there, even on foreign soil. Have we really entered the ministry?
The ministry of the gospel is an all-consuming passion! To pick up the mantle of Elijah is to lay down every other interest To enter the pulpit, as a gospel preacher, is to leave every other occupation and project. Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:4, "A man who enlists under a general and goes to war, leaves his home, business, hobbies, and all other affairs of the world. The service of that general becomes his business and the war his life. An athlete who runs in a race does so with such complete dedication that one would think that he had no other thought, lived nowhere but on the track, and did nothing but run. To enter the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ requires and demands just such dedication. (1 Corinthians 7:29-31.) "But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none; and they that weep, as though they wept not; and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not; and they that buy, as though they possessed not; and they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away."
The man who enters the ministry will first go to Calvary where his soul will be filled with the glory of Christ, the love of Christ, and the gospel of substitution and satisfaction. From here he will know nothing but Christ and Him crucified. No other message will interest him, no other theme will attract him, and no other subject will dominate his pulpit ministry. He has seen the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus.
The man who enters the ministry will go to the cemetery, where he will bury his mother, father, wife, children, brothers, sisters, and himself also! Christ Jesus becomes all these. Where the calling and work of his master is concerned he is a man with no natural ties!
The man who enters the ministry will go to the rubbish dump where he will dispose of his heritage, his learning, his natural wisdom, his self-righteousness, and his fleshly zeal, counting all but dung that he may win Christ and be found in Him.
The man who enters the ministry will go to the bank of faith where he surrenders his securities, savings, and all his possessions to be used for the preaching of the gospel and he establishes a checking account in the name of His Lord, from which all his needs are met. They that preach the gospel live by the gospel! The soldiers in the King's army do not provide for themselves nor pay their own way.
The man who enters the ministry will enter the closet of prayer frequently and his study constantly. An expression often heard in the 18th century London was, "as sure as john Gill is in his study." A man's performance in the pulpit will depend a great deal on his performance in the study! A man who is not content to spend most of his time in the study has no place in the pulpit. Deacons were first chosen to relieve the preacher of every responsibility that would keep him from the Word of God and prayer. To go into the pulpit unprepared in heart and mind is unforgivable He must leave politics, education, community affairs, and many worth-while projects to others. He is a gospel preacher! If he tries to be anything else, he is an embarrassment to himself and others!
A preacher of the past was heard to say, "I do not care if my name is unknown on earth -- I would like for my name to be known in Hell. " The evil spirit which leaped upon the sons of Sceva cried, 'Jesus I know and Paul I know; but who are you?" Paul was known in hell as is every gospel preacher. Those who play at preaching cause no more concern in the headquarters of the enemy than soldiers who are sometimes in the trenches but most of the time on the golf course! There is no discharge in this war! To talk of rest and retirement is treason. It is to lay down our arms in the midst of the battle and in the face of the enemy. Besides a man only retires from a duty he dislikes! The experienced leader is the best leader. Our Lord said, "He that putteth his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God."
A dying preacher was heard to say, "If God is pleased to let me live, I will lay down every interest, every activity, every occupation and I will live only to preach the gospel of His dear Son." It was a little late for him but not for us. Actually a man does truly enter the ministry from his death bed! He dies to the world and the world dies to him. (Mark 8:35) "For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it!"
Eloquent prayers, much talk, and testimonies of victory do not indicate spiritual depth and fullness. An empty can makes more noise than a full one and a shallow creek can be heard for miles while the mighty river flows silently on!
I believe I know a little of the grief that Paul felt when he wrote, "Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world." I don't know very much about Demas, but I know that Paul believed that Demas loved Christ, loved the Gospel, and would continue in the faith of Christ until God called him home. But Demas allowed someone or something to come between him and the Lord, revealing that what he had professed for so long was ONLY a profession!
Perhaps Demas had a common, ordinary job and was promoted to a position of authority, which made his association with the despised Gospel and Apostles embarrassing to him; or perhaps Demas was a widower who met a certain unbelieving, attractive woman, and she turned his foolish head from the church and the Gospel; or perhaps Demas came into a great inheritance and his new life-style did not fit the humble life-style of the apostles; or perhaps Demas was a young, handsome man who despised the single life and was determined to marry HIS CHOICE over the protest of the Apostle Paul; or perhaps Demas was an ambitious preacher who felt that toning down the offensive message of free-grace and seeking the approval of Arminians and the fellowship of religionist would open doors for him, increase his congregation, and add to his support; or perhaps Demas had just never stopped loving Demas and his claims to Christ were only a part of his effort to promote himself.
1 JOHN 3:1
John wrote in 1 John 3:1, "BEHOLD!" Take notice, with wonder and astonishment, what matchless, amazing and wonderful love the Father has given freely and graciously to us, "THAT WE SHOULD BE CALLED SONS OF GOD." This is the privilege and blessing that exceeds all others. Because our Lord loved us and gave Himself for us, children of wrath are now children of love, rebels and traitors are now sons, enemies are now sons of God and joint-heirs with Christ. How can we comprehend such love and grace? This is our song of rejoicing now and ever shall be. "THEREFORE THE WORLD KNOWS US NOT, BECAUSE THE WORLD KNEW HIM NOT." The reason the people of this world do not recognize and acknowledge us as the children of God is because they do not know God. "He was in the world and the world knew Him not."
Though the world does not recognize us as sons of God, though our present condition is very short of God's glory, though our bodies are flesh and old age and death are before us, though we are subject to many miseries, temptations, and trials, though we are aware of the sin and evil which still dwell within us, "NOW," at this very moment, "WE ARE THE SONS OF GOD." It would be foolish to estimate what we shall be by what we are now. "But we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is."
"And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof; for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood OUT OF every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth" (Revelation 5: 9-10).
This scripture does not tell us that Christ died, shed His blood, and redeemed everyone in every nation. It clearly states that He was slain and did redeem to God by His blood a people (His church) OUT OF every tongue and people. And when those whom the Father chose in Christ, for whom the Saviour died, hear that good news of free redemption proclaimed in the power of His Holy Spirit, THEY WILL BELIEVE! Acts 13:48 declares, "And when the Gentiles heard this, THEY WERE GLAD, and glorified the word of the Lord: AND AS MANY AS WERE ORDAINED TO ETERNAL LIFE BELIEVED."
Some of our dear friends have been through some severe trials, and others are now suffering in heart and body. All of us wish to witness a good confession and maintain an attitude and conversation which will help and inspire others and glorify our Lord. But pain is pain. The loss of a dear child or mate is overwhelming, and we are still in this body of flesh. Therefore, let it be known to all that we believe and are sure that our Lord is the first cause of all things, and we bless His name and trust His word whatever the circumstances. The following words by CHARLES SPURGEON sum up our confession!
"The Christian knows no change with regard to God. He may be rich today and poor tomorrow; he may be sickly today and well tomorrow; he may be in happiness today and tomorrow be in distress; but THERE IS NO CHANGE WITH REGARD TO HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. If He loved me yesterday, He loves me today. I am neither better nor worse in God than I ever was. Let prospects be blighted, let hopes be blasted, let joy be withered, let mildews destroy everything; I HAVE LOST NOTHING OF WHAT I HAVE IN GOD!"
THE HOLY SPIRIT does not reach after something novel, new, nor spectacular in order to glorify Christ or to preach Christ to men. He does not need tongues, fleshly emotion, bodily healings, and creature fame and importance in order to bring glory to Christ and call out His sheep. He finds Christ's glory IN CHRIST HIMSELF! If we want to honor Christ, glorify Christ, and preach Christ, we must not look for something outside of Christ; but we must honor Him by preaching that which is His already -- His deity, His person, His man-hood, His life, His death, His resurrection, His ascension, His intercession, His return!
True faith is built upon the strongest evidence possible -- the WORD OF GOD! True faith is a total dependence upon the LORD JESUS CHRIST for all our needs; such as forgiveness, sanctification, peace, and eternal life. The believer renounces all confidence in his flesh, rejoices only in Christ Jesus, and worships God in spirit. He feeds upon Christ as the Bread of Life, embraces Christ as his wedding garment, derives all strength and comfort from Christ, and trusts himself to the care of Christ as his shepherd, teacher, priest, and king. This is the life of faith.
MATTHEW 19:25-26
The disciples asked, "Who then can be saved?" Our Lord replied, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:25-26).
The first real difficulty in conversion is for a person to realize that he is a LOST SINNER. There are plenty of weak people, even sinful people; but only the Holy Spirit can produce a LOST SINNER who will cry, "O God, be merciful to me, THE SINNER."
The second difficulty in conversion is to teach that sinner THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. He must be taught of God (John 6:44-45) that Christ's blood and righteousness enable God to be just and justify those who BELIEVE. The gospel of free grace and mercy comes to the helpless sinner without any return on his part. Salvation, eternal life, is THE GIFT OF GOD. Even our repentance, faith, works of faith, and labors of love are produced by His presence in us, not by any merit on our part.
The third difficulty in conversion is to bring a believing sinner TO REST all his days in the same love and grace that begat him. "As we have received Christ, we walk and rest in Him." We are chosen, called, and KEPT by His free grace.
"A sweet resting place is Jesus Christ to me,
The fulness of grace, sovereign, rich, and free."
The most difficult thing for any of us to do is to TOTALLY and COMPLETELY trust and rest in our blessed Lord Jesus to redeem us, sanctify us, and make us accepted of the Father. We are so prone to self-righteousness and works that we have a constant battle trying to remember that "man at His BEST STATE is altogether vanity," and in his WEAKEST MOMENTS is no less loved and accepted if he is in Christ. As Bro. Fortner said, "My relationship with the eternal God (in Christ) does in great measure determine what I do. But what I do (good or bad) in no way determines my relationship with the eternal God." Actually, "In my flesh dwelleth NO GOOD THING." "In the flesh no man can please God." It is in Christ that the Father is well-pleased; and only in Christ can He love, accept, and be pleased with me. I did not come to Christ on the basis of my works, nor am I kept in Christ on the basis of my works! I looked to Him THEN for ALL THINGS, and I look to Him NOW for ALL THINGS! Any look within will serve only to discourage and depress me; but looking to Christ, the author and finisher of my faith, will only encourage me, for He never changes. His gift of life and calling to grace is without change. The command, "Look unto Me and be ye saved," is not only the hope and strength of the seeking sinner, but it is the constant hope and strength of the believing sinner. I know my sins, but I rejoice in His grace. I know my weakness, but I rest in His strength. I know my emptiness, but I am complete in Him. "O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear," all because we do not cast our sins, our souls on Christ and LEAVE THEM THERE!
It has for centuries been a great temptation to many talented men to spend their time studying, arguing, and quarreling over sovereignty and responsibility, sabbath days and church government, prophetical speculation and future events, when they would have been better employed and more greatly used of God in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I was greatly impressed, while reading Mr. Spurgeon this week, by a statement he made regarding those who spend most of their time trying to resolve the deep and mysterious theological questions. He said, "There is the puzzling problem concerning the origin of evil. I am not so much concerned about how evil came into the world as about helping to get it out! Common sense seems to say that if there is a thief in the house, let us catch him, deal with him, and get him out. After that we will try to find out how he got in! Our Lord did not come into the world to tell us where sin came from, but by the sacrifice of Himself to put it away."
To believe God is no small thing! It is the evidence of a heart reconciled unto God; it is the proof of our being weaned from our own works and deeds; it is a clear sign of the true conviction of sin; it is honoring to Christ, our only Redeemer; it is the essence of true worship; and it is the root of sincere obedience.
The person who believes God in spite of his sin and infirmities, who believes God in spite of fleshly wisdom and opposition, who believes God come what may, gives the Lord God more honor and glory than the cherubim and seraphim in their continual adoration.
DO YOU THINK FAITH A SMALL THING? How is it then that our Lord said, "He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life?" How is it that a whole nation perished in the wilderness because of UNBELIEF? How is it that we are said to be "justified by faith," and "He that believeth not shall be damned?" Faith is the parent grace. Whatever you put in second place, faith must have the first consideration; for it is not a small thing -- - IT IS YOUR LIFE! "If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." John Flavel said, "The soul is the life of the body. Faith is the life of the soul. Christ is the life of faith."
JOHN 10:28
"And I will give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand" (John 10:28).
Our Lord gives us SPIRITUAL life that never ends. He gives us HIMSELF, who is life. He gives us HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS which entitles us to life. He gives us the EARNEST or pledge of life, which is His Spirit. This life is hid with Christ in God and is sure, certain, and secure.
1. What kind of HEAD is Christ if the body perish?
2. What kind of SHEPHERD is Christ if His sheep perish?
3. What kind of HUSBAND is Christ if He allows His bride to perish?
4. What kind of PRIEST is Christ if His atonement fails?
5. What kind of PHYSICIAN is Christ if the patient dies?
6. What kind of KING is Christ if He has no subjects?
"If ever it could come to pass That sheep of Christ might fall away, My fickle, feeble soul, alas!, Would fall a thousand times a day; I on Thy promises depend, That Thou will love me to the end."
PSALM 19:1
"The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament showeth His handywork" (Psalm 19:1).
During the French revolution, Jean Bon Andre said to a minister, "I will pull down all of your churches, your steeples, your places of worship that you may no longer have any object to remind you of your religious superstitions." "But," replied the minister, "You cannot pull down the sun, the moon, and the stars; these all declare the glory of God. If every house of prayer be destroyed, if every preacher be forced to keep silent, if every choir be no human voice again pronounce the name of God, the heavens above will forever declare His glory -- the birds will sing His praise and the wind and waves will say, 'OUR GOD REIGNS!'"
"To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not tiresome, but for you it is safe" (necessary) (Philippians 3:1). We never grow weary of preaching the word of our Lord, the gospel of His grace; and we never tire of gathering together in His name to worship, pray, and fellowship with His people. The old story is forever NEW; the familiar Scriptures are FRESHER AND SWEETER with every taste.
1. To often hear His word preached is to keep our hearts and minds on Christ, the fountain of life.
2. To often hear His word preached is a safeguard against false doctrine and false teachers. An untaught child is more easily led astray than one "taught of God."
3. To often hear His word preached guards against self-righteousness. No danger of a person who is often in the presence of HIS HOLINESS seeing any merit in himself.
4. To often hear His word preached refreshes our spirits, brings peace to our hearts, and beauty to our countenances. One can look at flowers and readily see which flowers ARE MOST OFTEN WATERED!
As long as we are in this flesh, we will have misunderstandings among us, unpleasantnesses, and even injustices (we will feel that our rights have been violated and others have been wrong in what they have said and done). What is to be our attitude? It is to be twofold: "FORBEARING one another and FORGIVING one another." To FORBEAR is to control our emotions, surrendering our rights for the time being in patient hope that God will reveal his purpose and will. To FORGIVE is actually to pull the misunderstanding out of mind and restore a state of love and fellowship. Our Lord FORBEARS, that is, He is long-suffering and patient with us; and He FORGIVES, remembering our sins no more.
"Salvation is of the Lord," cried Jonah from the belly of the fish: and indeed it is. It is the Father who chose us, who set His love upon us from all eternity. It is the Son who redeemed us -- THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS -- who by His life and death both sanctified and justified us in God’s sight. It is the Holy Spirit who quickened the dead and made us to live. But all saving acts must be performed by the man himself. Faith is the gift of God, but the Holy Spirit never believed for anybody; it is not his office to believe but to woo, draw, and teach us to believe. THE SINNER MUST BELIEVE! Repentance is the work of the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit never repented. What has He to repent of? THE SINNER MUST REPENT! There must be in every person who comes to Christ a personal repentance and a personal faith; and though these are wrought in him by the Holy Spirit, yet they are his own acts. They cannot be the acts of anyone else or the person has not repented and has not believed and there is no spiritual life in him. For instance, the Holy Spirit helps us to pray; He helps our infirmities. BUT WE PRAY! True desires after God must be your own desires. The desire is wrought in you, but still it is YOURS!
Mary sat at the feet of the Lord and HEARD HIS WORD, Her sister, Martha, had many things to do which she believed to be important. She must provide bodily comforts and necessities; and when she complained to the Lord that her sister should LEAVE THE PLACE WHERE HIS WORD WAS HEARD and give more attention to fleshly pursuits, our Lord said, "Martha, you are careful and troubled about many things: ONE THING IS NEEDFUL: Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:39-42). Wise indeed are the persons, who, like Mary, chose to sit, live, and raise their children where they can HEAR HIS WORD. This is the ONE THING NEEDFUL and the one thing that shall not be taken away when all these worldly comforts, treasures, and honors are perished and forgotten. I weep for those who have made the wrong choice and warn those today who may follow their example. Mary sat at Jesus feet and HEARD HIS WORD. Today, where two or three gather in His name, He is there and they hear His word. This is the good part of this earthly journey. I have nothing materially to leave my children, but they were raised hearing His word preached. Which is the good part?
The following is an excerpt from a message preached by John Brine at the ordination of John Ryland in the year 1750. "How may we KNOW that any doctrine is that of the true grace of God? I answer: IF it exalts the glory of the grace of God as the SOLE AND ENTIRE cause of salvation; IF it humbles the creature and EXCLUDES ALL BOASTING; IF it provides for the HONOR of God's holy law and justice; IF it is a solid and sure ground of strong consolation to the saints; and lastly, IF it is a doctrine according to godliness."
Paul called his message "the offense of the cross" (Galatians 5:11). Again and again he warned that the true gospel of God's grace and glory would meet with great opposition from the religious world and the natural world. "The preaching of the cross is foolishness" (1 Corinthians 1:18). "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God" (1 Corinthians 2:14).
Our Lord said, "Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you" (1 John 3:13). He also said, "They shall put you out of the synagogues (organized religion): yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service" (John 16:2). If what we preach is NOT offensive to the religionist and to the worldling, then it is NOT THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. I repeat, it is not the gospel!
1. GOD'S ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGNTY in creation, providence and redemption offends man's claim to free will! "We will not have this man to REIGN over us" (Luke 19:14).
2. The preaching of TOTAL DEPRAVITY AND INABILITY offends man's dignity and claim to personal righteousness. "We be not born of fornication," that is, "We be not (they say) born in sin." "We may not be perfect, but we are not totally corrupt in God's sight."
3. The gospel of Christ comes by REVELATION, and this offends man's natural wisdom. The college professor knows as much about the mysteries of grace as the farmhand, which is nothing apart from the Spirit of God.
4. EFFECTUAL REDEMPTION through the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Substitute and Sin-offering, offends man's pride. Men would have God do all that He wants to do and all that He can do, but there must be a work left for the sinner to perform, that we might share somewhat in the glory.
5. THE LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST offends man's desire for recognition here and hereafter. "They said unto him, Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory" (Mark 10:37). "Let us have a system of rewards to distinguish us in some way from the beggar." We have established our social levels here and choose to continue them in heaven.
If a person has concern and doubts about his hope of grace and eternal glory, he might consider the following questions:
1. God requires perfection. Am I perfect? No! Then do I have ONE who is perfect to stand for me and I in Him?
2. Do I have a righteousness that can stand the test of God's holy law and presence? No! Then is there ONE who will give to me such a holiness?
3. Will God hear my weak and sinful voice before His throne? No! Then is there ONE He will hear who shall be my advocate and intercessor?
4. Do I have an acceptable blood atonement and can I act as a suitable high priest before His presence? No! Then do I have ONE who is a great High Priest in the heavens with one sacrifice for sins forever?
5. The Scriptures declare, "He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully" shall stand in His holy place. Can this be said of me? No! Then do I have ONE in whom all the fulness of holiness, power, and truth dwells who will love me, take my case as His, and bring me to God?
"Yes, there's ONE, only ONE,
The blessed, blessed Jesus, He's the ONE:
When afflictions press the soul,
And waves of trouble roll,
And you need a friend to help you,
Can you imagine a person entering heaven without a new heart, without a love for Christ, unable to give Christ all glory and pre-eminence? He comes within the gates and hears a song of praise, "Worthy is the Lamb;" but he cannot join the song, for he knows not the tune nor the Lamb. He sees a throne and on it One who is glorious beyond words; but it is CHRIST, whom on earth he refused to worship and acknowledge as King of kings and Lord of lords. He sees a host of angels and an innumerable company of saints, all rejoicing in the grace and mercy of the Beloved and glad to HONOR THE SON. He stands motionless, silent and still, for he knows not the Son nor His glory! His dark, dirty rags of vain self-righteousness appear even darker before their white robes. There are no palms of victory in his hand nor crown of righteousness on his head; and he hears a voice louder than ten thousand thunders, "What doest thou here? How camest thou hither not having a wedding garment?" Speechless, they cast him away!
TITUS 2:10
In a recent message I read Titus 2:10 which exhorts us to "ADORN the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things." When we think of the word "adorn," usually we think of ADDING to the beauty of something. For example: "Ribbons adorned her hair." Now we can add nothing to the perfect glory and beauty of the doctrine of Christ; but to ADORN the doctrine of Christ and the gospel we believe and love is to grace that gospel WITH ITS OWN BEAUTY, to show forth the works of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope which only the gospel of Christ can produce in a person. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:10, "But by the grace of God I am what I am; and His grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all; YET NOT I, BUT THE GRACE OF GOD WHICH WAS IN ME." The faithfulness and grace Paul manifested brought glory to Christ, whose they were!
2 KINGS 18:4
"Hezekiah removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brazen serpent that Moses had made: for in those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: he called it, "A PIECE OF BRASS" (2 Kings 18:4).
I am confident that the religious, superstitious Israelites were horrified when King Hezekiah destroyed their sacred symbol (which they worshiped, the serpent of brass Moses had made) calling it "a (worthless) piece of brass." Hezekiah declared it to be of no value in the worship of God, but rather a hindrance to the worship.
I can understand a person's interest in that brazen serpent. It would be extremely interesting to see it. It would be interesting to see the rod of Moses, the tables of the law, the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant, and the cross on which our Lord died! But interesting is all that these things can be certainly not inspirational, nor edifying, nor of any spiritual value, nor of any consequence where our relationship with God is concerned. These are but types, pictures, and things which the Lord used to point our faith, hope, and trust to CHRIST JESUS! In the knowledge, love, and worship of God, "CHRIST IS ALL!"
Hezekiah shocked Israel when he called Moses serpent "A PIECE OF BRASS." We may shock religion today by calling the cross on which Christ died "A PIECE OF WOOD," or the tomb in which He laid, "A HOLE IN THE GROUND," or the winding sheet in which He was wrapped, "A PIECE OF CLOTH;" but, having served their purpose, that's all that they are. And to make them of any spiritual significance is to be in danger of idolatry! Idolatry is a subtle tool of Satan and must be avoided. "God is a spirit, and they that worship Him MUST worship Him in spirit and truth." True believers have no superstitions regarding days, hallowed places on earth, religious relics, symbols, signs, nor ancestors. Christ is our sabbath, our altar, our prophet, priest, and king. To Him and only to Him we come, bow, believe and worship.
Are we in the last days of the last days? The state of religion today indicates that we are. Note the following article from the newspaper USA TODAY.
"WATER WALK -- Israel's National Parks Authority announced plans Monday (Jan. 25, 1999) to build a submerged bridge in the Sea of Galilee that would allow tourists to simulate Jesus' miraculous walk on water. The Associated Press says a 13-foot-wide floating bridge will be hidden just below the water surface. It is ONE OF MANY ISRAELI PROJECTS for the millennium when four million pilgrims are expected to visit Israel."
"The light of the knowledge of the glory of God in Christ Jesus" is called a TREASURE because it is RICH TRUTH which sets men free; it has RICH BLESSINGS such as wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; it contains RICH AND PRECIOUS PROMISES; it brings to us the RICHES OF HIS GRACE IN CHRIST.
This treasure is, "in earthen vessels," meaning the ministers to whom God entrusts this gospel and through whom He sends the gospel to His sheep. These ministers are God's men; but they are still men, weak and frail, subject to like passions and infirmities, "that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us." Whatever is accomplished in the proclamation of the gospel by these men is the result of God's purpose and work, certainly not of us. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:10, "I have labored more abundantly than they all; YET NOT I, but the grace of God which was with me. Therefore, whether it were I or they, so we preach and so ye believe." Let not one grain of faith be in the wisdom of any man, but in the wisdom and power of God -- WHICH IS CHRIST!
I know that most of you are faithful to the Sunday worship services, and you tarry after services to visit and talk with one another. But what about the other six days of the week? Do you have much fellowship with those whose conversation is seasoned with grace and who are a good influence on you and your children? The people of the world (religious world and social world) ARE NOT an influence for good or spiritual growth. "Evil companions and associations corrupt good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33). But our brethren comfort us, encourage us, instruct us, and regular fellowship with them and their families will be a great blessing to you and your children. Do not spend your social and family time with these who do not know God (86% of the week) and expect to correct the effect with a couple of hours on Sunday. As much time as you can devote to good fellowship in Christ with other believers will reap great blessings to you and your family.
JOHN 6:55
"For my flesh is meat INDEED, and my blood is drink INDEED!" (John 6:55). It is not just eating that nourishes and gives life, but eating good food. If a man eats poison, he will die. It is so spiritually. Christ's flesh is true life-giving meat, and His blood is saving blood. A person is not saved because he believes and receives something or someone. But "CHRIST IN YOU is the hope of glory." "He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life... dwelleth in me and I in Him."
Law manifests what is in men -- sin!
Grace manifests what is in God -- love!
Law demands righteousness from men!
Grace brings righteousness to men!
Law sentences men to death!
Grace brings dead men to life!
Law speaks of what I must do!
Grace tells what Christ has done!
Law gives a knowledge of sin!
Grace puts away sin!
"Oh, to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be."
LUKE 22:32
"Peter, when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren" (Luke 22:32). Many people use the term "converted" to mean regeneration. But regeneration is God's act alone and does not involve any work on our part. Regeneration is the implantation of life; conversion is the exercise of that life and its principles. Regeneration is a single act, complete in itself and never repeated; conversion, as the beginning of godly living, is a constant, progressive, and continuous growth in grace and the knowledge of Christ. Regeneration is a change from death to life; conversion is a change in attitude, spirit, and conduct.
A pastor once declared to a friend, "I want you to know that I no longer believe in particular redemption." When I heard this, I was shocked, but I was not surprised. I am always shocked when a man turns from the Gospel of grace to something else, especially when that person has studied the Scriptures, the ancient fathers, the character of God, the nature of sinners, and the covenant mercies of God in Christ. To deny effectual and particular redemption is to deny the very sum and substance of the Gospel is SUBSTITUTION. "Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness are my beauty and my glorious dress."
I am not surprised when certain preachers decide they will no longer preach particular redemption, for it is without question THE MOST HATED truth in Scripture. Universal love and universal atonement are universally accepted by all of Adam's sons except those who, by the grace of God, have seen the Lord Jesus Christ as Isaiah saw His glory and spoke of Him. The preacher who denies particular redemption will have little opposition, for he has taken the offense from the cross. All cults, sects, denominations, and religious promoters have this in common- they believe there is a sense in which God loves all men and Christ died for the sins of all men.
..."If Christ died for all the sins of all men, then all men will be saved. If Christ died for some of the sins of all men, no one will be saved. However, if Christ died (as the Scripture teaches) for all the sins of His elect, then His elect will be saved."
Lay the foundation of your hope in Jesus Christ. Begin with Christ and end with Christ. As Christ Jesus becomes more to you, self will grow less and less. If your faith puffs you up -- it is not the faith of Christ. God will help us when we are weak. He will bless us as long as we confess our dependence upon His blessing. He will fill us when we are empty. He will feed us when we are hungry. He will be our all when we are nothing. He will forgive us when we are guilty. But the moment we begin to boast in ourselves and feel sufficient, we will be left to learn, in no uncertain terms, that we are naked, poor, blind, and miserable. Terrible will be the day when proud rebels discover, too late, the dust and ashes of human merit.
"That calling or condition of life is best for us, and to be chosen by us, which is best for our souls, that which least exposes us to sin and gives us most opportunity of serving and enjoying God." -- Matthew Henry
"Able to save" means something more than just delivering men from hell. "Able to save" is the whole work of salvation from the first conviction of sin to complete glorification. Christ is not only "able to save" those who REPENT, but He is able to make men repent. Christ is not only "able to save" those who BELIEVE, but He is able to give a new heart and work faith in men. Christ is not only "able to save" those who CONTINUE IN THE FAITH, but He is able to keep us from falling and give us a holy desire to be like Him.
"All spiritual blessings that sovereign, gracious God has for sinners IN our Lord Jesus Christ, BY the merits and blood of our Lord, and FOR the glory of our Redeemer. Simply put, CHRIST IS SALVATION!
It is Christ, not the cross, who saves. It is Christ, not the church, who justifies. It is Christ, not my faith, nor my confession, nor my profession, who unites me to God. It is the Master, not the mother, who is our Mediator. It is His blood that cleanses, His obedience that sanctifies, His love that will not let me go, His faithfulness (not mine) constant and steadfast, and His promise, spoken to Peter but true of every believer, "I HAVE PRAYED FOR YOU."
If we could peer into heaven and see that great number of departed and glorified saints, I think we would see Abraham and his nephew, Lot, Joshua and Rahab the harlot, Samuel and Samson, the penitent thief and the glorious Apostle Paul, all dressed in the same raiment -- that beautiful garment of salvation, the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ which was freely given them (Isaiah 61:10). After all, nothing less will make the sinner acceptable in God's sight and qualified for heaven! AND WHAT IS THERE MORE? Can anything be added to the righteousness of Christ? Can anything make the sinner more approved of God? The Lord Jesus Christ is ALL the believer's justifying righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30, 2 Corinthians 5:21).
Quite often, after a sermon is over, people are heard to say, "Preacher, you sure stepped on my toes today." Somehow, I feel that this type of response to the preaching of God's Word indicates that there is something wrong with either the preaching or the hearing. When one can lightly pass off the profound mysteries of the Gospel of God's mercy with such meaningless comments, either he has not heard the glorious good news, or it has not been properly told.
If I seek first the kingdom of God, if I am determined to win Christ and be found in Him, if to be called of God and accepted in the Beloved is my diligent concern, if to grow in His grace and the knowledge of Christ is my primary object, I shall never fall; not that I shall never sin nor that I shall never fall into sin (for there is no man that lives and sins not), but I shall never totally fall from the mercy and grace of God in Christ.
"What, then, is the new birth? It is not the removal of anything from the sinner nor the changing of anything physical or fleshly in the sinner; instead, it is the communication of SOMETHING NEW to the sinner. The new birth is the impartation of a NEW NATURE. When we were born the first time, we received from our parents their nature; so when we are born again, we receive from God His nature. The Spirit of God begets within us a spiritual nature (Galatians 5:17; 2 Peter 1:4). That which is born of man is human; that which is born of God is divine and spiritual. Nicodemus was startled. He was amazed at the Saviour's words. Yet he ought not to have been. Man by birth and nature is blind and opposed to the things of God. No amount of religious training can change this evil nature. His chief need is a NEW NATURE, or to be BORN AGAIN. It is a must! A man must have a spiritual nature before he can understand, enter, or enjoy the kingdom of God."
"My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee... then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord AND FIND THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD" (Proverbs 2:1,5). Search the word; study the word; weigh the words of all preachers BY THE WORD OF GOD. We must make a difference between God's word and the words of men. "Man's words are a sound which flies into the air and soon vanishes." But the word of God is eternal; it is greater than heaven and earth; it is greater than life or death; for it is the power and wisdom of God! It is "with the word of truth" that He BEGETS us. It is "through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth that God has CHOSEN us to salvation" (2 Thessalonians 2:13). It is "by hearing the word" that FAITH comes. "COMFORT one another with these words," saith the Lord. If there is any one thing that would please God's true preachers, it is that our hearers would "receive the word of God with all readiness of mind and SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES daily, whether those things were so" (Acts 17:11). Honor the words of God and honor the Lord's Spirit, who gave them, by trusting Him to give you light and understanding. We preach and teach, but only our Lord can enlighten the hearts of men.
JOHN 1:14
"And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld HIS GLORY, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
My friends, if you will carefully consider it, this is the most extraordinary fact ever declared in human language. God became a man and "took upon Him the likeness of sinful flesh." The Ancient of Days became an infant of days. The Son of the Most High God became a man of sorrows. He made the world; but as a man, "he had no place to lay His head." He who made the rivers asked a woman to give Him a drink of water. He who cast out devils was tempted of the devil, and the author of life died and lay in a tomb. LISTEN TO THE POET:
"His fingers formed the bough which grew
the thorns that crowned His brow;
The nails which pierced His hands were mined
in secret places He designed;
He made the forest whence there sprung
the tree on which His body hung;
He died on a cross of wood,
yet He made the hill on which it stood;
The sun that hid from Him its face
by His own hand was hung in space;
The sky which darkened o'er His head
by Him above the world was spread;
The spear that shed His precious blood
was tempered in the fires of God;
The grave in which His form was laid
was hewn in rocks His hand had made."
The same gospel of the grace of God in our Lord Jesus Christ, which saves sinners, also sanctifies them and makes them obedient sons. A faith which does not produce obedience to God's word and godliness of character is not saving faith at all.
Spurgeon once said, "There was no need for special conventions and camp meetings on 'sanctification and holiness' until preachers left the gospel of sovereign grace and arminian messages and methods prevailed in evangelism." The Westminster Confession teaches, "Faith is the alone instrument of justification; yet it is not alone in the person justified, but is ever accompanied with all other saving graces."
The Calvinistic message of God's electing love in Christ Jesus has produced generations of serious, God-fearing and persevering, obedient lovers of Christ and one another; for it is by that love for Christ, His word, and His people that we know that we have "passed from death unto life," and by which we make "our calling and election sure."
"The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall KEEP YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS through Christ Jesus." This peace of heart and mind arises from a correct understanding of God's mercy in Christ, our sins are forgiven, all that takes place in our lives is for our eternal good, and we shall live and reign with Christ forever. "THINK ON THESE THINGS."
Do not allow the world to clutter your mind and heart (via newspapers, magazines, television, internet) with its ways, thoughts, music, philosophy, and covetousness. A constant diet of and bombardment from these sources will trouble you and drive the peace and joy of grace from you. But rather... Whatsoever things are TRUE to Christ and His word.
Whatsoever things are HONEST in the sight of God and men, honest in business and conduct.
Whatsoever things are JUST, giving to God His honor, and praise to man that which is his due.
Whatsoever things are PURE in word and deed, godly in thought and motive.
Whatsoever things are HOLY, agreeable to the character of God and His kingdom, which promotes holiness in character and conduct.
Whatsoever things are LOVELY, things which are kind, compassionate, generous and helpful to others.
Whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT, things which we hear that contribute to a good name, a good reputation, a good opinion, and promote the glory of Jesus Christ.
THINK ON THESE THINGS! DISCUSS these things with others! Let your minds and hearts DWELL on these things; and doing so, that peace of Christ and rest in His grace and mercy will grow.
"Thou will keep Him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on Thee;
When the shadows come and darkness falls,
Paul wrote in ROMANS 5:14, "Adam is a figure of Him that was to come." All of us have preached imputation and representation using Adam as a figure of Christ, our Lord. But Thomas Bradbury added this: "Adam was not deceived in the transgression; he sinned with his eyes wide open. He knew what he was doing. Adam sinned out of love for his wife; and before he would be parted from her, he would be damned with her. Is not this a picture of our Lord Jesus? Adam loved Eve when she was fallen and he yet stood, when she was a sinner and he was sinless, when she was covered with guilt and he was free from both. He loved her in spite of all! Here is a marvelous picture of our Redeemer, who loved us even when we were dead in sin and took our guilt willingly. Well may we cry, "O Jesus, what a love is Thine!"'
When, by His grace, I know WHO HE IS, I better understand who and what I am! When I know WHAT HE DID in obedience and death, I realize what I cannot do! When I understand WHY HE MUST SUFFER, I understand how God can be just and justify me. When I know WHERE HE IS, I can rest in the blessed hope that I shall one day be there too!
"JOHN 3:16"
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16. This is perhaps the most oft-quoted, and least understood verse in the Bible. This verse is used by many to teach that God loves all men the same, has provided salvation for all men the same, and it is up to man to do something with it. This verse teaches no such thing! The emphasis in this verse is not the quantity of God's love, but the quality! Whether the whosoever refers to one man, or one billion men, it has no bearing on the meaning. If only one person was saved by this Gospel, it would not be any less glorious than if one billion people were saved by it. The point of wonder is "God so loved the world... that He gave... His only Begotten Son... that whosoever... believeth in Him... should not perish."
1 PETER 3:15
The Apostle Peter wrote: "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts; and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear" (1 Peter 3:15). In Romans 8:31-35 you will find Paul's reasons for our hope of eternal life in the form of five questions.
1. "IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US?" Can the law, justice, or Satan defeat the purpose of our God?
2. "IF GOD SPARED NOT HIS OWN SON, but delivered Him up for us all, shall He not with Him also freely give us all things that Christ purchased by His death?
3. "WHO SHALL LAY ANYTHING TO THE CHARGE OF GOD'S ELECT?" They are justified by God -- the Almighty God and highest court!
4. "WHO IS HE THAT CONDEMNETH?" It is Christ who died, and the fact that the Father raised Him from the grave and exalted Him to His right hand as our forerunner and head assures us of that place.
5. "WHO CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD?" His love is an everlasting, unchangeable love in Christ!
It is not wrong to love God for WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR US! Not to do so would be ingratitude. David's love for the Lord showed itself in NOT FORGETTING ALL HIS BENEFITS (Psalm 110). "He forgives our iniquities, heals our spiritual diseases, redeems our lives, crowns us with loving-kindness and tender mercies, and satisfies our mouths with good things." Some theologians tell us that the highest kind of love is to love God FOR WHAT HE IS rather than for what He has done in us and for us. Someday I may be able to identify with this highest kind of love; but until then, "I love Him BECAUSE He loved me and sent His Son to be the propitiation for my sins."
Henry Mahan
The disobedient rebel is cast out of the Garden of Eden, as he should have been. A just God cast him out of His presence, but he goes out with a Saviour's promise of life through the woman's seed. The wicked world was destroyed by a flood, as it should have been. A just God dealt with sin in righteousness, but high on the flood floats an ark of salvation by the grace of God, our Saviour. From Sinai's mountain comes a holy law, which a just and righteous God must require, but from that mount came also a tabernacle with a mercy-seat provided by "A JUST GOD AND A SAVIOUR." "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else."
I never had a better idea of believing in Jesus than I once had from a poor countryman. I may have mentioned this before; but it struck me very forcibly at the time, and I cannot help repeating it. Speaking about faith, he said, "The old enemy has been troubling me very much lately; but I told him that he must not say anything to me about my sins; he must go to my Master, for I had transferred the whole concern to Him, bad debts and all." That is believing in Jesus; believing is giving up all we have to Christ and taking all that Christ has to ourselves. It is changing houses with Christ, changing clothes with Christ, changing our unrighteousness for His righteousness, changing our sins for His merits.
"DEPARTURE" is an appropriate and easy representation of death because I understand that a departure signifies moving from one place to another. It is not to cease to exist. We depart this world of sin to dwell eternally with our Lord and with our friends who have departed.
"THE TIME" for my departure has nothing to do with chance, good or bad health, nor accidents; but that day has been set and settled by my heavenly Father since eternity past. It cannot be altered, nor would we desire it to be.
"IS AT HAND." "Don't talk about death," says one! But our Lord tells us to "number our days and apply our hearts to wisdom." Why would I not talk about, consider, and plan for the greatest event of my entire existence -- "to be absent from this body and to be present forever with the Lord"? My advanced age, weakness of body, and the absence of so many of my peers all cry loud and clear, "The time of my departure is at hand." "Lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28).
"Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down on your wrath" (EPHESIANS 4:26). There is an anger which is not sinful, for anger is found in God and in our Saviour. It arises from a true zeal for God and for holiness, and it is not against persons but against sins. But do not allow even this anger to continue; let it be over when the day is over. All anger and indignation should quickly be forgotten (James 1:19-20).
JOHN 15:5
1. Christ, Himself, is the vine -- the spring and source of life. We are the branches who have no existence apart from Him.
2. Believers are truly ONE with Christ. When one looks at a vineyard, he does not distinguish between vine and branches; they are one!
3. Those branches which are truly in Christ will surely bring forth fruit of love, joy, peace, grace, and mercy; for this is the nature of the vine, and His life, power and spirit produce such. "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit" (Matthew 7:17-18).
An old preacher addressed a few believers who had confessed the Lord in baptism and said to them, "My dear brethren, you have today professedly put on the Lord Jesus Christ. God help you to be circumspect in your walk and conversation. The church will watch you, the world will watch you, your doubting friends will watch you, enemies of the truth will watch you. God help you to watch yourselves, to LOOK TO HIM to keep you, to support you, and to succor you."
Our Lord has been pleased to call away to glory many of our dear loved ones. No words of men can make these trials easier, dry your tears, nor dispel your loneliness. But perhaps I can remind us of some things that we know and believe, and these shall be to us words of comfort.
1. They are WITH CHRIST IN GLORY. "To be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord," and they would not come back to this earth even if they could.
2. They are PERFECT IN SOUL AND BODY! No more sin, no more pain, no more tears, no more sorrow! They are satisfied, for they are in His likeness -- perfectly holy and happy.
3. They have NO UNPLEASANT THOUGHT NOR MEMORIES of anyone nor anything on this earth. "The former things are passed away; for God makes all things new." Don't grieve over any neglect, deed, nor word; it is forgotten in His presence.
4. They WOULD NOT HAVE YOU GRIEVE FOR THEM, but rather rejoice in their graduation, promotion, and victory. "To die is gain" and eternal glory! Their trials and tribulations are over; soon ours shall be.
5. There is NO TIME IN GLORY! Days and years have to do with earth, not heaven. "With God a thousand years is a day." My son did not go to glory thirty years ago; he went there TODAY, and so shall we! Time is no more when we leave this earth.
6. They are GONE FOR THE PRESENT, and memories of them are sweet and shall be with us throughout this journey. Remember, we have a life to live ourselves, our God to glorify, our children and others to serve, love, and encourage. WE CANNOT LIVE IN THE PAST and spend our days complaining of God's providence. Paul said, "Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Sons and daughters, take up your parents' mantle and serve your generation faithfully.
JULY 18, 1680
Three days before he was killed at Airsmoss because of the gospel he preached, Pastor Richard Cameron preached from Psalm 46 and made this statement: "Be still and know that I am God. This text forbids us to quarrel or murmur against God. All of us need to be afraid of this. Beware of it; for it is a dreadful thing to find fault with God's dealings with us or to say unto Him, 'What doest Thou?' It is a good account of Aaron that when God destroyed his sons, AARON HELD HIS PEACE. Let us then (while we bear the yoke) sit still and keep silence and put our mouth in the dust. God gives no account of His matters to anyone. There are so many things we cannot see through nor understand; but the Lord is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
What a person believes that our Lord Jesus ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHED at Calvary will determine (in that person's mind) for whom Christ suffered and died! The Scriptures say, "He PUT AWAY SIN by the sacrifice of Himself;" "By Himself HE PURGED our sins;" "We ARE SANCTIFIED through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ ONCE FOR ALL;" "The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, CLEANSETH US FROM ALL SIN;" "By His stripes WE ARE HEALED."
Our Lord did not die to make salvation possible for all; but He died, the Just for the unjust, that He might BRING US TO GOD; and He shall certainly do just that!
"The Saviour's blood is all we plead,
And all that guilty sinners need."
You will sometimes hear those who deny the wrath of God and preach the universal love of God for all men declare that what this verse in Romans 9:13 really says is, "God loves Jacob and He loves Esau LESS." Now, I ask you, how does our infinite, Almighty, perfect God do anything LESS than perfectly? Is He at times LESS RIGHTEOUS? LESS HOLY? LESS JUST? Our comfort in Christ is that He who loves His sheep HAS always loved them, WILL always love them, and loves them AS He loves Christ Jesus, His only begotten Son (John 17:23). And to those who were told to depart from His presence, He said, "I NEVER knew you." Malachi 3:6 declares, "I am THE LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." Our comfort is that HIS LOVE IN CHRIST is without degrees or changes, as is His wrath upon those outside of the Ark -- Christ Jesus!
If a man is near-sighted, he only needs corrective glasses; but if he is BLIND, he needs a miracle only God can give -- SIGHT! If a man is sick, he only needs medicinal aid; but if he is DEAD, he needs a miracle only God can give -- LIFE! If a man has a weak heart, perhaps changing his diet and habits will improve his condition; but if he has a STONY HEART, a deceitful, desperately wicked heart, he needs this miracle -- "a NEW HEART also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and you shall keep my judgments, and do them" (Ezekiel 36:26-27).
Knowing these things to be true and knowing the desperate, depraved condition in which Adam's fall has plunged all mankind, I believe, preach, and insist upon one solemn certain fact -- "SALVATION IS OF THE LORD." Let every son of Adam who reads these words come (like the leper in Matthew 8) to Christ and worship Him, saying, "LORD, IF THOU WILT, THOU CANST MAKE ME WHOLE!" -- AND HE WILL!
There are people in our assemblies who have heard the gospel of Christ with the heart. They believe Him, they love Him, and they truly rest in Him as Lord and Redeemer; but they have not confessed Christ in believer's baptism. The question is asked, "Why tarriest thou?" I believe I can answer for them.
1. They are troubled by the presence and strength of indwelling sin -- "In my flesh dwelleth no good thing."
2. They are shocked, by the weakness of their faith.
3. They fear that they will fail and dishonor the Lord and embarrass the church.
4. They are waiting for greater assurance and more grace.
5. They are by nature very timid and shun public demonstrations. But no such reasons are valid; for in baptism we are not confessing our holiness, but His; not our strength, but His; not our life, but His! "We are dead and our life is hid with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:3).
"For the love of Christ constraineth us" 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
All ministers of Christ and all believers in the Lord Jesus are under the strongest and most compelling constraint to do what they do and live as they live. They are motivated by "THE LOVE OF CHRIST" -- His love for them and their love for Him! It is not the fear of hell, nor a desire for special rewards, nor to establish a righteousness that they engage in worship, works of faith, and labors of love. It is Christ's eternal love, which led Him to redeem them by His life and death, and the love of God for Christ and His church and kingdom which is shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Spirit. "All the law is fulfilled in one word -- "LOVE GOD AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER" (Galatians 5:14). It is unreasonable to suggest that an unworthy sinner, loved with an everlasting love, chosen in Christ, redeemed by His blood, and called with a holy, heavenly calling, would disregard the commandments of His Lord and live a selfish, self-centered, and worldly life! "For the love of Christ constraineth us... that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him which died for them and rose again."
ROWLAND HILL once said that when a man comes to know the Lord, even his dog and cat and farm animals will be the better for it. It was WILLIAM JAY who wrote that a person, when he comes to Christ, will be better IN EVERY RELATIONSHIP. He is a better husband, father, master, worker, and friend than before or else his religion is not genuine. CHARLES SPURGEON once said, "Do you hear one saying, 'I keep my religion to myself'? Well, friend, you do not have to worry about it being stolen. You do not have to put it under lock and key; there is not enough of it to even tempt Satan to take it from you. A man who can keep his godliness to himself has so small a portion, I am afraid it will be of no credit to him nor any blessing to anyone else." I ASK THREE QUESTIONS CONCERNING OUR FAITH! (1) Does it cause us to pray? worship God? give thanks? (2) Does it cause us to seek His will, His word, and His way? (3) Does it cause us to "be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven us"?
Someone once wrote: "I glory in that which at the present day is so much spoken against -- SECTARIANISM! I find it applied to ALL CHRISTIANS who believe the word of God. If a man be in earnest and sincerely holds to the truth of the word of God, he is called a sectarian, a bigot, and worse. Let me tell you, when we cease, each of us, to hold to the old paths, to maintain our viewers[???] of truth, and to maintain those truths firmly and strenuously, then TRUST SHALL FLY OUT OF THE LAND AND ERROR ALONE SHALL REIGN! Success to sectarianism! May it live and flourish!"
"That they all may be one: as Thou, Father, are in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us" (John 17:21). I know that there is a oneness between the Father and the Son in nature, essence, power, and purpose which transcends any kind of union among men. But our Lord prays that "all believers may be one; as Thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee." So here on this earth, WE ARE ONE IN FAITH. We all believe Christ, receive Christ, and agree in the main point of the gospel -- salvation only in, by, and through our Lord Jesus. WE ARE ONE IN AFFECTION. He is our first love; but, by His grace, we do love one another and are forever knit together in that love. WE HAVE ONE COMMON GOAL -- the glory of our blessed Lord. In works of faith and labors of love, in trials or in prosperity, in giving or receiving our song is the same, "To God be the glory." WE HAVE THE SAME CARE ONE FOR ANOTHER (1 Corinthians 12:26), "and when one member of His body suffers, all the members of the body suffer with it; or if one member of His body be honored (fulfilled and happy), all the members rejoice with it." AND BY THIS SHALL ALL MEN KNOW THAT YOU ARE MY DISCIPLES!
"Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith" (Hebrews 10:22).
Assurance of salvation and a saving interest in our Lord Jesus is NOT A FEELING cultivated by thinking good thoughts and doing good deeds. Paul calls it "full assurance of faith." It has to do with faith, with BELIEVING GOD! Assurance is born of CONFIDENCE IN THE FATHER as our covenant God; "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." Assurance is born of CONFIDENCE IN THE SON as our just God and Saviour; "By His stripes we are healed." Assurance is born of CONFIDENCE IN HIS PROMISES; "Abraham was fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was able also to perform." So your assurance of redemption is not enhanced by the MORE YOU WORK, but by the MORE YOU TRUST AND REST IN HIM. "Let us labor therefore to enter into THAT REST" (Hebrews 4:11).
"Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be SWIFT TO HEAR." Let us seize upon every opportunity to hear the word of our Lord from a faithful preacher.
"Let us be SLOW TO SPEAK," either for or against what is heard without thoroughly weighing and considering it in the light of Scripture and the person and work of Christ.
"Let us be SLOW TO WRATH." A passionate, angry spirit is seldom teachable. The wrath of man does not promote nor persuade men of the righteousness of Christ, and a harsh demeanor does not adorn the gospel of the grace of God!
1 CORINTHIANS 15:48-49
"As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly" (1 Corinthians 15:48-49).
As was Adam's body, so are the bodies of those who descend from Adam. They are houses of clay which rise out of the earth, are maintained by the things of the earth and will return to the earth. As in Christ's spiritual body after His resurrection (in which He now lives in heaven and in which He will come again), so will be the resurrected bodies of all believers (Acts 1:9-11; 1 John 3:2). As we have borne the image, frailty and mortality of our representative, Adam, having a body subject to sin, infirmity and death, so we shall one day bear the image of our Representative, Christ Jesus, having a spiritual body created in righteousness and true holiness (Romans 5:17-19).
It is not good for people to spend their lives seeking God and not finding peace in Him. It is not good that we should be ever learning and never able to rest in the knowledge of Christ. It is not good to be always doubting, and when asked about our doubts to make the untrue excuse, "Oh, I am not doubting God, I am only doubting myself," No! It is God who promised life in Christ, and it is God whom we are doubting. He said, "I am Alpha an Omega, the beginning and the end, I WILL GIVE UNTO HIM THAT IS ATHRIST OF THE FOUNTAIN OF THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY." (Revelation 21:6). And let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Revelation 22:17). Of this promise BONAR wrote, "Thirsty one, it is with the WATER and not the VESSEL that our souls need to be concerned! It is not the quality of your vessel, but the quality of the water of life (Christ Jesus) that satisfies, sanctifies, and purifies! And he whose pride will not allow him to drink from a weak, soiled, and broken vessel (such is the best faith) must die of thirst; and he who puts away the promise of reconciliation because of imperfect faith must die the death." He who says, "I believe the right doctrine, but I don't believe it in the right way; therefore, I can't have peace" is looking totally in the wrong direction and will never find peace.
The word "mortify" means to deaden, subdue, or be dead. As Paul wrote in Romans 6:11, "Reckon yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ, our Lord." What means can be used to subdue our sinful tendencies?
1. LABOR TO SUPPRESS THE THOUGHTS OF SIN. The old nature with its appetites and desires cannot be annihilated, but it can be suppressed by not cultivating and enjoying the thoughts of sin.
2. CONSIDER WHAT A WRETCHED THING SIN IS. It is called "the filthiness of the flesh and spirit" (2 Corinthians 7:1). Sin is called "the works of the devil," and our sins crucified our Lord.
3. PASS THE TIME OF YOUR SOJOURNING HERE IN FEAR. "The fear of the Lord is a bridle to sin," said Mr. Spurgeon. Solomon wrote, "By mercy and truth iniquity is purged; and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil" (Proverbs 16:6). It is said of the wicked, "There is no fear of God before their eyes."
4. AVOID THE COMPANY OF WORLDLY PEOPLE, He who would not catch the flu should stay away from people who have the flu. If you would suppress your evil nature, cultivate the fellowship of believers whose language, amusements, and conduct honor God.
5. BE OFTEN IN THE SERVICES OF WORSHIP AND PREACHING. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord" (Colossians 3:16).
6. BE MUCH IN PRAYER. "Hold up my goings, Lord, in Thy paths, that my footsteps slip not" (Psalm 17:5). Here is a prayer I found in some old clippings which fits well here. "Lord, keep me from dishonoring Thee. Keep me from these defiling sins of my day, that I may not be worse for the times, nor the times worse because of me. Keep back thy servant from presumptuous sins. Keep me; for as a little child is only safe in the parent's arms, so I am only safe in Thee."
You may impose all sorts of rules, regulations, requirements, rituals, and organizations on churches and individuals; but if the Lord does not have their hearts, it is all futile. However, a heart devoted to Christ is a heart in love; and true love needs none of these things. "I am His and He is mine."
It is not easy to preach the gospel of free grace because by nature we are prone to get bound by a system. It is very easy to get bound to a creed or a system or denominational guidelines, and then try to make God's Word fit that system, fit that creed, or fit those guidelines. We begin to hunt what we already believe in the Bible, and that is dangerous. I've heard many Arminian preachers tremble lest they go an inch beyond John Wesley, or an inch beyond Arminius, or an inch beyond some other famous free-will preacher. Then I've heard some Calvinists, some sovereign grace preachers, who speak as if John Calvin were the final authority. Well, these men are not the final authority... It is time that the Scripture becomes our final authority... We are to seek to preach the Word of God -- not what Baptists believe; the Word of God, not what Calvinists believe... I really don't know any difference in what they call high doctrine and low doctrine. I read these statements, "That's high doctrine -- that's low doctrine." Well, if God's Word teaches it that's enough; and if God's Word doesn't teach it, let's do away with it.
"Grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 5:21. The grace that saves the sinner is not mere pity and sentiment such as we find in the creature. The grace that saves sinners is established on the principles of an honored law and a satisfied justice, Romans 3:23-26. Grace does not ignore the law nor set aside its requirements. No! It establishes the law, Romans 3:31. Grace establishes the law because it has a Substitute who perfectly fulfilled the law and endured the death penalty for all who believe, in order that God may be both just and justifier.
Law manifests what is in men -- SIN! Grace manifests what is in God -- LOVE!
Law demands righteousness from men! Grace brings righteousness to men!
Law sentences men to death! Grace brings dead men to life!
Law speaks of what I must do! Grace tells what Christ has done!
Law gives knowledge of sin! Grace puts away sin!
"O to grace how great a debtor, daily I'm constrained to be"
When a person stands before a mirror, he sees three things -- the mirror, himself, and other things which are in the room. When I sincerely look by faith into the Scriptures, I see many things, but primarily three things.
(1) I see the LORD JESUS CHRIST, for He verily is the WORD OF GOD. It is of Him, from Him, and to His glory that it is written. "To Him give all the prophets witness."
(2) I see MYSELF as I truly am, for the word reveals the true nature and need of this son of Adam. "Lord, be merciful to me, the sinner! Let Thy blood atone for me on the mercy-seat."
(3) I see OTHER PEOPLE and my RELATIONSHIP and my RESPONSIBILITY to them! The image of myself reflected in a mirror is larger than others in the room, but NOT SO WITH THE SCRIPTURES. "And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. Even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:27-28). Paul rebuked those at Ephesus who "walked in the vanity of their own minds and desires," and said to them, "You have not so learned Christ." The person who is often in the word of Christ is often in prayer, in concern, and in the care and concerns of others!
Peace without truth is a false peace! Unity without the gospel of Christ is a worthless unity. Let us never be ensnared by those who advocate a peace and unity without Christ's righteousness and atoning blood. There was no one who loved peace and unity more than the Apostle Paul; yet when he saw the Apostle Peter act contrary to REDEMPTION BY GRACE (Galatians 2:11), Paul withstood him to his face and publicly rebuked him. We dare not sacrifice our peace with God, in Christ, for the sake of a peaceful co-existence with this religious world. We dare not lose that blessed "fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ" in order to live without controversy among men. Let us remember the words of our Master, "Do not think that I come to bring peace ON EARTH; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" (Matthew 10:34).
I am sure that I can sympathize with WILLIAM CAREY when he said of his son, Felix, who left his missionary ministry to become an ambassador for the Queen of England, "Felix has shriveled into an ambassador;" meaning to say that he was once a great person as a missionary of the gospel of God's grace, but now he has accepted a comparatively insignificant office. If a man forsakes his spiritual work because he finds there is so much else to do, he, too, shrivels into something less than what he was before. "Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all THESE THINGS shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).
Last Sunday I pointed to the fact that when we really believe the above statement and are confident that by the providence, power, and purpose of God "all things work together" for our good and His glory, it keeps us from blaming others, from bitterness, and from depression. With that in mind, I repeat an article."
"It is GOOD for me that I have been AFFLICTED; that I MIGHT LEARN Thy ways" (Psalm 119:71). God's ways and God's word are best learned by experience and in time of trouble. When our Lord is pleased to lay His hand heavily upon us, we do not soon forget the lessons learned. When the Lord singles out a believer or a church for special affliction and adversity, it is not for punishment nor lack of love for them; it is for eternal blessings and because He does love them. "Whom the Lord loveth" he chastens, corrects, and teaches! When Job sat before his friends, who was afflicted? THE ONE GOD LOVED! When Paul stood before King Agrippa, who wore the chains? THE ONE GOD LOVED! Humanly speaking, which path of life would you prefer to live on earth, that of Esau or Jacob? Esau had the life of prosperity and ease; Jacob was full of trouble and conflict, BUT GOD LOVED JACOB! Thank God He has loved us in Christ and is pleased to teach us His ways by dealing with us in such a way that we are weaned from the world and find our life, comfort, and hope only in Him. A person who measures his blessings and relationship with God by his prosperity, health, happiness, and worldly comforts makes a fatal mistake. "If ye be without chastisement, whereof all believers are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons" (Hebrews 12:8). Paul said, "Most gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me" (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). He who sends the trial for His glory and my good will supply the grace sufficient. Those who know the Redeemer, also know that when we are weak, we are strong; when we are poor, we are rich; when we are empty, we are full; when we die) we live!
That God is able in His mercy, grace, and wisdom to make a way for our sins to be laid on a substitute and the guilty sinner to go free is the greatest glory of His nature that He has seen fit to reveal. "O the depths of the riches, both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God; how unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out."
The story is told of a certain pastor who was disturbed greatly because one of his dear brethren was getting too involved in other things and was absent from the worship services. One Sunday evening at the close of the service, the pastor went to his friend's house and found him sitting before an open fire. Somewhat startled by the appearance of his pastor (who spoke not a word), the man pulled up another chair before the fire, waiting for words of rebuke from his visitor; but none came. The minister took his seat before the fire and silently took the tongs and lifted a glowing coal from the midst of its fellows and LAID IT BY ITSELF ON THE HEARTH. Remaining silent, both men watched the blaze die and the coal grow dark. Then the truant brother opened his mouth and said, "You need not say a word, pastor; I will be there Wednesday night.